ancestral snake

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Afterwards, Gu Xuan and a group of people wandered around Zifangfang City, but unfortunately they did not find such a treasure as the blood orchid tree.After walking around for more than an hour, everyone felt a little bored, so they found a restaurant.Asked for a private room, several people began to eat and drink, Gu Xuan took out ten wine gourds and handed them to Xiaoer, telling him to fill them all up.Now Gu Xuan likes spirit wine very much, after one sip, his whole body feels comfortable.

More than three hours passed, and everyone had already drank more than 300 catties of spirit wine, and everyone felt a little drifting.But no one can force the smell of alcohol out of the body. At their level, it is very difficult to get drunk. Unless you get drunk deliberately, it is very difficult to get drunk.Only this kind of forgetting everything and letting go of all the minds will be confused by the smell of alcohol. This is what they want.Once the bill was settled, several people came to a place to rent a cave, and one person rented a set of caves, and everyone entered their own caves to rest.

As soon as Gu Xuan entered the cave, he fell into a deep sleep.This sleep lasted several hours, and when he woke up again, it was already dark.I didn't go out again and started to meditate.

Silent all night!
The next day, just after dawn, the entire Liberty City was already buzzing with people, and it was extremely lively.Most of the tribes of the Yaozu have arrived. The trade fair in Liberty City is held every three years. Each time it takes three days, the venue for the fair is on the square. By this day, all the stalls on the square have been planned. It is divided into three areas, Lingshi Trading Area, Half Lingshi Trading Area, and Bartering Area.

The spirit stone exchange area means that all treasures have been traded with spirit stones, and other things are not recognized.The semi-spiritual stone trading area is a little more relaxed, you can trade with spiritual stones, and you can also pay off debts with that treasure.As long as the counterparty agrees to the transaction.And the barter area is naturally exchanging treasures for treasures. People in this area need to pay ten spirit crystals to get a pavement, and you can display your own treasures.Waiting for someone to change, you can also move freely, choose the treasure you need in the whole area, and you will pay ten spirit crystals in advance.

As soon as Gu Xuan came out of the cave, he found the blood knife, and She Yi had been waiting at the door for a long time, so he asked, "Where are the others?"

"The others haven't woken up yet, but Xuedao and I are just used to it, it's like this every day, so you don't have to think about it!" Snake Yi said aloud!Xue Dao just nodded, as he had greeted Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan didn't mind, because if he was alone for a long time, he would become a little cold.

"Tell them, let's go first!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he took out the message beads and sent a message, then nodded to the two of them, and then left the cave, and the three of them headed directly towards Free Square City , When they arrived in Fangshi, they realized that they were already late.Xue Dao said a few words to the two of them and then left alone. As soon as the snake saw this, he also left alone. Gu Xuan didn't care, and started to spin around alone.

There are the most people in the Lingshi trading area, but most of them are cultivators of the Jindan Nascent Soul realm. Gu Xuan glanced at it and didn't go in. Instead, he walked towards the half-lingshi trading area. Xuan this level.Along the way, Gu Xuan didn't open his mouth, just like a passerby, after a quick glance, Gu Xuan lost interest.

Exit directly from the half spirit stone trading area, and came to the barter area. Gu Xuan handed over ten spirit crystals and entered the barter area.Sure enough, the things here are much higher grade than what I have seen before.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know what you want to exchange for this bright eye flower?" A cultivator with a tiger's head and human body asked the stall owner!

"If you want Mingmu flowers, you can exchange them with star pattern iron, or star iron, and the rest will be ignored!" The stall owner glanced at the big man with a tiger head and said without raising his head. Famous Tiger people have star pattern iron, or star iron.

"Okay, this is star-pattern iron. It's enough to refine a magic weapon. Hurry up and wrap up the bright eye flower!" The tiger tribe threw a piece of star-pattern iron on the pavement and shouted at the stall owner.The stall owner also felt like he was dreaming. He was stunned for a moment, then put the bright eye flower into a jade box with joy on his face, and handed it to the tiger tribe. The tiger tribe inspected it, grinned, and left.

Gu Xuan watched the two of them finish the transaction, and came to this booth, pointed to a token and said, "I don't know how to trade this token?"

"If you want a token, you can take a piece of Wannian black iron!" The stall owner looked half-dead.

"I don't know if the ten thousand year cold iron will work?" Hearing Gu Xuan's words, the stall owner jumped up, his eyes lit up and said: "Do you really have ten thousand year cold iron?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and in his hand was a dark green stone the size of a human head, shining with a faint light, it was Wannian Hantie.Seeing this, the stall owner narrowed his eyes excitedly.Rubbing his hands together, he stared fieryly at the Wannian Hantie in Gu Xuan's hand.

"Boss, do you think my Hantie is a bit big? I can completely refine three magic weapons. I'm at a disadvantage. Tell me what to do!"

"Well, little brother, as long as you give me this piece of cold iron, besides the token, which one do you like on the pavement, how about it?" The stall owner also gritted his teeth and said, knowing that his talisman is the Poor this last material.And he also saw it very accurately, no matter the quality or appearance of Gu Xuan's Wannian cold iron, it was absolutely top-grade, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

Hearing what the stall owner said, Gu Xuan gave the Wannian cold iron to the stall owner. After collecting the token himself, he looked at the stall for a long time and found that other items were of little use to him, so he casually I chose a piece of copper mother fine gold, and then left.

Along the way, Gu Xuan found many rare items, but he didn't have the treasures that the other party needed, so he could only sigh.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan stopped in his footsteps, because he saw several people, one of them was Ye Xuanji of Gui Yuanzong.She Qianshan and Yuhuatian were traveling together, and the status of the remaining two was not low.She Qianshan and the others also saw Gu Xuan, so they had no choice but to go up to say hello.

"Come to Guxuan, let me introduce you. This is Ao Zhen, a genius from the Dragon Clan, and Tu Feng, a genius from the Huadan Sect. You know Gui Yuanzong's Ye Daoist, so I won't introduce you!" She Qianshan After finishing speaking, he pointed to Gu Xuan and said, "This is the genius of our clan, Gu Xuan!"

Ao Zhen was full of arrogance, even more arrogant than Yu Huatian, glanced at Gu Xuan, and just nodded, while Tu Feng from Huadan Sect smiled slightly at Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan exchanged a few words with him, and then We took the opportunity to separate.

When he walked to the middle of the barter area, Gu Xuan finally found a treasure, the evergreen god tree seedlings. It is said that the evergreen god tree is a branch of the ancient building tree that was scattered and then took root and grew, forming the current evergreen god tree. This is a treasure of cultivation. When it matures, it can gather the strange spiritual energy between heaven and earth.It was also a sought-after product in ancient times. Unfortunately, since ancient times, although some people have discovered the seedlings of the evergreen tree from time to time, it is a pity that they cannot make them grow quickly. It can be said to be a tasteless treasure.But Gu Xuan is different. He has the book of heaven and earth, which is full of vitality of heaven and earth, which is no different from the environment of ancient times. It can be fully matured quickly.

"Staller, how do you trade the Evergreen Shenmu?" Gu Xuan stepped forward and asked directly!The stall owner opened his eyes when he heard someone asking for the price, raised his head and glanced at Gu Xuan, and said, "One piece of Ziyu Xiantao, or one piece of Ziyuan Pill, nothing else will be exchanged!"

Gu Xuan pondered for a moment and said: "Fellow Daoists want Ziyu Xiantao and Ziyuan Pill. I think it is to break through the current realm. I have a pill that can make you break through the current realm, but the person who takes the medicine needs great perseverance, otherwise it will only fall short. , but as long as you persevere, you will definitely break through the current realm, and even break through a small realm!" After speaking, he turned his hand and took out a pill, and anyone could feel the surging power of it.

"What kind of elixir is this?" The stall owner asked with some doubts!

"Barrier Breaking Pill! It is suitable for cultivators of all levels." After Gu Xuan finished speaking, the stall owner became contemplative, and after half a stick of incense, he agreed to Gu Xuan's deal with a heartbeat. He gave the Breaking Barrier Pill to the stall owner, and put away the Evergreen Shenmu.

At this moment, Gu Xuan felt the message bead move, took it out to have a look, but it was a message from the blood knife, saying that he found a blood stone, but unfortunately he didn't have many treasures on him, so he asked Gu Xuan to help.After Gu Xuan heard that it was the bloodstone, his heart moved. The bloodstone is an extremely rare treasure, and it is the best material for refining bloodline inheritance treasures.It has always been a rare item, and it is rarely passed on to the outside world. At this time, there is actually a blood stone in the trade fair, which will definitely make everyone flock to it.There will definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers at that time.

Sure enough, when Gu Xuan arrived, there were already crowds of people around the Bloodstone booth.Gu Xuan found that there was no place to stay, and when he was about to force his way in, a voice came, which made many people who were still squeezing each other stop.

"Everyone, stop here and don't get crowded. In view of the large number of people who want the bloodstone, we will hold an auction. Only the bloodstone will be auctioned. The base price is 30 spirit crystals. You can increase the price at will, but after the settlement In reality, other treasures should be prioritized. Of course, you have the treasures needed by the owner of the Bloodstone, which can be traded directly, and the treasures comparable to the Bloodstone, which can be directly exchanged at the same value. Of course, all trading rights are in the blood In the hands of the owner of the stone, if the owner of the bloodstone finally feels that all the items are not suitable for his needs, he can not trade at all." A voice came to mind out of thin air, and just after the words fell, an old man in white robes appeared in the air, but it was from Liberty City. Santo.

"Okay, let's bid for the auction now! No noise is allowed!" the owner of Liberty City began to host the auction after speaking loudly.

"My snake tribe produced four top-grade spiritual weapons!" Gu Xuan was the first to make an offer, and directly released four top-quality spiritual weapons, which shocked many people for a while.

"My Rat Clan produced five top-grade spiritual weapons!"

"My fox clan produces 50 spirit crystals!"


All of a sudden there were quotations everywhere, and everyone was trying to win, Gu Xuan frowned, he would definitely suffer a loss if he went on like this, if he wanted to solve this matter and get the blood stone, as long as he knew what the stall owner needed, he would do whatever he liked. OK.Gu Xuan is not the only one who is smart, seeing the huge scene of quotation, many people thought of this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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