ancestral snake

Chapter 157: Expansion of Supernatural Powers Wasteland Star

Chapter 157: Expansion of Supernatural Powers Wasteland Star

In the huge crypt, there were only nine main formation flags left, and the runes on them flickered, and the power of space diffused out. In an instant, the nine main formation flags disappeared into nothingness in the crypt.

If it wasn't for the Desire Transformation Soul Formation that was connected with his painstaking efforts, he would have mistakenly thought that the Great Formation was directly integrated into this place.

The nine-pole array flag disappeared on the ground, and there was a strange feeling in the surrounding void. Countless space power rushed towards the nine-pole array flag. After a while, the nine-pole array flag shook and appeared on the ground again, spinning Get up, and then the nine flags stick together, and start to merge again.

Half an hour later, the nine flags finally merged completely and turned into a large silver flag. The entire flag gave off an illusory feeling.

With a thought in Gu Xuan's mind, the big silver flag turned into the size of a palm and appeared in his hand.There seems to be a world on the banner, a little illusory and constantly changing.

Feeling the world inside the banner, Gu Xuan nodded in satisfaction, the space of the formation has evolved, and it seems that he has nothing to gain by staying here, and since the Wild Beast Plain is about to open, it is time to leave. He thought to himself.

After making up his mind, Gu Xuan released his immortal consciousness to observe the cultivators on the surface, a smile flashed across his face, and as soon as he moved his body, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the crypt.

Just half an hour after Gu Xuan left, another group of cultivators entered the underground cave, only to find that the test formation had long since disappeared.Some are just a huge underground cave. As soon as the news spread, the cultivators who were still on the surface all had a flash of regret in their hearts.It's all because I was too scrupulous, which made me miss a great opportunity.

It's a pity that they don't know that the mysterious senior immortal in their eyes is just to collect the power of the soul and condense the big formation.Everything is for deception.

Yuancheng, in the past six months, there has been an endless stream of foreign cultivators, and Gui Yuanzong also knows that these cultivators are all attracted by the Wild Beast Plain.The Wild Beast Plain is about to open, and almost all forces in the cultivation world will not miss it, and they don't know the secrets of the Wild Beast Plain, which has attracted people from the entire cultivation world.

Few of these foreign cultivators in Yuancheng stay in Yuancheng, all of them are to enter the wasteland star through the teleportation array of Yuancheng. The place where it is cited.After generations of cultivators orally passed it on, the originally unknown planet was called Wasteland Star by the cultivators.

There is no city on the wasteland star, only a square with a radius of tens of thousands of feet. Most of the visitors chose a place in the square to sit cross-legged and wait for the opening of the Wild Beast Plain.Only a small number of cultivators gathered together to talk about strange things in the realm of comprehension, or hold some small exchanges to pass the time.

After a ray of light flickered, a person appeared beside the teleportation formation, tall and thick, glanced at the practitioners in the square, and walked towards a corner of the square. This person was Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan came to the edge of the square and stopped, released his sense of immortality to feel it, and found that no one was paying attention to him, he swayed and disappeared in the square.There is still a year before the opening of the Wild Beast Plain, and I happened to use this time to fuse the Desire and Soul Formation with the Heavenly King Tower. Whether there is any problem with the conjecture, you only need to test it yourself to know.

With a thought, the Heavenly King Tower appeared in front of Gu Xuan, looking at the one-foot-high Heavenly King Tower in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes, and with a flip of his hand, the formation flag transformed by the Desire Transformation Soul Formation also appeared in his hand .Looking at the Heavenly King Pagoda and the formation flag, Gu Xuan fell into deep thought. He wanted to integrate the formation flag and the Heavenly King Tower into one, but there were two ways. One was to directly arrange the Desire Transformation Soul Formation in the Heavenly King Tower.The other is to directly refine them into one body without distinguishing them from each other.

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but when they are actually implemented, it is a bit difficult to decide.The first method can ensure that the effectiveness of the formation will not be weakened, but if someone destroys one of the formation flags, the formation will no longer be complete, and the supernatural powers derived from the formation will lose their effect.The second method can avoid this kind of situation, but if there is a little carelessness in the fusion of the Heavenly King Tower and the array flag, the success will fall short.The Desire Transformation Soul Formation will also collapse automatically, but as long as it is successfully integrated, the supernatural powers evolved from the formation will automatically become a part of the Heavenly King Tower.Unless the Heavenly King Tower is damaged, there is never any need to worry about the Great Formation losing its effect.

For a while, Gu Xuan fell into hesitation, and after about a stick of incense, he finally made a decision to use the second method.The big deal is to destroy the big formation, and then make a new one by yourself.

After making a decision, Gu Xuan began to make preparations, and with a movement in his heart, the Nine Dragon Furnace appeared, and it grew up against the wind, and it turned into a height of more than ten feet in an instant.With both hands, 36 handprints were made in an instant, and the lid of the Jiulong furnace was suspended on the side. With a wave of his big hand, the Heavenly King Tower and the flag entered the Jiulong furnace. After pondering for a while, Gu Xuan took out another ethereal piece The crystal and a fist-sized water drop are exactly the yin and yang good fortune water.

After the 81 handprints, the Nine Dragons Furnace shakes, and the Zihuo wraps it up in the beginning of time. With the movement of the ancient mystical consciousness, the Nine Dao Immortal Incarnations are gathered around the Nine Dragons Furnace, holding the handprints with both hands, and it takes about a stick of incense. , a golden picture scroll appeared above the Kowloon Furnace. Seeing the golden picture scroll appear, Gu Xuan took a deep breath and his face became solemn. The critical moment has come. It's time to get down.

Gu Xuan forced out a drop of blood essence, and the immortal consciousness divided it into dozens of parts, and the incarnations of the nine immortal thoughts also squeezed out handprints again with solemn expressions.After a few breaths, the drop of blood essence perfectly blended with the golden scroll, and there were some purple lines on the scroll, exuding a strange aura.

Sweeping the immortal consciousness, he found that the ethereal crystal in the Nine Dragon Furnace had already turned into a void liquid, covering the formation flag, and the whole Nine Dragon Furnace was filled with a breath of space, which seemed to be a little messy.

At this moment, the golden picture scroll floating above the Jiulong Furnace moved and entered the Jiulong Furnace directly ignoring the furnace wall. The picture scroll seemed to feel the power of space and merged with it directly. Once the picture scroll wrapped the array flag, it came to the Next to the Tianwang Tower, something flew out of the Tianwang Tower, but it was the stele of the town government, with circles of runes flashing on it, and the golden scroll was drawn to it. At this time, the stele of the town government shone brightly, turning into a It is more than ten feet high, standing in the Jiulong furnace, and the golden picture scroll is printed directly on the stele of the town's mansion.

The water droplets formed by the yin and yang good fortune water also merged with it, a ray of light flashed on the wall of the Jiulong furnace, and the purple fire of the primordial beginning was also brightly lit, Gu Xuan withdrew his immortal consciousness.

After putting away the incarnation of Nine Dao Immortals, Gu Xuan sat cross-legged in front of the Nine Dragon Furnace, quietly waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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