ancestral snake

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

After three months, if the special physique has not yet appeared, the person who will inherit it will be selected among ordinary cultivators. Myself, then—almost everyone is looking forward to not showing up with their special physique, so they have a chance.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​do you continue to wait here, or go back to the sect?"

"I plan to go back to the Zongmen first, just to realize something, and go back to the Zongmen to retreat for a while!" Tian Yihan said respectfully!

"Okay, you are indeed my disciple of Gui Yuanzong. Be careful all the way. You two, Chen Yuan and Han Yi, escorted Junior Brother Tian to Lanyue City, and saw Junior Brother Tian step into the teleportation array before returning here. Be careful that someone has ulterior motives!" After Senior Brother Bai finished speaking, he nodded to the three of them.The three of them left in the air, heading towards Lanyue City!
In the following time, thousands of comprehension practitioners went to enter the big formation every day, and the cultivation base of these comprehension practitioners was getting higher and higher, but unfortunately they all returned in vain.Only a small number of people, even though they lost some power of spirit and soul, have a more comprehensive understanding of their own xinxing.After failing to enter the battle, he left in a hurry and went back to retreat to understand his own gains.

Many cultivators came here just because of their fame, and they wanted to get the inheritance with a fluke in their hearts, but they didn't even pass the test.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. Gu Xuan, who was in seclusion, suddenly felt a change in the Desire and Soul Formation. He released his immortal thoughts to observe, only to find that the Desire and Soul Formation had condensed into a virtual space.If you want to absorb some power of the soul, you can transform it into a real formation space.

The two-year time limit has passed, and the disciples of the major sects who came here are all relieved, and the next step is to see their fortune.If they still can't pass the test of the big formation, it can only be said that they themselves are not capable.

"Chen Yuan, Han Yi, you two stay behind. I'll start. Today, our brothers and sisters will make a breakthrough. If we succeed, we can talk about everything. If we fail, we will not only lose some power of soul, but also in the wild beast plain It will be opened, and it will only be more than a year. If the soul is injured this time, this trip to the Wild Beast Plain will only be missed, so you must be careful after entering the battle, and it is best not to get greedy. Go, enter the battle !"

"Hahaha, Bai Yuming, you have to overestimate your own strength, don't capsize in the gutter, or this trip to the Wild Beast Plain will be very boring!" After a loud laugh, nine practitioners appeared.The person in the lead also has the cultivation base of the Transcendence Tribulation Period.Behind him were eight cultivators, seven cultivators in the tribulation stage, and a cultivator in the late stage of leaving the body.

"Xiao Li, this is the inheritance left by the seniors of my human race, how could it be possible for people from your monster race to touch it?" Bai Yu shrank his eyes brightly, staring at Xiao Li and said!

"Don't worry, I don't have the same knowledge as you, blood revenge, go around and see what's so extraordinary about the formation of the human race!" After Xiao Li finished speaking, he said to the black blood hatred behind him!Black Blood Feud is still the same as before, nodding to Xiao Li, with a cold face, blood-colored pupils give people a feeling of devouring blood, long silver-white hair hanging behind his head, walking towards the crypt without saying a word go.

Seeing the black blood feud entering the crypt, Bai Yuming had no choice but to wait aside, he was not willing to enter the battle with the people of the Yaozu.

Hei Xueqiu was not in a hurry, walked slowly, and soon came to the edge of the formation, and walked towards the formation without hesitation.As soon as he entered the big battle of black blood revenge, he felt that he was in a world of ice and snow, and he had already been severely injured. In front of him were the three cultivators of Gui Yuanzong, with evil smiles on their faces, and one of them was holding a spirit beast circle and staring at him covetously.

The black blood hatred is full of unwillingness, and he does not want to be other people's spirit beasts. As long as he can escape this catastrophe, he will definitely kill Gui Yuanzong's family, but his own strength is not enough. If he can get the inheritance this time, his strength will definitely As soon as this thought flashed through Heixueqiu's mind, he realized that an old man appeared in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, the three members of Gui Yuanzong were imprisoned.

The old man looked at Heixueqiu and said: "You are the inheritor of this seat, you should finish your own affairs first, and then go to accept the inheritance with this seat!"

Hei Xueqiu was overjoyed, and came to the side of the three of them, turned into his body, let out a long cry, his eyes were full of cruelty, opened his bloody mouth, bit the head of one of them, only heard a click sound, and returned after a while. The three of Yuanzong turned into a puddle of meat.Black Blood Chou laughed long and loudly, and shouted loudly: "Hahaha, I finally got my revenge, I got my revenge!"

At this moment, Heixueqiu felt his soul tremble, and the Heixueqiu who was laughing wildly woke up suddenly, and found himself in a crypt, where there was no old man, only then did he realize that what he experienced just now was just an illusion.

Gu Xuan was observing the Desire Transforming Soul Formation, and suddenly felt that someone had broken through the formation again, so he released his sense of consciousness to see, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, because he found out that the person who came was actually a black blood vendetta.After parting from the Blood Buddha Secret Realm, I didn't expect to meet again on such an occasion, but I didn't want to deceive Heixueqiu, so I came to Heixueqiu's side with a thought.

"Brother Hei, stay safe!"

Hei Xueqiu was startled by the sudden appearance of Gu Xuan, took a step back, and found that the person who came was actually Gu Xuan, his face was even more puzzled, blood flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Who the hell are you? "

"Brother Hei, even though it's been a few years since we left the Blood Buddha Secret Realm, it's not like you don't even know me!" Gu Xuan said with a big laugh!Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Black Blood Chou relaxed his whole body, and said suspiciously: "Gu Xuan, why are you here?"

"It's a long story, brother Hei, why did you come here?" Gu Xuan asked out of the question!

"The Desolate Beast Plain is about to open, and there is almost a year left. I followed my clan brother and others to visit the spiritual realm first. I didn't expect to hear that Lanyuexing's seniors at the level of Xuanxian were choosing the inheritance. People, I will come over with my clan brothers and others to have a look. My main body is the body of an ancient alien beast Xiaoyue Sirius bloodline mutated silver wolf. I just came here for a while to see the difference, but I didn't expect to meet you here!" Hei Xueqiu looked at him with surprise after speaking, as if he was waiting for his explanation.

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and said his plan. He wanted to refine a large formation and needed the power of the soul. The purpose of setting up the formation here was only some power of the soul, and he hoped that he could return it to Yuanzong. So far, there seem to be very few people returning to Yuanzong.

"Okay, Brother Hei, you already understand the matter of inheritance. Since the Wild Beast Plain is about to open, after I go out, I hope Brother Hei will do more publicity. This is a gourd of amethyst queen bee honey, but it's only one catty, so keep it I've given it to you, and these are nine blood essence beads that can strengthen your own energy and blood power, so I'll give it to you!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he took out a jasper gourd and three jade boxes and handed them to the black blood enemy.

The corner of Black Blood Chou's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but seeing Gu Xuan's gaze, he still didn't say anything, directly put away the gourd and jade box, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, just speak up if you have anything to do!"

The people outside the crypt waited for a stick of incense, and found that the black blood feud had not yet come out, Bai Yuming's face changed slightly, Xiao Li laughed loudly when he saw this, and the people who followed Xiao Li also looked happy.

A figure appeared outside the crypt, it was Black Blood Enemy, Xiao Li and the others felt relieved when they saw this, they had to know that although they looked happy before, they were somewhat worried in their hearts, at this moment, Black Blood Enemy Appeared intact in front of them.They are the ones who are really excited.

"Blood feud, have you passed the test formation, have you obtained the inheritance?" Xiao Li asked loudly!The cultivators around also hurriedly pricked up their ears and listened carefully. Regarding the inheritance, everyone was afraid that they would miss it.

"Although I passed the test of the Great Formation, I was unable to obtain the inheritance because of the demon clan, but I was given a catty of amethyst bee queen's honey, and nine blood essence beads, which can strengthen and restore Qi and blood are very suitable for people of my clan to use. However, this senior asked me to take him to convey a word. There is only one year left to test the grand formation. If no one can obtain his inheritance within a year, this The seniors will put away the big formation, and the inheritance will be transferred to other realms to wait for the arrival of the inheritor!" After the Black Blood Chou finished speaking, the crowd erupted in commotion.

Heixueqiu winked at Xiao Li, Xiao Li laughed a few times, and left with Heixueqiu and others!
"Let's go, everyone from Gui Yuan Zong will follow us in!" Bai Yuming said to the people behind him, and a hundred or ten disciples rushed over after a while, and Gui Yuan Zong's group entered the cave, Countless people's eyes flickered, but they didn't have the guts to follow behind Gui Yuanzong's disciples, obviously they were all scruples about Gui Yuanzong.

Gu Xuan, who was inside the formation, had released his sense of immortality to pay attention to the cultivators outside the crypt. When he discovered that the people from Guiyuanzong were about to enter the formation, a sneer flashed in his eyes. The power is raised to the maximum limit.

Bai Yuming brought Gui Yuanzong's disciples to the front of the formation and said: "Control your desires well, otherwise you won't get the inheritance, and your soul will be hurt. But it's no wonder others, you must have no distracting thoughts before you can enter Now, let's adjust our minds and breath!"

Upon hearing Bai Yuming's words, the disciples of Guiyuanzong all adjusted their minds and breaths. Gu Xuan observed this scene and smiled coldly in his heart. If it was only like this, he could pass through the grand formation, and this inheritance would have been obtained by others long ago Well, it will be their turn.

Bai Yuming was the first to enter the formation, and everyone else entered the formation one after another after seeing this!A stick of incense time passed, and all the people of Yuanzong were sent out, with blood on the corners of their mouths, and horror in their eyes, Bai Yuming sighed, as expected of the formation formed by the immortals, it can actually seduce the deepest desire in his heart Come out, failure is also normal.

(End of this chapter)

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