ancestral snake

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and after the avatar alternated with the deity, he returned to the book of heaven and earth to recover his true energy.Unexpectedly, when his true energy was only half recovered, a small golden snake crawled up in front of him and looked at him quietly.

When he felt someone approaching him, he also stopped recovering his true essence, opened his eyes and saw that it was the little golden snake, and seemed to understand something in his heart!
"What? Are you going to transform?" Hearing Gu Xuan's words, the little golden snake nodded quickly.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll take you outside to cross the catastrophe!" After hearing this, the little golden snake flew towards his arm with a flick, and wrapped around his wrist as before.Seeing this, he didn't say anything more, just published the book of heaven and earth, and asked Xingkui to take him to the ground.

Xingkui didn't ask any further questions, and directly released a divine soul power to wrap him around, and appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye, and the little golden snake also felt it as soon as it came out of the ground, so it came down from Gu Xuan's wrist, and its body turned into more than three feet Long, with a thick bowl mouth, covered with golden scales all over the body, under the sunlight, the surface of the scales has a dense color.

Immediately, the little golden snake began to exercise and refine the horizontal bones. After a while, a gust of wind blew over him, and a cloud of calamity began to gather. A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the little golden snake, so it coiled up and quietly Waiting for the thunder disaster to come.

After more than an hour, silver thunder and lightning flashed in the Jieyun, and there was a crackling sound from time to time. The power of the little golden snake transformed into Jieyun was not very strong, and the Jieyun was only three feet in size. The coercion of heaven and earth came towards the little golden snake. Gu Xuan released his immortal consciousness to feel it, and found that the power of the first thunder calamity was at most a full blow in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Thinking about it, the little golden snake can get through it.

Another half an hour passed, and Jie Yun was seen tumbling for a while, and after a click, a silver thunder robber with the thickness of an arm struck towards the little golden snake, and it struck the little golden snake steadily at an extremely fast speed. The golden snake froze, and a golden armor appeared on his body.The power of thunder calamity flickered for a moment before it turned into the power of thunder and lightning. The little golden snake sucked in the power of thunder and lightning into its abdomen, twisted its body, and began to refine the power of thunder and lightning.

The second thunder calamity was conceived for a full hour, and with a click, the thunder calamity broke through the calamity cloud and struck towards the little golden snake. Not only is there no fear, but there are some active thoughts in his eyes.

When the power of Thunder Tribulation struck the little golden snake, he was directly sent flying by the power of Thunder Tribulation. The golden armor on his body also shattered and disappeared into the body. Where it first touched, the scales had been broken, and traces of golden blood kept spilling out.The whole body is also flickering with thunder and crackling.But he was running the exercises with all his strength, absorbing the power of the thunder calamity to temper his body.

As the power of thunder calamity was continuously refined, the physical strength of the little golden snake also increased a lot.In the blink of an eye, another hour passed, and the third thunder calamity was also conceived. A three-foot-thick thunder and lightning force rushed out of the calamity cloud and struck at the little golden snake. A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the little golden snake.He didn't dodge either, and was ready to resist this lightning calamity.

Boom!The third thunderbolt struck the little golden snake directly. In a short while, he was struck by the thunderbolt and flew tens of feet away before falling to the ground. With the power of silver thunder and lightning.

Once the calamity of transformation is over, the good fortune of heaven and earth follows closely, and a white light shoots towards the little golden snake in an instant.With the help of the white light, the little golden snake that was covered in bruises recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, the little golden snake roared, and its body swelled rapidly. In a few breaths, its body swelled to more than nine feet long and one foot thick , the broken scales on his body also began to fall off.

After a stick of incense, the little golden snake returned to its original state. The broken scales had already faded away, and now the scales on his body were even more golden, dazzling. His body had recovered, and he began to refine the horizontal bones to prepare for transformation. .

A moment later, the horizontal bones were refined, and the little golden snake turned into a seven or eight-year-old child in a single jump. He was wearing a golden tunic, and his hair was also golden. Especially his pair of eyes, like golden jewels, shone with golden light.

"Disciple pays homage to Master!" Little Golden Snake walked in front of Gu Xuan, knelt down on both knees, and said crisply!

Gu Xuan thought for a moment, then readily agreed, and after lifting the little golden snake, he said: "Since you are willing to worship me as your teacher, I will accept you. There is another student under my sect, who is your elder brother. His name is Gulong, his body has mutated, and his future achievements can only depend on his own good fortune, but you are different. You have the blood of the king snake and the golden python. Bloodline, after you survive the catastrophe, you will transform into a real golden python!"

"Only at that time, your wonderful life will start. Your body is a golden python, and your surname will be mine. From now on, your name will be Gu Jin, and you will be my second disciple. I will send you to Tiandishu later." Inside, you should first consolidate your realm and familiarize yourself with your body, and as for the method of cultivation, it is mainly based on the cultivation method obtained in your bloodline inheritance!"

"When you reach the Dzogchen of the foundation-building period, I will pass on a volume of exercises to you! And some common sense in the cultivation world. Don't be rash, and you must lay a good foundation. You must know that every practitioner can only build the foundation once in his life. Opportunity, the stronger the foundation, the higher the future achievements. Although there are some exceptions, that kind of great opportunity is not something you can come across whenever you want, understand?" Gu Xuan looked at Gu Jin with a serious face. Said!

"Thank you for the teaching, Master, I understand!" Hearing Gu Jin's words, he also nodded in satisfaction. Many geniuses just don't understand the reason, and always think that they are gifted, and the faster they practice, the better their achievements will be. high.If you don't listen to your teacher's advice, you will end up wasting your talent. Therefore, the mind of a cultivator is very important. If you can understand the words of the teacher's elders and make wise choices, no matter how poor this person's talent is, he will eventually succeed. .

With a wave of his hand, he put Gu Jin into the Book of Heaven and Earth. Seeing this, Xingkui unleashed a burst of soul power to wrap him around him again, and appeared on the star core in an instant.Glancing at the avatar that was still refining the pattern, he ignored it and went directly into the book of heaven and earth, and began to recover his true essence.When half a month was up, he switched positions with the clone, and continued to refine the lines on the star core!
In a blink of an eye, another half a year passed, and Gu Xuan was still refining the lines on the star core, when suddenly the star core trembled, causing the whole planet to tremble.Gu Xuan hastily stopped the refinement, released his sense of immortality to investigate the reason for the trembling of the star core, and after a while, he saw the sky crystal wood release a blue light curtain, covering half of the star core, and the sky crystal wood is also growing with.

When I first got the Sky Crystal Wood, it was only three feet high, and the tree was crystal clear, like flawless white jade. Since absorbing the veins of the blood jade, the Sky Crystal Wood has grown by more than a foot, and there is a blood-colored pattern on the tree. , I got a piece of cyan jade on the wasteland star, and after absorbing it, another cyan line appeared on the body of the sky crystal wood tree, and at this moment the sky crystal tree turned completely blue, and it was still growing rapidly.

Gu Xuan wanted to get close to the Sky Crystal Wood, but was blocked by the blue light curtain. Although he was a little anxious, he couldn't help it.

A stick of incense time has passed, and when the sky crystal wood grows to a height of one foot, it finally stops growing. At this moment, the sky crystal wood exudes a mysterious power, which makes people calm down involuntarily, and soon enters the realm of emptiness. It seemed that after touching this power, the soul continued to solidify, and in the sky above Wuhuixing, a phantom appeared, which was Tianjingmu.The whole body is carved like a blue gem, which makes people feel refreshed.

Gu Xuanli was the closest to the Tianjingmu, and he had long been affected by the mysterious power emanating from the Tianjingmu, and fell into a state of emptiness.I don't know when, the avatar also appeared beside him, and those desolate beast kings, green tigers, Gu Jin, and little hairy monkeys also appeared here, all with peaceful faces, prostrated on the ground, as if they had gained a lot.

This mysterious power lasted for nearly half an hour before it gradually disappeared. When Gu Xuan turned around, he felt his soul become more solidified. After he realized that he was distracted, the rest of the Desolate Beast King, as well as Gu Jin Qinghu and the others fell into a strange state. The two looked at each other, and then released a shield of true energy to protect them. You must know that such an opportunity sometimes does not come across once in a lifetime.

As soon as the vision in the sky above the Wuhui Star disappeared, all these desolate beasts woke up. A light flashed between the eyebrows of the little hairy monkey, and its eyes also came to life. When it saw the Sky Crystal Tree not far away, its body tensed up, and it ran to the place in an instant. On Gu Xuan's shoulder, he patted his small chest with lingering fear, as if the fear in his heart had not completely dissipated when he fell into the hands of Tianjingmu last time.

With the light of the Sky Crystal Wood, all these desolate beasts finally activated their spiritual wisdom. Those who had previously activated their spiritual wisdom gained even more this time. At this time, a figure appeared in front of his eyes. It was Xingkui, who did not know that Where did this guy go, did he miss this opportunity?

After the vision disappeared, all the members of the Blue Crystal Clan came to their senses. There was a strange gleam in the eyes of the Blue Crystal Clan Chief, and he rushed towards the Star Core in an instant. Coming towards the star core, this time he didn't hesitate any longer. When he passed the blue auspicious cloud on the surface of the star core, he didn't feel the sense of melting in his soul as before, and the speed increased a little again.

After a while, he was blocked by a blue light curtain, unable to move forward, so he had to follow the light curtain to the side. He wanted to find out why this vision occurred. If he could control this Vision, his blue crystal family will undergo a big transformation, and there will be no defects from now on, and then they can leave here to see the prosperous world outside.Thinking of this, his mood became excited.

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(End of this chapter)

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