I might be a little strong

Chapter 115 A Vengeance

Chapter 115 A Vengeance

Whether history is driven by the people or the elite is a question.

It is a question that only people with bad minds would consider. After all, the elite and the people are part of human power, and those who want to divide and discuss are all trying to elevate a certain part infinitely.

Undoubtedly, in V's view, in the view of the members of Unrestricted Land, in the view of those capitalists, human history belongs to the elite and has nothing to do with the people.

Therefore, they can abandon and squeeze the people without hesitation.

In the world of martial arts, they gave up maintaining stability. They harvested more ruthlessly than anyone else in the killing world. They didn't care about the consequences of the collapse of the animal husbandry industry. Anyway, it didn't matter to them whether the people had meat to eat.

In the monster world, they directly handed over the world, and then covered the city with artillery fire, and nuclear explosions continued.

They exchanged No. [-] potion for cheap cannon fodder troops. In order for their relatives to enter the refuge camp, those people accepted No. [-] potion and became cannon fodder to fight for them. But after those people died in battle, their relatives would soon be abandoned. quietly.

Weaving one world after another with lies, constantly knocking the bones and sucking the marrow.

With the strength possessed by those capital groups, is it really impossible to fight head-on?

V doesn't believe it, so he waits for a war. After that war, he will take the inheritance of those capitalists on the spaceship. Otherwise, who should have the final say in this free alliance?
In terms of controlling people's hearts, how could V not know what those capitalists were thinking?
The unrestricted place to master the spaceship technology has already grasped the lifeblood of those capitalists. If they are not willing, they can die and die. Let the people of the world see the pride of the capitalists...

After cooperating with Kurosawa to beat those representatives, V threw a cigarette to Kurosawa, and the two walked into the base against the wind and snow.

The representatives looked at each other with extremely gloomy faces.

However, there is no way to make trouble.

Noah's Ark hasn't been built yet, so even if they want to capture it, it's useless. They have to persist for two months, and persist for two months after launching the attack...


The free world has always been a place where big fish eat small fish. In the free world, it only takes advantage of the general trend and the greed and fear of the people to complete the dove's occupation of the magpie's nest, and finally use the chicken to lay eggs.

So much so that today capitalists need to rely on their noses to survive.

Its methods have to be praised by people.

But, that's it.

In Li He's view, if he escapes once, there will be a second and third time. He has never heard that the real strong escaped. born of baptism.

After chatting with Wang Yan in the teahouse for more than an hour, the two men broke up after the girls finished shopping.

Seeing his daughter waving goodbye to her classmates and walking home, Wang Yan still felt a little emotional.

This feeling lasted until... a scream was produced.

Out of professional habits, Wang Yan woke up in an instant. He immediately picked up his daughter and went to the nearby supermarket to let her wait, and then rushed towards the screaming direction.

This is a small road, because it has not been rebuilt in time, it looks very dark.

In the alley, after Wang Yan saw the situation, even he couldn't help but twitched his expression, took a deep breath, and walked over to test his breath in front of the drunken man with twisted limbs.


In the hospital, Wang Yan, who had already changed into a police uniform, looked at the injury report, and his eyelids couldn't help twitching. This drunk man in his 50s was named Kang Qiang. His limbs were forcibly broken and twisted, and one of his kidneys was pulled out and crushed... …

On the premise of not letting the target die, the thugs are doing their best to abuse.


Wang Yan didn't think it was the work of the bewitched. There are no bewitched people in Jiangcheng who can hide now. All warriors who may become bewitched are included in the big data, and they must be monitored when they enter the Tao.

Moreover, the berserk state when going mad will definitely expose itself.

Therefore, Wang Yan's first reaction was revenge.

After reading the medical report, Wang Yan turned the page directly and continued to check Kang Qiang's personal information. When he saw the page of personal information, his eyelids trembled even more.

Kang Qiang's credit rating is... Level 1.

Because the lowest level is level 1, it is level 1. The country still gives those scumbags a chance to reform themselves, so that they will not starve to death and have basic living security.

However, this kind of guy who was a bad gambler and alcoholic before the mutation has little chance of reforming himself.

Their lives are rotten...

Thoroughly excluding the possibility of robbery, Wang Yan continued to check the information. After noticing that Kang Qiang had a son named Kang Shaoyu, Wang Yan asked the police officer beside him, "Have you contacted his son?"

Police officer Xiao Zhang replied: "We contacted half an hour ago, counting the time..."

While Xiao Zhang was talking, the door of the ward opened, and the police officers all looked sideways, stunned for a moment, and then called out: "Mr. Wu Chi."

When Wang Yan noticed Wu Chi coming in, he looked directly at Kang Qiang, his eyes fluctuated for a while, and he understood a little, Wang Yan tentatively asked: "Mr. Wu Chi, is your real name Kang Shaoyu?"

"it's me."

Wu Chi replied with a somewhat cold voice, seeing his father's miserable appearance, he didn't seem to have much emotional change.

With his behavior, the other police officers didn't know what to say, but after a few rays of light flashed in Wang Yan's eyes, he said to Wu Chi, "We will find the murderer as soon as possible."

"Will he die?"

Wu Chi didn't answer the question instead, Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, and said, "No."

Then Wu Chi nodded and left directly...


All the police officers looked at each other even more in dismay, and Wang Yan pinched the report in his hand even harder, the paper was almost torn, he knew that things were troublesome.

If he read correctly just now, Kang Qiang's first usury gambling debt was 12 years ago.

At that time, Wu Chi should still be in junior high school.

At that time, there was another linked case, that was, an accident happened when the usury came to collect debts. Wu Chi's mother bumped into the corner of the table while pushing, and died unexpectedly.

All three of the loan sharks who collected the debt were sentenced.

After this happened, the usury owed by Kang Qiang did not need to be repaid, and the other party did not dare to ask for the debt, but soon, the house under Kang Qiang's name was sold.

He... went to gamble again.

Later, it only showed that Kang Qiang was on Xinzheng's blacklist, and there was no record.

But at that time, Wu Chi... was in the third year of middle school.

With such a father, it’s no wonder that Wu Chi didn’t care at all. Wang Yan continued to flip through the information, and the last page was Kang Qiang’s consumption records. Sure enough, it was only ten days after the initial credit point was sent. Just ran out of money.

Before the incident, Kang Qiang had only 7 credits left.

Even if no one abuses him, he may starve to death on the street in a few days. Relief agencies will not accept this kind of credit crooks...

Well, such a rotten person.

Who will torture him until he becomes disabled...

(End of this chapter)

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