ancestral snake

Chapter 166 Conspiracy on the First Floor

Chapter 166

The night passed quickly. When the sky was slightly bright, the desolate beasts that went out to look for food began to return to their lairs. When the red sun rose, the desolate beast plain returned to its former calm. But it can't affect the cultivators who come to explore the treasure.

Gu Xuan also came out of the Book of Heaven and Earth, sitting on the back of the green tiger, and rushed towards the first floor of the Wild Beast Plain. Tens of thousands of cultivators entered here, and they all rushed to the inner circle of the Wild Beast Plain. Although there are some treasures, few people go to detect them. After all, they still think that the treasures in the inner circle are rich and colorful, and they don't want to waste time here.

It is a pity that they have forgotten that there are many treasures in the inner circle, but they must be strong. The Desolate Beast Plain is opened every 30 years, and many treasures of heaven and earth cannot be conceived in such a short period of time. Even if there are, there are Guarded by those higher-strength desolate beasts, the cultivators who entered here were more or less suppressed in cultivation, but the desolate beasts had all their strength, and their physical bodies were extremely strong.It's not easy to win the treasure, but these principles are simple, but when greed comes out, they will not think seriously.

Gu Xuan went all the way, and did not detour, let go of the immortal consciousness, as long as he found some treasures and put them all in his bag, he might not need them, but he could hand them over to the clan in exchange for some of the things he needed resource.

The entrance to the first floor of the Wild Beast Plain was already crowded with people. Almost [-]% of the cultivators had already arrived. Unfortunately, the entrance to the first floor was only three feet in size, and the latecomers had to follow behind the first comers.Many cultivators were full of anxiety, feeling that time passed too slowly, and they were afraid that if they were too late, their treasures would be snatched away by others.

After a full hour, these cultivators entered the first floor as they wished, but the treasure hunt was also the beginning of a nightmare. Although the wild beasts in the wild beast plain were not spiritually enlightened, they were also more intelligent than those in the outer circle. Beasts are smarter, but this small gap has killed thousands of people, and these people who died are almost all from small forces or loose cultivators.

Those powerful people seem to have a tacit understanding. Once they enter the first floor, those with low cultivation bases will automatically join together. Obviously, they have discussed it long ago, and those with high cultivation bases will act alone.

She Qianshan and Xuedao searched for a long time, but they couldn't find Gu Xuan, so they had to give up searching. They also knew Gu Xuan's strength, and they could be on their own. His treasures were also looted.

These powerful people seem to be doing this. The most important thing is that after killing the wild beast, not only can you get the complete wild beast and the treasures it guards, but also have the opportunity to get some wild stones. The wild stones are similar to the spirit stones, but the essence is But it is different, the energy contained in the wild stone is higher than that of the spirit stone.There are four levels in total, divided into four levels of heaven, earth, human and god, with the lowest level of human beings and the highest level of gods.

The wild stones collected by the wild beasts on the first floor of the Desolate Beast Plain are almost all human-level wild stones, and there are very few earth-level wild stones, while the natural wild stones are only found on the second and third floors. As for the gods and wild stones, it is said that they only exist on the third floor In the forbidden area, only occasionally appear in the third layer.So if you want to harvest the gods and wild stones, it depends on your luck.

For a time, the first floor of the Wild Beast Plain was full of killings. Countless wild beasts died in the hands of the practitioners, and some of the practitioners were swallowed by the wild beasts as food.

And in a corner of the first floor of the Wild Beast Plain, there are 36 people, the head of which is Ye Xuanji, the inner disciple of Guiyuanzong, and the rest of them are also Guiyuanzongmen, but a few of them actually have the time to pass the catastrophe of cultivation.

Ye Xuanji glanced at everyone before he said: "This time the Wild Beast Plain was opened, but there were only 60 people in my Guiyuanzong, and Bai Yuming and other senior brothers missed this opportunity because of their spirits, and we came in this time. There are two goals. One is to collect as many wild stones and beasts as possible. As for other treasures, it is good to collect more. If you can’t get it, don’t force it. The second goal is the ancient Xuan of the snake clan. The death order has been issued, and this time it must be killed here."

Speaking of which, Ye Xuanji looked at the crowd and continued: "Perhaps you guys are a little confused, but this is indeed an order from the sect. When the head explained it, Senior Brother Huang Jin and Senior Brother Yanyang were also present. I am in charge of this operation. I'll just arrange it, Gu Xuan's appearance is here, you all feel it, although Gu Xuan is a monster, he is quite calculating, you must not underestimate him, this person's cultivation level cannot be calculated according to his realm !"

"In short, after you discover this person, you should keep your composure. It is best not to let him see that you are the people who returned to Yuanzong. As for the remaining disciples, they are just a bait. When you are about to reach the second floor, you You need to inform me in advance, I will arrange someone to ambush on the second floor, it would be best if you can kill this person, if this person is not dead, don't show any signs, wait for the opportunity, and take action immediately if you have the opportunity, you all understand Come on!"

"Senior brother, do we really want to give up other senior brothers?" One of the cultivators in the out-of-body stage said with some embarrassment!

"This is the sect's arrangement, so what can we do? It's all about carrying it out! Alright, let's arrange it like this. Now we are divided into four groups. I will act together with Senior Brother Huang Jin and Senior Brother Yanyang, and the rest will be divided into three groups. A senior brother in the Transcendence Tribulation Period led the team, remember not to approach deliberately, or it will backfire, and start to act now!" After Ye Xuanji finished speaking, the remaining people began to divide into three teams, and disappeared before his eyes in a moment.

Ye Xuanji let out a long sigh, a complex look flashed across his face, then he became firm, and nodded to Huang Jin and the two of them, who followed Ye Xuanji without saying a word!

"Senior brothers, let's go find some opportunities!" After Ye Xuanji finished speaking, he walked towards the distance. Huang Jin and Huang Jin looked at each other and followed behind him. They also began to look for wild beasts, preparing to slaughter them all Fan.

At noon, a figure appeared at the entrance of the first floor. It was Gu Xuan. He stopped and watched for a while, and then jumped into the first floor with a slap of the green tiger. Just after entering the first floor, Gu Xuan He felt that the aura here seemed to be a little irritable, but there was an aura in his mind but it disappeared in a flash but he didn't catch it, which made him feel very sorry, probably because he didn't have the chance.

Then he released his immortal sense to investigate the surrounding situation, but after a while, his brows frowned. There was not a single desolate beast within a radius of three thousand miles, so he expanded his sense of immortality, only to find that there was no beast in a radius of seven thousand miles. There was no one in the area, and even the desolate beasts were slaughtered, like locusts crossing the border.As long as everything related to treasures was swept away, seeing this, even Gu Xuan was a little dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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