ancestral snake

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!In the final analysis, Pifu's fists are not strong enough. If he has the strength to be the best in the world, who would dare to break ground when he is too old.

If the Gu family in the previous life was also a powerful force comparable to Gui Yuanzong, even if Gui Yuanzong coveted the ancestral artifacts of the Gu family, he would not dare to do anything wrong.Once the treasure is leaked, it will arouse everyone's concern. It can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but it can't hide from the fifteenth day.

For a moment, Gu Xuan seemed to realize something, nodded to Xingkui, and then walked towards the valley behind the family.When he was in the family in his previous life, he spent almost all his time there, and it could also be said to be his place of cultivation.Now that he's back here, he's definitely going to take a turn.

This valley is not big, only three hundred feet in diameter, surrounded by steep mountain walls, there is no elixir growing in the valley, except for being very quiet, there is nothing else, he opened up a practice on the cliff The cave, where he spent almost all his childhood, his father had great expectations of him, so much so that he could only spend his childhood in cultivation.

As soon as he arrived in the valley, he found that the entire valley was full of potholes, apparently dug like this by someone. These potholes were three feet deep. After careful observation, he found that this person seemed to be looking for something. The ground, almost the entire valley was searched by him. These potholes were obviously blasted out of anger when they didn't find what they were looking for.

He was also very puzzled, knowing that he had lived here for nearly 30 years, and did not leave until the golden core was condensed.He is clear about everything in the entire valley. There is nothing that can be regarded as a treasure. I didn't think much about it, seeing the appearance of the valley at this moment, I wanted to feel a little abnormal.

You know, this is the world of cultivation, not the world of mortals. Some of the most common spirit grasses can grow wherever the aura is slightly better. Although they are not like weeds in the world of mortals, they can be seen everywhere, but they are also very common. However, there is no spiritual grass growing in this valley right now, which is a bit unreasonable. Obviously, no one came to find it, which means that if there is a treasure, it must still be in the valley.

Thinking of this, his heart also moved. Could it be that the treasures here were also handed down by the ancestors, otherwise this person would not be tempted. You must know that the two lost things in the clan were both inherited from the ancestors' time, which is obviously ordinary. He doesn't look down on things that are left by his ancestors. Since the person who came here didn't find anything left by his ancestors, then he still has a chance. You must know that there is absolutely no one who is more familiar with this valley than him.

What is left of the ancestors?Gu Xuan recalled, but when he recalled the things in the whole valley, he found that all the things were too ordinary, not left by his ancestors at all. After he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it and went to Let's take a look in the stone room he opened up, maybe this time is the last time he will visit this place in his life.

Maybe he won't come here in the future, after all these things have passed, and he has started again, he can't still be fettered by the memory of his previous life!
As soon as he stretched out his hand, a vortex appeared in his hand, and a suction force was sucked towards the stone wall, only to hear a bang, the stone wall shattered and turned into a piece of rubble, he was sucked together and thrown towards the edge of the cliff.A flash of light flashed in his mind, but he didn't catch it. He shook his head regretfully and walked towards the cave.

The cave is three feet square and one foot high. There is almost nothing in the room. There is a stone bed, a stone platform for practicing, and two fist-sized night pearls on the top of the cave. After so many years, they still exude soft and bright Light, in a trance, did he feel like he was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform to practice?He opened up this cave with his own hands, and it took a full three days. At that time, he had just broken through to the Qi training stage.

Scenes of pictures flashed through his mind from time to time, what he recalled was not the pictures, but the past years, some memories, some years, even if he was reborn thousands of times, he would still be engraved in his heart.Recalling that it was a kind of experience, a kind of growth, and a little persistence.

The most unforgettable thing in a person's life is love. If you can stay in the depths of your memory and never forget it for a long time, it is even more affectionate!
well!He let out a long sigh, the past is like smoke, it should have gone with the wind, but there are always some memories that people can't let go of, can't see, can't let go, can't forget.It is human nature to look back at things and think about the past, but whether to look away or not is a state.

He obviously hasn't reached this level yet, if so, then let it stay in your heart forever!
When he turned to leave, his eyes swept over the edge of the cliff, and his heart moved. The spiritual light that he hadn't caught before was caught by him this time, and he looked at the small hill next to the cliff. , A memory also appeared in his mind, it was a small pool, a little dry, scattered on the edge of the cliff, buried by him with the gravel that opened up the cave.

Could it be that the visitors came here just for this pool? You must know that apart from the rather weird dry pool, everything else in this valley is too ordinary.At that moment, he released his immortal consciousness to explore towards the bottom of the hill, but found nothing. Could it be that this dry pool is really a treasure, or why he didn't even feel it with his immortal consciousness.

At that moment, he didn't hesitate any longer, his true essence came out through his body and turned into a giant hand, and he slapped the hill. With a loud bang, the hill was smashed into a pile of debris and dumped aside. After a burst of dust, , but there was nothing on the ground, the giant hand of Zhenyuan grabbed the ground, and another piece of gravel flew up, and a three-foot-sized dry pool appeared in front of his eyes after a while.

After seeing the pool, his eyes narrowed, and his heart was filled with turmoil. After tens of thousands of years, the water in the pool was still so much, almost neither decreased nor increased.At first glance, the pool looks a bit dry, but when you observe carefully, you will find that this pool of water seems to contain a world.He was startled, and felt that the pool was still a pool, and the water was still ordinary water.

Gathering his mind, he swept his immortal consciousness towards the pool, and found that within three feet of the pool, there seemed to be a strange force interfering with it. It was dirt, and there was nothing else at all, but the pool was clearly in front of his eyes at this moment, and this scene shocked him endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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