ancestral snake

Chapter 138 Collecting exercises and wanting to create methods

Chapter 138 Collecting exercises and wanting to create methods

After Heitan completely passed the catastrophe, the sky was already completely dark. Many clan elders discussed for a while, and the elder of Chuangong said loudly: "The catastrophe of the ancestors of Heitan has been passed, and there is one more ancestor in our clan. You don’t have to worry about going through the catastrophe in the future. The ancestor of Heitan was born in a secret place, and he has the breath of the dragon in his body, which made the catastrophe change. You were born on the sky snake star, so there is no need to worry about the catastrophe in the future. Well, from now on Tomorrow, our clan will hold a three-day celebration to congratulate the ancestors of Heitan on passing the catastrophe, and we will all go back to prepare. The ancestors of Heitan will be there then!"

Hearing what the elder Chuan Gong said, those clansmen who were in the period of crossing the catastrophe breathed a sigh of relief.Apparently they were also frightened by the Heavenly Tribulation in Heitan. Seeing it with their own eyes is not as good as hearing about it. Seeing the Heavenly Tribulation with their own eyes cast a shadow over their hearts.Now that they heard that there was another reason for the catastrophe in Heitan, they really relaxed, and they had a little more confidence in their hearts.The ancestors of Heitan can even survive such a strange catastrophe, their power of catastrophe is definitely not as powerful as that of Heitan, and their fear of crossing catastrophe is also a bit down.

When Heitan got up, three hours had passed again, and at this time, the only people who were still waiting for Heitan were the elders, Gu Xuan and others.

"Everyone, I need to retreat for three days to feel the transformation of the blood. I will definitely attend on the last day. Gu Xuan, this time the ancestor has accepted your favor again. After the ancestor leaves the customs, I will go to your place Once there, I'll be leaving first!" After Heitan finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot with a sway.Teleportation, this is the sign of a Mahayana master.A flash of envy flashed in everyone's eyes, and finally they set their eyes on Gu Xuan.

"Okay, clan elders, follow me to the cave, and you will know what it is in due course!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared before everyone's eyes.Then several elders chased after Gu Xuan, and She Qianshan and the others looked at each other, then released the flying boat and rushed towards Gu Xuan's cave.

After about a stick of incense, everyone arrived at Gu Xuan's cave, and Gu Long, who was still in retreat, was awakened. When he found that Gu Xuan had returned, he ran out, looking at Gu Xuan with surprise on his face. Called Master.Seeing the people behind Gu Xuan, he was so frightened that he hid beside Gu Xuan.

"Okay, let's all sit down, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, as soon as tomorrow is over, I should go to the Inheritance Pavilion to retreat." Gu Xuan pulled Gu Long to sit down, looked around the crowd and then said!
"Gu Xuan, didn't you just break through? Why do you want to retreat again?" She Qianshan asked with a puzzled face!
"My retreat this time is not for cultivation, but to learn from the powers and supernatural powers of the Inheritance Pavilion to create my own way and law. The skills I practice are incomplete and somewhat special, so I need to create my own in the future. , My cultivation base has reached the middle stage of leaving the body, and it will take at most 300 years to practice until the catastrophe period, so I will take advantage of the time before the opening of the ancestral land and go to the inheritance pavilion to observe for a while." Gu After Xuan finished speaking, his eyes were full of determination.

When they heard Gu Xuan's words, they all felt a shocking wave in their hearts. They will break through the tribulation stage within 300 years, and they have to create their own exercises.This is a rhythm against the sky, and this person is right in front of their eyes.The eyes of everyone looking at Gu Xuan changed, they only thought of Gu Xuan as a clansman with amazing talent.But now they discovered the gap between themselves and others and Gu Xuan, 300 years breakthrough to the transcending catastrophe period, if it was said by others, they would definitely spread their noses, but it is a bit different when the words are spoken by Gu Xuan, What Gu Xuan did made them recognized.And Gu Xuan's cultivation speed also dispelled the suspicion in their hearts.Involuntarily chose to believe his words.

For a moment, everyone in the cave fell silent.Because they suddenly did not know how to speak, if they hadn't heard Gu Xuan's words, they would have spoken without hesitation.Hearing Gu Xuan's words at this time, they also knew that Gu Xuan's road was many times more difficult than theirs, but Gu Xuan still had the confidence to break through to the tribulation stage within 300 years.As for the catastrophe, they knew that every time Gu Xuan broke through a level, there would be a catastrophe. Everyone knew that Gu Xuan would not take the catastrophe to heart.It must be the treasure given to Heitan this time.So, they were all silent, unwilling to speak again!
Seeing that no one spoke, Gu Xuan understood what these people were thinking after a little thought, and was a little moved in his heart.But the real reason is only clear to him, with a thought, three gourds were added in his hand, one gourd contained Biluo spring water, the other contained Sanguang divine water, and the last gourd contained Du'er pill refined by Gu Xuan.

With a wave of his hand, the three gourds landed in front of the elder Chuangong, and said to the crowd: "This is what I left for the clan, one gourd of Biluo spring water, which contains the power of life, one gourd of three lights of divine water, three lights of divine water I think you have heard it before, so I won’t explain too much. In the last gourd is the Doer Dan I refined. There are 72 pills in total. I think it’s enough for the family to use for a while. It should be enough for the clansmen to use it for three years. Before the ancestral land is opened, I will not leave the inheritance pavilion, so after I settle in the inheritance pavilion, don't bother me if there is no major event! If it is really useful for me, don't worry about me anymore. Just come to me directly!"

After hearing Gu Xuan's words, She Cheng shook his hand holding the gourd, his face full of disbelief.But in an instant, he suppressed his emotions, got up and bowed deeply to Gu Xuan, and the rest of the people also got up and bowed deeply when they saw this, this time Gu Xuan didn't stop him, and just accepted them.

"Gu Xuan, since you've made your decision, we won't bother you any more. It's just that you postpone entering the Inheritance Pavilion for a day. I'll go back and discuss with the patriarch and gather all the people in the clan. After so many years, there are many people in the clan. They all should have some exercises, which were collected by them killing the enemies. This time, let them make a copy for you. You have done too much for the clan, this time it is the people of the clan who treat you Thank you very much!" After finishing speaking, She Cheng took out several jade slips and handed them to Gu Xuan, which obviously belonged to the exercises that She Cheng had collected by herself.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also took out some jade slips and books and handed them to Gu Xuan. This time, Gu Xuan was not polite and put them all away.

At this moment, Lin Zhou took out a blood-red book and said to Gu Xuan, "I obtained this in an ancient ruin, but it is the cultivation technique of the ancient dark night clan. Know if it helps!"

Gu Xuan took the Night Clan's skills in his hands and said: "Thank you, everyone. For me, the more skills and secrets, the better. As for the power, the level is irrelevant. Even the skills of the mortal world I will not dislike the method, there are thousands of ways, and all paths lead to the same goal. What I need is the uniqueness of these exercises, to learn from each other, to absorb their strengths, and to make the exercises I created more perfect."

"Since that's the case, let's take our leave without further ado!" After She Cheng finished speaking, all the people left.In the cave, there are only two masters and apprentices left in Guxuan.

"Teacher, this is a magic weapon of the cave. I will leave it to you as a teacher. You have already developed your spiritual wisdom and successfully transformed into a form. Don't rush to break through, but lay a solid foundation. The stronger the foundation, the better you will be in the future." The farther the road is, the more you drop your blood to recognize the Lord!" Gu Xuan took out the Palace of Longevity and handed it to Gu Long, Gu Long looked at Gu Xuan with some restraint, Gu Xuan didn't say much when he saw this, and stretched out his hand to Gu Xuan. Holding his left hand in his hand, he saw a drop of blood flying out of Gu Long's hand and landed on the Hall of Longevity. The blood was absorbed by the Hall of Longevity in the blink of an eye.A strange feeling appeared in Gu Long's heart.

"Okay, you take me in as a teacher, and I have some things to give to you!" In an instant, the two appeared in the Hall of Longevity. The fire refined it into a ten-foot-sized spirit crystal basin, buried it in the ground, and poured a stream of blue spring water into the spirit crystal basin as soon as the mind moved, and within a few breaths, the spirit crystal basin was filled.Then he took out ten lightning flashing beads, crushed them, and sprinkled them. It was the essence of thunder and lightning collected in the Sky Swallowing Bottle by the ancient Xuandu Tribulation.

"From now on, you will soak here for an hour every day to temper your body. The spring water and lightning essence here are enough for you to practice for a year. When your body reaches the strength of a low-grade magic weapon, the spring water will lose its effect. It's time for the teacher to leave the customs. When the time comes, I will make arrangements. When the teacher is away, I will go to you, Master She Qianshan, if I have anything to do. Do you understand?" Gu Xuan explained to Gu Long before leaving The Hall of Eternal Life.

Silent all night!
The next day, just before dawn, four melodious bells echoed over the Snake Clan.After hearing the bell, all core disciples, deacons, and elders must gather in the square at the foot of the main peak.After one stick of incense, the square was already crowded with people, and on the high platform in the middle of the square were the patriarch She Yan and a group of elders.Near the stone platform are the deacons and core disciples.

"Everyone, I called you here today because I have two important things to tell you. One is that the ancestor of our clan, Heitan, has survived the catastrophe and was promoted to a master of the Mahayana stage. From today onwards, Dahe San Day. The second thing is, after I discussed with many clan elders, the martial arts, supernatural powers and secret arts in the Inheritance Pavilion were all left to us by our ancestors, and we have not had time to sort them out for a long time. From today until the ancestral land opens During this period of time, the Inheritance Pavilion will not be open to the public, and the clan will send someone to sort it out. We will call everyone here today, first to say something, and second, to let the clan members record all the exercises, supernatural powers, and secret techniques that have been collected over the years. One copy, the family will screen and put it into the inheritance pavilion to increase the background of our family. There are no restrictions on these skills, secrets and supernatural powers, as long as they are not obtained by you in the inheritance pavilion, they can be handed over to the family. Because Time is running out, let's start now!" After speaking, She Yan nodded to many elders, and the clansmen in the square began to record.

(End of this chapter)

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