ancestral snake

Chapter 507 Ask for a recommendation ticket for the last time!Ask for support!

Chapter 507 Ask for a recommendation ticket for the last time!Ask for support!
Zu Snake rushed to his hometown, and the book will be finished at the end of the month, but the recommendation ticket has not been available, so Lao Yang once again has the cheek to ask for a recommendation ticket.

Lao Yang, who subscribed to something, didn't dare to ask extravagantly, he only asked for more than 2000 recommendation tickets!
No matter if it is more than 20 brothers and sisters who subscribed genuinely, or they are down-to-earth, recommendation votes are free, they are available every day, and it would be a waste if you don’t vote, I hope you can vote for Zu Snake.

This is also the last time Lao Yang asks for a recommendation, and I hope brothers and sisters can support him.

Lao Yang only hopes that the recommendation can break through 2000 votes before the end of the book, and now there are more than [-] votes. Brothers with accounts, I hope you can give away two votes. Lao Yang is very grateful, thank you!
Ask for a recommendation ticket for the last time!Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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