ancestral snake

Chapter 130 Seriously Injured and Exiled

Chapter 130 Seriously Injured and Exiled

As soon as the voice rang, there was an incomparably mighty aura that swept over, the aura was so strong that it made one's heart startled.Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the void, covered in black robes, with killing intent in his eyes.The soaring aura burst out, even the surrounding space was distorted, and waves of void ripples spread towards Gu Xuan and the others.Jin Qiong let out a cold snort, releasing a shocking aura. When the two auras collided, black space cracks spread all over the void, and crackling sounds continued to resound.The aura of the two continued to increase, and after a few breaths, the aura of the two had reached its peak.A gust of wind suddenly appeared in the valley, and endless clouds and mist also began to float.

"Blood Patriarch, Bi Patriarch, hurry up and help Jin Patriarch, don't hold back!" Gu Xuan shrank his eyes, and shouted at the blood butcher and Bi Taotian beside him!The appearance of the man in black caused a sense of danger to Gu Xuan's heart for no reason. He released his consciousness to observe the surrounding tens of miles, but found nothing.This raised Gu Xuan's heart even more, and he was on guard. Seeing the confrontation between Jin Qiong and the black-robed man, Gu Xuan felt that the crisis became clearer, so he directly asked the blood butcher and Bi Taotian to take action, and he was secretly on guard. with.

A bloody color flashed in the eyes of the blood butcher, and he made a tactic with his hands. After a few breaths, a blood snake several tens of feet long appeared, but it was only as thick as a thumb, and shot towards the black-robed man in the void like an arrow.The speed of the blood snake is extremely fast, and it can't dodge at all in the blink of an eye. In addition, the man in black is facing Jin Qiong again. point.

The blood snake entangled the black-robed man in an instant, and the whole body of the black-robed man shook, and the blood snake was scattered, but he seemed to underestimate the supernatural power of the blood butcher.When the blood snake was scattered by the shock, it turned into countless tiny blood snakes and directly drilled into the body of the black-robed man.These blood snakes actually ignored the protective shield of true energy and shot straight in. The man in black robe who was confronting Jin Qiong suddenly paused.

With a long roar, Jin Qiong released all his aura, and the aura of the man in black receded like a tide.With a muffled grunt, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and retreated wildly. At this moment, all the blood snakes that had penetrated into his body erupted. The man in black robe felt the blood in his body flowing continuously. He was startled, and then began to circulate his true energy , expel the blood snake in the body.

Bi Taotian opened his mouth and spat out a small emerald green sword, but it was the poison of his own life. The poisonous arrow shone coldly, and even the void was slightly distorted. The handprint finally turned into a mountain and moved towards the poisonous sword to suppress it.

The poisonous sword collided with the mountain, without the collision that everyone imagined, the poisonous sword trembled slightly, and pierced the mountain.Continue to stab the man in black. Seeing that the man in black is about to be stabbed by the poisonous sword, the danger in Gu Xuan's heart becomes clearer. Suddenly, his spiritual sense senses a slight change in the space, and he quickly activates the special space artistic conception. came out, covering their area, and shouted at the three of Jin Qiong: "Be careful!"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, the three of them immediately came to Gu Xuan's surroundings and protected him. At this moment, the poisonous sword in front of the man in black suddenly stopped and turned into countless fragments. Seeing this, Bi Taotian froze. With a snort, these fragments condensed into a poisonous sword again, piercing directly into the black-robed man's body at the same speed as before.The black-robed man trembled, his face turned green, and he seemed to want to detoxify. Unfortunately, the poison was only one ten-thousandth of the venom of the black water black snake, otherwise the black-robed man would have turned into a pool of black water long ago.

"Be careful!" Jin Qiong said to the three of them, looking into the distance solemnly, and saw the void next to the man in black trembling, making waves of ripples. At this moment, a pair of hands stretched out from the void. Come out, tear the void to the two sides, a pitch-black space door appeared, a destructive aura came out from the space door, and another man in black robe appeared, and cast a cold glance at Gu Xuan and the others , that kind of look is like a person looking at an ant on the ground, no matter how much you jump around, it is impossible to be a human opponent, as long as you think about it, you can kill it with a wave of your hand.

"I paid my respects to the secret envoy, my subordinate let the secret envoy down!" The injured man in black struggled to salute, but he was seriously injured, so he couldn't move!The person known as the secret envoy pressed his hand and made dozens of handprints on Anyi's body, only to see Anyi's body trembling for a while, as if he was enduring great pain again.The man in the black robe waved his hand, and his true essence turned into a sharp blade, stabbing at An Yi's limbs, four streams of dark green blood spurted out from An Yi's body, An Yi panted heavily, and said humanely to the black robe: "Thank you, the secret envoy, for saving your life!"

The man in black didn't make too many movements, turned around to look at Gu Xuan and the others, finally put his gaze on Gu Xuan, sized him up, and then said: "Think about it, one is to swear allegiance, and the other is to swear You are exiled to the turbulence of the void, you choose for yourself!"

"Old Ancestor, don't resist for a while, just leave the rest to me!" Gu Xuan sent a sound transmission to Jin Qiong and the others!
"Senior shouldn't be from this world. His cultivation is as high as the sky, so why do you want to hide your head and show your tail?" Gu Xuan stared at the man in black and asked directly!
"What are you thinking about? If you swear to surrender, then you will know and want to know everything, how are you usually, or how are you, just need to help at critical moments. For you, it is absolutely worthwhile, even if If you disagree, I can also tell you clearly that my master is not interested in the forces in the cultivation world. Although some things may have some impact on you forces, you can rest assured that you will know when the time comes. Even if you think about it, you will not swear, I will banish you to the turbulence of the void, as punishment for those of you who hurt me, whether you can live or not depends on your luck." After the black robe man finished speaking, he put his hands together. With a pull, a large piece of space disappeared, turning into a huge crack in space, devouring towards Gu Xuan and the others.

"Three ancestors, don't resist, let's go!" Gu Xuan's divine sense wrapped the three of them, and the four of them directly entered the turbulent space. They had no choice but to fight. In the flow, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.Just after Gu Xuan and the others were exiled to the turbulent space, the black-robed man also disappeared on Yinwu Star with An Yi.

"Gu Xuan, where is this?" The blood butcher looked at the elixir valley in surprise and asked!Jin Qiong and Bi Taotian also looked shocked, because the elixir in the elixir valley is extremely rare in the cultivation world, and the lowest age is a thousand-year elixir.It is not worse than the elixir garden of these people!

"Don't be surprised, my ancestor. This is an ancient small world. I have been passed down by an ancient alchemy master. This small world is the carrier of the inheritance. We are absolutely safe here, and we are not afraid even if we encounter space faults!" Gu Xuan It is also a little proud to say!

As soon as Gu Xuan finished speaking, his face froze, and the hearts of the three of Jin Qiong also froze, did something happen?Then Gu Xuan said happily: "Three patriarchs, let's go out! We have already escaped from the turbulent void, it seems that our luck is good!"

The three of them had a false alarm, and when they heard Gu Xuan say the turbulent flow of the void, they were all very excited. As soon as their thoughts moved, the four of them disappeared in the book of heaven and earth. Gu Xuan and Jin Qiong appeared on a mountain top, almost People released their spiritual sense to investigate, and Gu Xuan looked a little shocked, because the planet they were on at this time was Zidan Star!
"Old Ancestor, let me take you to a place!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared on the top of the mountain. Jin Qiong pulled Gu Xuan back and said, "Where are you going? Tell me!" , I'll take you there directly!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Xuan remembered that the ancestors around him could teleport, so he engraved the location of Death Lake into the jade slip and handed it to Jin Qiong. After Jin Qiong read it, he wrapped the three of them together, It disappeared in the same place, and when it reappeared, it was already at the edge of the Death Lake. The three of them looked at the Death Lake, their eyes were full of excitement. Gu Xuan saw everything in his eyes, and he was also a little puzzled. A place I don't know?

"Old Ancestor, what's wrong with watching the Dead Lake?"

"Boy, you have made great achievements this time. Do you know that the bloodline that my monster clan values ​​most? The Dragon Clan has the Dragon Gate and Hualong Pond, the Tiger Clan has the Tiger Mouth, the Phoenix Clan has the Immortal Volcano, the Xuangui Clan has the Xuanwu Lake, and almost all the races in the world have inherited sacred objects. But only my Snake Clan has no inherited sacred objects. The Ancestor Snake left the clan and traveled abroad, and the Nine King Snake Ancestors began to study the inheritance of sacred objects, but unfortunately they still failed in the end."

"Just before the shattering of heaven and earth in the early days, the ancestor of Heavenly Snake finally returned and brought back the refining method of inheriting the sacred objects. However, with the changes of the times, the method left by the ancestor is not suitable, but it is based on the nine kings. Snake scales and blood essence are the main materials, and three drops of blood essence from all members of the clan. After collecting these materials, the rest is to find blood. The more the better, the refining will start after collecting all the materials. Using the essence and blood of the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake as the source, assimilate some of this blood every few hundred years. At that time, the clansmen can go in to absorb this blood and temper their own blood. As for which one is awakened? It depends on God's will. After so many years, our family has gathered everything, the only thing missing is this last blood, I didn't expect to meet here today, God bless my family!"

"Old Ancestor, how do you collect so much blood!"

"Hehe, Gu Xuan, after you return to the clan this time, you can go to the Inheritance Pavilion to get a dragon snake gourd, which was specially bred by our clan to collect blood. Unfortunately, the space for the gourds bred now is small. Every gourd in the world is an innate treasure, and it can hold a world in it, but there is only one left in the clan, and it is still stored in the ancestral land, and all the materials are also in that gourd!" Jin Qiong finished speaking , took out a sapphire-colored gourd, and began to absorb the blood in the lake of death.

(End of this chapter)

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