ancestral snake

Chapter 218 Profound Dragon Star Bodhi Seed

Chapter 218 Profound Dragon Star Bodhi Seed

"Okay, let me show you your brilliant moves!" After Lu Yun finished speaking, a golden long spear appeared in his hand. Without any nonsense, he stabbed out directly, and the sky was covered with golden light, and the entire starry sky was lit up.Wherever the gun light passed, there was a pause in the space. It seemed that the gun had ignored the barriers of space, and stabbed straight at Ye Long with a will to break nothing.

Seeing that the golden gun light was about to pierce Ye Long's body, Ye Long moved at this time, and saw that Ye Long didn't summon the fairy weapon, but opened his hands, and the small meteorites in the starry sky all moved towards him. His body came together, and soon these gathered meteorite celestial bodies turned into a long dragon and approached Lu Yun. Because of the high speed, the whole long dragon was covered with a layer of faint blue flames.

At this moment, the golden gun light also came into contact with Ye Long's body, only heard a ding ding ding sound, Ye Long was pushed back hundreds of feet by the power of the gun light, but his body was unharmed , except that there was a small hole where the gun light hit. Ye Long nodded with satisfaction, as if he was very satisfied with the result.

At this time, Ye Long said that the long dragon made of meteorites and celestial bodies under his control also turned into a pile of starry sky dust and fell into the starry sky. After seeing him, Ye Longzhen came.

This time, Ye Long's face became serious, his body changed, and in a blink of an eye, he became three feet in size, like a little giant, with bulging muscles, and meridians covering his whole body like a horned dragon, and his whole body was filled with a sense of strength.Ye Long looked at the flying golden snake, and his eyes were a little active. He gave a loud shout, stepped on the void with his right foot, and swung his fists continuously. The invisible fists moved towards the golden snake transformed by the spear.

The golden snake that was struggling to fly down Ye Long trembled slightly. Ye Long's body moved, and he ran towards the golden snake in the void. His eyes flashed. His body seemed huge, but his speed was extremely agile. body strength.I saw space ripples emanating from the entire starry sky, which was caused by Ye Long stepping on the void.The pair of fists didn't stop, and they were thrown at the golden snake.


A shocking loud noise came, endless ripples in the starry sky, and countless small meteorites were annihilated by this storm of power, as if they had never appeared before.The golden snake transformed from the long spear trembled and flew back, the luster was somewhat dim. Lu Yun's face twitched, and he put the golden spear into his body, and disappeared after a teleportation.

Ye Long was also blasted thousands of feet by this force storm, smashing several meteorites before he stabilized his body. Unexpectedly, Ye Long was not injured at all, looking at Lu Yun who teleported away , a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Lu Yun has retreated, and my mission has been completed. It's time to leave. It's just a pity that Jin Yang's true energy, such a good opportunity——" Ye Long said to himself, and then he took out a A bead, crushed it, sighed, it also disappeared in teleportation.

Amano brought Gu Xuan to a valley, and found that two people were setting up a teleportation array, one was guarding outside the valley, and the other was covered in a black robe, sitting cross-legged quietly waiting in the valley. wearing something.

"Have you dealt with the man in the golden robe?" Amano asked the man in the black robe!
The black-robed man nodded and said: "I have received news that the golden-robed man has retreated, and he will not come to make trouble again, after all, people who have reached their level need face!"

"Old Duan, how long will it take to finish the teleportation array?" Amano asked a person who was carving a talisman!His answer was a cold snort, and Amano snorted coldly to make fun of him, and stopped talking, but the two who had fought before went straight to the side of the black-robed man, sat cross-legged and waited for the teleportation formation to be completed.

"Amano, why did you bring this man? I can't see his details, so tell me!" The man guarding the outside of the valley spoke.

"This kid belongs to the Snake Clan, does he have a cultivation level?" Amano looked like he had seen a ghost in his eyes, and said to Gu Xuan, "Boy, what is your cultivation level now? I don't see, even I can't see your details anymore, tell me, how many times have your cultivation improved over the years?"

"Senior, my current cultivation level is in the mid-stage of distraction, but it's not worth mentioning to senior and others!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he stopped talking, and carefully observed the teleportation array arranged by the two of them. But his heart was moved. Since he got the teleportation platform, he suffered from not having a suitable coordinate point, so he didn't pay attention to the teleportation platform. After the incident of no return to the star, it also reminded him that the teleportation platform was life-saving at the critical moment. things.

At this time, when he saw the teleportation array set up by the two of them, he also remembered his own teleportation platform. In the snake family.Exploring the secret realm of the ruins in the future can be regarded as an extra life-saving card.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and the two people who arranged the teleportation array greeted the black-robed man loudly, and nodded, indicating that they were done.

"Okay, proceed according to the original plan. Fellow Daoist Shi Ding stays here to take care of the teleportation array. Fellow Daoist Shi Yi will go with me. As for the reward, I will hand it over to Fellow Daoist Shi Yi at that time. Do you two have any opinions?" Black Robe After the man finished speaking, he asked the two people sitting cross-legged beside him!

After the two glanced at each other, they both shook their heads, expressing no objection, and then the black-robed man said to the two who had set up the teleportation array: "Daoist Duan Kui, fellow Daoist Tie Lan, please start the teleportation!" This time, I will remember this help in my heart."

Then Duan Kui took out hundreds of spirit crystals and inlaid them on the teleportation array, only to see a huge teleportation platform appear.Shi Ding stood beside the teleportation array, releasing all his consciousness to cover everything within a radius of hundreds of feet.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people went on the transmission platform, and Duan Kui made dozens of handprints. Everyone felt a wave of space, and in the blink of an eye, they were protected by a space shield. After a while, everyone realized that they had appeared in a secret room.

"Okay, this is Xuanlong Star, which is also the place where my lair is located. The location here is already in the mortal world. When I was traveling in the mortal world, I accidentally found such a planet. Those prosperous planets in the world are poor, so I set them up as a lair. Thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye." After the black-robed man finished speaking, he was also a little emotional.

Gu Xuan glanced at everyone, and found that they all had calm faces, obviously they knew about this a long time ago.Although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't ask any questions. He just followed behind Amano and looked at the surrounding environment with his sense of immortality.

(End of this chapter)

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