I might be a little strong

Chapter 132 Civilization is Immortal

Chapter 132 Civilization is Immortal
"Another sentence?"

"Don't make trouble, son, this is the founding ceremony, so be more serious!"

"You have to at least say: Can everyone here stop being trash? I'm tired of saving the world all day, okay?"

puff! !

The porridge from Shen Qian's mouth was sprayed out by the playful tricks of the father and son. Ah Nian, who was sprayed all over his face, was stunned for two seconds, and then the two guys started fighting.

Carol asked worriedly: "Brother, you don't really say that, do you?"

Li He rubbed his sister's head, knowing what she was worried about, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother will not let the image of a world-class hero be shattered."


"I will encourage everyone well, um, yes."

Carol trusted her brother unreservedly, while Zhao Jinyun at the side had strange eyes. She noticed that Li He had an urge to make trouble.

On the surface, it seems that he is heartless and heartless, but in fact he is still a little anxious...

He is worried that when he no longer has the power to crush, the challenges facing mankind will be very severe, and the war will be extremely tragic at that time.

This guy……

Feeling his tenderness, Zhao Jinyun held Li He's hand a little moved.

Li He tilted his head: "What's the matter?"


Watching that guy pull away to get the crab roe bun, Zhao Jinyun sighed silently, this guy's channel is always so difficult to match.

Li Chengde saw this small detail and covered his face helplessly.

He felt that even if his son's life level had not changed, it would be a bit difficult to continue his career...


At about ten o'clock, a special car came to pick up Li and them.

The main venue for the founding ceremony was Chengtianmen. The old Chengtianmen had been destroyed in the war, and because of the fortification, the country had to tear down those historic sites.

The newly built Chengtian Gate is a thousand meters tall, with an internal metal structure and an external wooden antique decoration.

The whole is tall and majestic, full of classical atmosphere.

Until I went to Chengtianmen to watch the ceremony, and the military parade officially entered the high court, and I could see the real big killer coming out.

What Li He saw now was a model of a cation cannon.

Electrons are generally negatively charged and belong to positive matter, and cations refer to positively charged electrons, that is to say, this is antimatter, and cation guns are antimatter weapons.

The ion flow emitted by the cation cannon contacts the electrons in the world, causing material annihilation. This is the attack principle of the cation cannon.

Annihilation attack.

This is a super killer weapon that far surpasses weapons such as lasers and nuclear bombs. It is a more advanced weapon in terms of the essence of killing. Even Li He is not sure whether he can resist this thing head-on.

However, for now this is just a model.

In other words, the big killers exhibited at the end are basically models, some already exist, and some are still under development, which is expected to be successfully developed in the next few months.

The emergence of these unimaginable killers has given people unprecedented confidence.


With the end of the military parade, more than 20 troops gathered in front of Chengtianmen, listening to the roaring tsunami of "Civilization never dies, mountains and rivers will last forever", almost everyone deeply felt the power of human beings in the last days .

This is the roar of human beings craving for survival.

Amidst the loud shouts of the 5000 million people in the city, the bell rang at noon, and the city gradually quieted down. His Excellency the Chief Executive Officer began to announce on the Chengtian Gate.

"Yan Empire, today, was officially established!!!"

"Blue Star humans will fight to the last moment in this final front, and will never give in. We firmly believe that we can overcome all difficulties and dangers, until one day, there will be stars and seas under our feet!"

"At that time, we will no longer be afraid of mutations."

"At that time, we will no longer be sacrificed due to famine and war."

"At that time, we will no longer change our original intention due to any external reasons, we will enter the world of Datong we have dreamed of, and we will plant the flag of the empire all over the galaxy!"

"Civilization never dies, mountains and rivers live forever!"

"Looking at the stars, the world is in harmony!"

Not only the survival in the desperate situation, but also the great ambition.

In a desperate situation, the entire empire needs a stronger spirit and more aggressiveness. Instead of worrying and defending, it needs to attack and change its posture!
They will be like ancient heroes facing the torrential flood, struggling hard and striving for self-improvement until all mutations are crushed!
This is history, this is the great revival of Chinese civilization!
The salute was loud, and at this moment, the 5000 million people in Kyoto cheered loudly. Only then did they realize that they are not frightened at the moment when the world is changing suddenly, they still have room for progress!
This spirit is more important than anything else.

This spirit is the soul of Yan Empire!
The surging scientific and technological power of civilization is the source of their confidence, and the surviving and independent sword fairy on Chengtianmen is the source of their confidence. So far, any enemy is nothing more than a sword.

This is the sword fairy in the world, and this is the sword bearer of the empire!

They are the people of the empire!
As the jade pillar of the empire, at the moment of establishing the confidence of the empire at the founding ceremony, Li He naturally needed to come forward. In the midst of the roar of mountains and tsunami, he stood on the podium of Chengtianmen.

Looking at the surging crowd, Li He lowered his hands.

In an instant, the whole city fell silent, and everyone held their breaths, waiting for His Excellency the sword bearer to speak.

Li He cleared his throat, and said, "I was going to make fun of it, to liven up the atmosphere, so that everyone wouldn't be so nervous. After all, the world is dangerous, but life has to go on."

"It's only been 7 months since the mutation came to this day. Are we almost forgetting the life we ​​used to have?"

"Or, we are about to forget how to live."

"We devote ourselves wholeheartedly to construction and development. Is the string in our minds stretched too tight? Are we too impatient and anxious?"

"Haven't we stopped to take a look and taste the mountains and rivers that still exist?"

"Should we be quiet and experience the leisure between heaven and earth?"

"Occasionally flipping through books to get some inspiration, and occasionally going out for a walk, find some touch?"

"The way of practice lies in opening and relaxing."

"You are so tense, no matter how high your comprehension is, how do you have the state of mind to realize it? I started martial arts from the Immortal Mountain, and now how many people have calmed down and practiced?"

"You guys, can't you calm down?"

"Can't you be a little more confident?"

"The Blue Star Civilization has not yet reached the critical point of life and death, and the Blue Star Civilization is not that fragile. Even in the face of mutations, the Blue Star Civilization is a big boss, as I said!"

"So, start today."

"Let me go home and reflect on it, enjoy life and practice hard."

"Fight for a few who can fight, don't ask me to save the world for everything, it's very tiring, okay?"

"Stay angry, you guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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