ancestral snake

Chapter 212 Soul Devouring Flower Primordial Pearl

Chapter 212 Soul Devouring Flower Primordial Pearl

With a thought, hundreds of seeds flew out, and potholes appeared on the ground in the elixir valley, one seed per hole, when all the seeds were buried in the ground, the ground automatically covered the seeds, and the clone waved his hand, A stream of blue spring water poured over the fallen seeds just now.

However, Gu Xuan took out the Soul Accumulating Grass and the Soul Devouring Flower, inspected it, and found that only three Soul Devouring Flowers still had a trace of vitality, but there was only one Soul Accumulating Grass. The Nian Soul Eater flower was taken out, planted on the edge of the Xinghun Hu, and some Star Soul water was poured on the roots of the Soul Eater flower. I don't know if it will help it, and my heart is full of anticipation.

After a while, there was no response from the Soul-devouring flower, and he was a little disappointed in his heart, so he took out some of the Sanguang Shenshui and poured it on the root of the Ten Thousand Years Soul-devouring flower. Keep growing up.He was also not stingy with the Sanguang Shenshui. After a stick of incense, the Soul Eater Flower had grown to a size of three feet, and he stopped watering it as he did not see it grow any larger.The whole body of the Soul Eater Flower also shone with a crystal luster, as if carved from black precious jade.

Afterwards, three thousand-year-old soul-eating flowers and soul-accumulating grass were planted, and the three-light divine water was directly used to call their vitality.After a while, the Soul-eating Flower and the Soul-Yining Grass revived again, and began to absorb the Sanguang Shenshui to grow.He didn't stop until all the elixir plants had grown to ten thousand years old.Using these elixir to refine the Soul-Yin Pill and Yangshen Pill must have a good effect.

The elixir has been collected, and the rest is to refine the elixir. After saying hello to the clone, and handing over the lotus seeds of Yunshenlian to him, he began to refine the Yuanshen Orb, which even the little hairy monkey valued. The treasure that I want to buy is not bad, otherwise the Sanxian wouldn't be so reluctant.I don't know what is so magical about the Yuanshen Orb. From its name, it seems to be related to the soul.

A drop of blood dripped on the Yuanshen bead, and it was immediately absorbed by the Yuanshen bead. After absorbing his blood, the Yuanshen bead also penetrated into his body and directly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. He didn't feel any danger, so he injected a ray of soul power into the Yuanshen Orb, and saw the Yuanshen Orb emit a blue light, wrapping his soul.

At this moment, a piece of information also appeared in his heart. The Primordial Spirit Orb was refined from the Soul Pill of the Ghost Beast. It was born to gather the power of the soul for its master to enhance the strength of the soul. The most important thing is The Yuanshen Orb is also a soul treasure, he will release a soul barrier to protect the soul, even if the other party has the Mystic Art of the Soul, as long as the power does not exceed the strength of a celestial being, it will be impossible to break the barrier of the Yuanshen Orb.

Yuanshen Orb also has the effect of concentrating and calming the mind and resisting demons. As long as the Yuanshen Orb is refined, even the demons in the Heavenly Tribulation will not be able to affect its owner. A life-saving item, you must know that nearly half of the people who crossed the catastrophe fell under the catastrophe of the heart demon, the treasure is very good, this is for other people, but there is the power of merit in my own sea of ​​consciousness, All the inner demons can't be avoided in time, so how dare they come to find their own troubles.

Although I can't use it myself, I just leave it to the avatar for use. In this way, the safety of the avatar will be more guaranteed.

At the moment, he no longer paid attention to the matter of Yuanshenzhu, but took out the jade slip given to him by the Taixu Chamber of Commerce, and was trapped in the star without return for nearly a hundred years, which means that at this time, he is indifferent to the situation in the cultivation world. His eyes are dark, a hundred years may be the time for a retreat for most of the high-level cultivators, but since he learned that there is still a dark force hidden in the realm of cultivation, he has become cautious.

After sweeping the immortal consciousness, the content of the jade slip appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and it took half an hour before he read all the contents of the jade slip.The world of comprehension has remained the same for a hundred years, and the only major event has to do with him.

The fact that Gu Xuan had a feud with Gui Yuanzong was spread among the major forces, so after the teleportation array he entered was destroyed, it was quickly spread. When the Snake Clan learned that the person who entered the teleportation array was At that time, the Snake Clan was angry at that time, even if the hatred between Gu Xuan and you Gui Yuanzong was great, if you want to take revenge, you should change the place and the way!

You actually destroyed the teleportation array in front of so many cultivators.Isn't this a slap in the face of the snake clan?There is also the matter of destroying the teleportation array in order to kill the enemy, which undoubtedly violates the taboo of all cultivators. If all cultivators do this, the cultivators of the golden core stage may also kill the masters of the Sanxian level.

For a while, Gui Yuanzong fell into a dead end. The people who entered the teleportation array had enmity with you, and the teleportation array was controlled in your base camp. All the spearheads were pointed at Gui Yuanzong, which made many practitioners The audience couldn't help questioning Gui Yuanzong's actions.

The people of Guiyuanzong were full of anger, because the person guarding the teleportation array was indeed his disciple of Guiyuanzong, and the destroyed teleportation array was in Yuancheng, but all the senior officials of Guiyuanzong cursed and swore It had nothing to do with him, and in the end he had no choice but to return to Yuanzong to show up in the light of Qijie Sanxian Wentian, who personally swears in blood that this is someone who planted the blame.Only then did the cultivators remove some of the hatred in their hearts.

But the Snake Clan is one of the most talented disciples who was framed by others, so they are willing to give up?Three Seven Tribulation Loose Immortals, two Mahayana masters, and more than a dozen masters from the Transcendence Tribulation stage went straight to Gui Yuanzong's lair, without giving an explanation, and started a war at all costs.

If it were another snake clan disciple, the snake clan might not make such a big move, but Gu Xuan is the hope of their snake clan's rise.It is expected to reach the height of the ancestor of the Nine King Snakes. How can there be no reason not to be angry when someone plots against him at this time?Fortunately, Gu Xuan's life slip has been fine, otherwise, the Snake Clan will definitely use all their strength to dispatch the clan's masters to turn against Gui Yuanzong.

Seeing the menacing snake clan, Gui Yuanzong panicked a little. After all, the two major powers were not talking about playing for fun. At the same time, they also wanted the person who destroyed the teleportation array to cramp up and wipe out his nine clans. Unfortunately, since the teleportation array After the destruction, all clues are broken.The people who returned to Yuanzong wanted to vomit blood depressedly.

But in any case, the Snake Clan must give an explanation, otherwise, relying on this strength alone, it will cause great losses to Gui Yuanzong.In the end, they had no choice but to send people to negotiate with the Snake Clan. After some discussions, all the talents of the Snake Clan retreated, and Gui Yuanzong also made some compensation.

And the first request of the Snake Clan is that within a hundred years Gui Yuanzong will find out the person who destroyed the teleportation array, and then pass the news to the Snake Clan. If they dare to trick them into returning to Yuanzong, it is undoubtedly breaking ground for Tai Sui. If the black hands behind the scenes cannot be found out, they will lose all face in returning to Yuanzong.

The rest is compensation for some interests.It was enough to make Gui Yuanzong bleed a lot. Who made Gui Yuanzong feel wronged?
(End of this chapter)

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