Chapter 117
boom! ! !
There was a sensation in the audience, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that all of Yu Feng's foreshadowing was for this. Is this true?Or is it just slander?
"It's true, I can testify that my brother is..."

"It's true, I can testify that my uncle is..."

"it is true……"

Immediately, more than a dozen people downstairs took out their loudspeakers and spoke loudly. After listening to the testimony of these people, the people in the audience became quiet again, feeling complicated for a while.

The police and heroes were sweating profusely, knowing that this was premeditated.

The trend has already started, and there must be a proper solution, otherwise the social order will be greatly affected.

Once you get off to a bad start...

After more than a dozen witnesses finished their speeches, after a brief silence, the audience boiled again. This time, people wanted Wu Chi to come out and give everyone an explanation.

On the building, Yu Feng was even more oppressive: "Wu Chi! Why don't you come out yet!"

When the matter developed to this point, King's complexion changed, and he still couldn't say anything in the end. At the beginning, it was actually him and Huang Renpingbao's martial idiots.

Except for Li He, only King and Wu Chi were A-level fighters in Jiangcheng back then.

In that unstable environment, Wu Chi is not a demonized person, and since he is willing to mend his ways and the strength of Jiangcheng warriors has been greatly damaged, there is nothing wrong with recruiting Wu Chi.

Subsequent facts also proved that Wu Chi played a considerable role in maintaining stability.

Whether it is the suppression of demons during the martial arts world, or the maintenance of social stability against various demonic organizations during the killing world, or the continuous battle in the monster world.

Since becoming a hero, Wu Chi has lived up to the evaluation of A-level at all, and has made matching achievements.


No matter how much credit, there is no way to erase the fact that Wu Chi had indeed maimed more than a dozen warriors. At that time, Wu Chi, who had just gained strength, was not so stable...

King remained silent, because what Yu Feng said was an indisputable fact.

However, he has no way to admit it, because once this wind blows, it will not only be martial idiots, the government or the Hero Association should not recruit too many martial artists in the martial arts world stage.

This group of people has indeed made great contributions in the follow-up.

If you really want to pursue them one by one...

To be honest, King really wanted to cover it up, not that he was being unjust, but that he knew very well that once that part of the population was split, the loss would be far greater than the original damage caused by Zhao'an warriors!
However, things have spread and there is no way to cover them, they have to be faced.

Also, no favoritism.

Otherwise, if a precedent is set, giving privileges to warriors and heroes will even cause a separation between the people and heroes, which will be even more troublesome!
"Wu Chi! Could it be that you are scared!"

While King was thinking, Yu Feng yelled again, which caused the crowd to clamor again. At this moment, a figure flew across the sky and landed lightly on the roof of the building.

It's Wu Chi!
I saw him walking in front of Yu Feng calmly, facing Yu Feng's hysterical smile, glanced at the standing microphone, and said lightly: "I admit the crime."

No one thought that Wu Chi would admit it so easily. Those who are familiar with the law can clearly understand that Wu Chi has room for defense just by listening to the description.

Wu Chi is cruel in martial arts competitions, and that is also martial arts competitions.

It is completely different from Yu Feng's abuse of ordinary people. This is a very important argument.

However, Wu Chi did not argue!

Yu Feng's expression was a little distorted immediately, he had prepared so much, how could it be possible for Wu Chi to plead guilty in such a simple way, the result is just a swap between him and Wu Chi, is it worth it!
Is it worth it for more than a dozen people who were maimed by Wu Chi?
He wants to kill his heart!

To show the world what the current Heroes Association looks like and the darkness of the world, he wants to put shackles on all the heroes!
After shouting angrily, Yu Feng immediately said sharply: "Do you think it's enough if you plead guilty! What about the people who let you escape the law? They can get away!"

Whoa! ! !
The crowd erupted again, and King's face suddenly turned black as the bottom of a pot. King understood what was wrong, this Yu Feng was a Daoist at all!
In the name of justice, for the justice in my heart, I don't care how the world will be messed up!
This kind of person is worse than an enchanted person!
However, no matter how angry King was, he couldn't make a move. The people were watching, and if he made a move at this time, the yellow mud would fall off his crotch, and he couldn't even tell.

Yu Feng already felt King's killing intent, so he laughed twice.

Immediately said into the microphone: "Heh... Who do you think is conniving with those criminals? What do you think is the Heroes' Association, which is glamorous on the surface?"

"Back when Wu Chi disturbed Jiangcheng, who subdued him?"

"Who, as a symbol of a hero, accidentally let Wu Chi out!"

"Who do you think you are!"

"It's King! It's the existence of this deceitful existence. How great do you think he is? Let me tell you, in Tianzhu City, King didn't even kill those enchanted people in the Forbidden Land!"

"This is in the Heroes Association, you can check the files!"

"King, he doesn't have the strength of an S-level hero at all. He has been deceiving the world and enjoying the power and resources of the S-level, but in fact he doesn't have the power of the S-level at all."

"Once the critical moment comes, he can't stand up at all!"

boom! ! !
It was completely chaotic, and the public opinion exploded completely. With the existence of King, even if Li He became the number one in the world, people still think that King is a symbol of a hero and an existence that best fits the concept of a hero.

Now, King, is it fake?

Is it the existence of cheating the world?Everything he preached was just to gain fame and enjoy S-level resources?

Moreover, Wu Chi was indeed defeated by King at the beginning, but it is obvious that Wu Chi did not receive the justice he deserved, and was indeed released, and then transformed into a hero...

And during this period, whether it is Jiangcheng Wulin or the Heroes Association, King is in control, right?


Hearing these news in an instant, the people felt that their beliefs had collapsed. King stood there and took a deep breath, and the actual killing intent had overflowed.

He saw Yu Feng was smiling, carefree and complacent.

It was as if a gambler had won a game in which he had won all his wealth, and he had already begun to show the pride of a winner.

This kind of person is by no means a messenger of justice.

He wants to expose the so-called "darkness", but he just wants to step on these "darkness", if Wu Chi, himself, and the entire Heroes Association are all stepped down by him.

He will become the hero who overthrows the "darkness".

Gain unprecedented fame and status...

This kind of person must die!
King was full of murderous intent, but Yu Feng was not afraid at all. He expected that King would not dare to do it. Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of people in Jiangcheng, whoever dared to do it would be at a loss!

Therefore, without hesitation, Yu Feng dropped another bomb and said, "I'm afraid you don't know?"

"The Hu Xianren combination of A-level heroes, and the Heavenly Sword of S-level heroes."

"They were actually world-renowned killers. Each of them has countless lives..."

 Thanks to the book friend "Ding Ding Yu Qi San Tang Hong Di Xue" for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thanks to "book friend 20181206125122511" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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