ancestral snake

Chapter 163 Collecting Desolate Beast Yun Yin Tie

Chapter 163 Collecting Desolate Beast Yun Yin Tie

Sure enough, within less than a stick of incense, the ground shook violently, some surrounding trees were also shaken, and a group of pigs with fangs also appeared in front of Gu Xuan. Seeing Gu Xuan, the leading pig with fangs roared angrily , the tusked pig behind bumped towards him.

Gu Xuan stood motionless on the spot, as if those fang pigs didn't bump into him, but when the 23 fang pigs were more than three feet away from Gu Xuan, they disappeared strangely.Seeing this, the leading tusked pig yelled again, planed its front legs, and leaped into the air, but just as it leaped into the air, it was enveloped by an invisible force. After struggling for a long time, it found it was useless.

The fangs pig king's pale red eyeballs seemed to be filled with blood, he was furious, and opened his mouth to spit out a khaki bead, which was the size of an egg, but it was the inner alchemy of the fangs pig king, only Huang who had cultivated beyond the Nascent Soul realm The inner alchemy can only be condensed in the animal body, but it is a pity that the inner alchemy was transferred to the interior by the trial world as soon as it was spit out.

The fang pig lost his inner alchemy and became even more irritable. With a movement of Gu Xuan's body, he transformed into a fighting method, covered with a layer of purple scales all over his body. He kicked in front of the fang pig king. The king's hind legs were broken in two, and then kicked out three times, several legs of the pig king were broken in response.The world of trials also emitted a burst of suction, and the huge pig king was taken in by the world of trials.

As soon as Gu Xuan moved his body, he disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the trial realm. Seeing the panic-stricken herd of fang-toothed pigs and the furious pig king, Gu Xuan smiled with satisfaction. With these desolate beasts guarding the gate, the effect of the trial world will undoubtedly be more perfect.

As soon as his heart moved, the power that controlled the inner alchemy of the pig king disappeared, and was absorbed into the pig king's body in an instant. Seeing Gu Xuan, he rushed over. Unfortunately, as soon as he moved, he found that his body was controlled by an invisible force I can't move at all.

Then a rune appeared out of thin air in front of the fang pig, like a snake, directly submerged into its head, after a while, all the fang pigs became quiet, and no longer hated Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan waved his hand and let out a stream of blue spring water, which flew into the mouth of the Pig King. After about a stick of incense, the four broken legs of the Pig King were intact. He released his immortal thoughts to communicate with him, but he found it extremely difficult.

Half an hour passed, and Gu Xuan somehow knew something. The tusked pigs live in a valley not far from here, and there are hundreds of tusked pigs in it, but the strength of the remaining tusked pigs is It's a little low, only the cultivation base of the golden core stage, but Gu Xuan has no reason to dislike it, and directly leads the pig king out of the trial world, and rushes towards the place where the fang pigs live.

The pig king galloped ahead, Gu Xuan sat on the back of the green tiger, released his sense of immortality to scan, and found the place where the herd of pigs with fangs was located, he greeted the green tiger, and the green tiger gave a long roar, his speed soared several times in an instant, Leave the Tusked Pig King behind.

Since returning to the Snake Clan, Qinghu hasn't run so fast, and now he has the opportunity to vent, Qinghu has pushed his own speed to the limit, and within less than a stick of incense, he appeared in front of the wild beasts. In the base camp of the fang pig group, seeing the fang pigs staring at him, Qinghu raised his head to the sky and roared, and the whole group of fang pigs suddenly became chaotic.

Gu Xuan was no stranger to this, and at this moment, the pig king also returned, and with a loud roar, the panicked group of pigs fell silent.Immediately afterwards, there were several roars, all the fang pigs gathered together, Gu Xuan released the trial world to wrap all the fang pigs, and hundreds of fang pigs appeared in the trial world.

He also took the pig king in and asked him to appease the pigs, but he himself released his sense of immortality to investigate. After a while, Gu Xuan's face flashed a look of surprise, because not far from where the fang pig lived, There is a layer of light green metal exposed, shining with luster, but it is Yunyin iron. Yunyin iron is an excellent material for refining alchemy furnaces. Is there a Yunyin iron vein here?

As soon as Gu Xuan urged Qinghu, he quickly appeared beside Yunyin Iron, turned his hand over, and the Coiled Snake Spear appeared in his hand, followed by a shot along the exposed edge of Yunyin Iron, and after hearing a burst of rumble, A gully several tens of feet long appeared, but Yunyintie did not appear inside.After releasing the immortal consciousness to detect the surrounding ground, he put away all the Yunyin irons he found.

Just as he was about to leave, at this moment, several sounds of piercing sounded, but three figures appeared in front of him, but when he saw the golden marks on the cuffs of the three men's clothes, Gu Xuan's face flickered Unexpectedly, these three people are actually Gui Yuanzong's people.After sweeping the immortal consciousness, it was found that the cultivation bases of the three were all in the distraction stage, one was in the late stage of distraction, and the two were in the middle stage of distraction.But in Gu Xuan's eyes, he was like a chicken and a dog.

When the three of them saw Gu Xuan's appearance clearly, surprise flashed in their eyes, they obviously recognized him, and after looking at each other, they immediately surrounded Gu Xuan in the middle.They each sacrificed their magic weapons, and directly killed Gu Xuan without saying goodbye.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of disdain, his body changed for a while, and he turned into a fighting state. Looking at the three magic weapons flying towards him, he ignored them and flew directly towards one of them. As he flew towards him, a look of joy flashed across his face, he made a tactic with both hands, and soon transformed into a big hand covering the sky and grabbed at Gu Xuan.

Seeing that the giant hands of magic weapons were attacking him, Gu Xuan let out a long roar, and the Sky Swallowing Bottle appeared on top of his head, and a whirlpool immediately entangled the magic weapons and giant hands. When they met together, the three of them immediately realized something was wrong, they actually felt that their magic weapon was about to lose control, and a flash of horror flashed in their hearts.

Gu Xuan sneered, accelerated, and appeared in front of this Gui Yuanzong disciple. Just as this person was about to retreat, he found that the space around him seemed to be frozen, a trace of panic flashed across his face, but he recovered instantly, and hurriedly He once again sacrificed a flying sword, which detonated directly, and there was a trace of flaw in the space where the spirit weapon self-exploded and solidified, the person immediately retreated, trying to distance himself from Gu Xuan.

But he soon discovered something was wrong. He only felt a pain in his back and abdomen, and found that his cultivation base was dropping rapidly, only to find that a small purple gun with the length of chopsticks was inserted into his sea of ​​qi.As soon as the Nascent Soul was about to come out of the body, he heard a cold snort, and then felt a bell ringing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the bell became louder and louder, and finally lost consciousness.

The same is true for the other two, when the bell just rang, the magic weapon that was still confronting the Sky-Tuning Bottle had a meal, and was swallowed by the Sky-Tuning Bottle, and then the two fell to the ground and died, the whole battle took only dozens of breaths.

Gu Xuan grabbed it with his big hand, and the storage rings on the two corpses flew towards him, and they were put away without even looking at them, and then the two corpses were swallowed up by the snake gun, as if they had never appeared before.

One sat cross-legged on Qinghu's back, and after explaining, Qinghu let out a long roar, and then flew away. Gu Xuan turned his head and glanced at the end of the valley, then ignored it, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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