Chapter 140
After watching the scenery quietly for a while, the train began to enter the deceleration channel.

All the seats had turned their directions 30 seconds ago, and after the deceleration started, the strong back pushing continued, unexpectedly feeling like a roller coaster ride.

Jiangcheng, here we come.

After getting out of the car and registering at the station to salute the transfer, Li Heyou saw several of his game helmet boxes being loaded and taken off by the drone, and he would accompany him to his home within 10 minutes.

It's really convenient.

The ticket for the ultra-high-speed maglev train from Kyoto to Jiangcheng is a bit more expensive and requires 200 credits, but the express delivery only needs 2 credits. In today's per capita income of 1000 credits, social life has been greatly facilitated and improved.

With the sword on his back, he walked out of the station.

He hailed a taxi casually, and after getting in the car, Li He was about to talk about Hengyuan when he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have moved.

"Master, one district, one building."

"Okay, I can live in the first district, brother, your credit rating is quite high... Wow! Sword Immortal!!"

"Watch the road! Watch the road!"

Seeing the excited look of the driver, Li He quickly reminded him.

But the driver didn't care, and said, "Don't worry, it's fine. Now every car is equipped with an intelligent emergency system. Once an accident occurs, the system will immediately seize control of the car and avoid it."

"Actually, unmanned driving technology is very mature now."

"Airbus is all self-driving. The country is afraid that we will be idle and bored, so it didn't change the taxis on the ground to driverless. It said that it would allow people to communicate more with each other and provide more jobs. .”

"Master Sword Immortal, according to me, the changes in this world are a little bit more catastrophic, but the current life is something I didn't even dare to think about before."

"My sports car can earn 1200 credits a month. This purchasing power is basically equivalent to more than 2 yuan before the mutation."

"Shopping in life, you seldom need to plan carefully."

"Report to a martial arts gym when you have time. Let's practice martial arts together. While improving your strength, your body will also become healthier. In the past, after a day of running in a sports car, you would have a sore back, a sore back, and numb legs. Now, it's easy."

"Well, in the past few months, I really didn't expect to have today."

"Thanks to you..."

Hearing the driver's heartfelt thanks and praise, Li He blushed a little, feeling ashamed that he had only done some minor work in the past few months as a sword fairy.


In short, after the driver's warm farewell, Li He got out of the car.

Now that the Doomsday Fortress has been fully remodeled, the original residential areas of the city have been basically demolished, and the entire city's first priority is to serve the war, and all new residential areas are all around the highlands.

Once a war breaks out, people don't need to rush into various shelters, they can just wait at home for the city elevator to bring all the buildings in the residential area to the ground.

Underground, there is a huge dungeon with a space of more than 500 meters.

The entire fortress has a complete circulation system and material reserves. Even if it is completely isolated, Jiangcheng can run alone for five years.

Human beings are improving their ability to resist disasters step by step.

The new urban system has also brought about some changes in life. Each residential area is very large, with more than 50 people living in it. There are a total of [-] buildings in one area.

Each tower has more than [-] homes.

The housing of all people is allocated by the state according to personal credit rating and family population. It can be said that this is another level of social wealth.

Jiangcheng's estimated population limit is 1000 million.

However, there are only 600 million houses on the surface, and the remaining 400 million are distributed underground and are under rapid construction. With the wave of immigration happening all over the world, more immigrants can only live underground.

However, the well-developed urban transportation makes there is no barrier between the surface and the underground.

It's just that the underground space is not as open as the surface, and the environmental greening is slightly worse, but the safety is worse than the surface.

There are only eight residential areas on the surface of Jiangcheng. Among them, the first and second areas are located in the inner ring, which has the highest security, and the remaining six areas are divided into six directions outside the branch.

In the existing social system, working hard, practicing martial arts hard, being willing to help others, etc., can all improve credit scores.

At present, the condition for staying in the first and second districts is that the credit rating is above level 4.

Li He is the highest level 20, and the residence he is assigned is naturally the best in Jiangcheng. It is a three-storey duplex of a unit A in the first district, with a total living area of ​​more than 500 square meters, and the sky garden on the roof is still waiting.

After entering the building and before the elevator, Li He looked at how to use it and nodded clearly.

He took off a magnetic levitation vest and a catapult wristband from the side, put it on, and walked into the magnetic levitation channel. A rising force appeared instantly, and his whole body began to float upwards.

The speed quickly reaches 3 meters per second, and then enters a slow acceleration state.

Along the way, Li He saw the entrances of each floor. If he wanted to enter, he could directly launch the ejection rope on the bracelet. After the end of the rope hit the magnetic adsorption plate, he could pull it away by himself.

The width of the entire magnetic levitation channel is about ten meters, and Li and the aunts and uncles who see the grocery shopping can operate easily and smoothly.

After all, it is difficult for the whole people to practice martial arts, so you can adapt to it casually.

When he reached the [-]th floor, Li He found that he started to slow down. When he finally reached the top floor, the speed was stable at [-] meters per second. It seems that this setting is to prevent collisions from being too fast.

The whole time takes about 30 seconds, and it is quite free, much better than the elevator.

When he came to the door of the house, he pressed his palm directly, and the door opened after fingerprint authentication. After entering the house, Li He found that his younger brothers and sisters were unpacking the boxes happily. Although "The World of Mind" has not yet been released, the advertisements have already started.

All the people are looking forward to this game, and suddenly found that the game helmet has arrived, so can they bear it?

"Brother, you finally did something human."

When Shen Qian saw Li He came back, she immediately gave him a thumbs up to praise him. For this, Li He rewarded him directly, if you can talk, you can talk more, the reward is enough.

And Carol handed a game helmet to Li He, and said happily, "Brother, let's play games!"

Although Li He is always at home when he is free, he often flies around to deal with accidents. When he is at home, various summary materials will be sent to him. Although he does not need to make decisions, he still needs to see and understand. One will probably do.

Therefore, when he was at home, Li He mostly read documents.

Carol was worried about disturbing Li He, so she seldom went to see him, and there was not much communication between siblings. Now that there is a game coming out, Carol naturally hopes to play with her brother.

Seeing everyone's excited eyes, Li He didn't disappoint, so he said with a smile: "Then let's play."


In the midst of joy, everyone lay down directly on the wooden floor of the balcony, and then activated the game helmets. Li He could feel a wave of microwaves guiding him.

Without resistance, Li He accepted those guidance, and slowly entered a light sleep state.

"Start identity verification, the login person Li He, start to create an account, after the account is created, start to log in..."

"Welcome to the World of Mind."

(End of this chapter)

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