Chapter 151
Xiao Mao ignored him, and just walked to a ring on his own.

Children in need will go directly to the ring to ask the sparring partner to help them practice. This is his job.

Xiaoyu grinned grimly at this.

He then jumped onto the ring, looked at Xiao Mao and said braggingly: "I measured the gene liberation rate today, and it has reached 8%. Maybe in two weeks, I will be able to reach 10%."

"What about you? Waste hair."

"Can you still find aura in this life?"

Xiao Mao was a little silent and didn't reply.

However, his retreat made Xiaoyu even more angry, and asked: "Speak up, trash!"

Xiao Mao whispered: "I'm not a waste."


As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, Xiaoyu laughed and pointed at Xiaomao and said, "You're not trash? Then what are you? After seven months of mutation, you haven't even found a sense of energy. Are you trash?"

"If you're not in the martial arts hall, you can say that."

"But where is this? This is the martial arts hall!"

"Which sparring partner in the children's area is not the function of a part-time coach, and which one is not able to guide in addition to sparring? What about you! What else do you do besides being a sandbag?"

"Let's not talk about strength, which one of your combat awareness and moves is comparable to our group of children? What's the use of your sparring partner!"

"I don't like a guy like you who is a vegetarian in the martial arts hall!"

"It's a moth!"

"Last time, you couldn't get rid of you moth, it's your life!"

Xiaoyu's words made Xiao Mao tightly clenched his fists, and was pointed at and scolded by a seven-year-old boy, but he had no room to refute. He really knew very little, was not very flexible in combat, and had little experience. Even the teaching of moves can't be done.

Perhaps, as Xiaoyu said, he is indeed...

"Justice should be objective. A person who is constantly working hard cannot be called a moth anyway. Xiaoyu, the justice you want to exercise is actually just violence."

The old hero Li Weiguo had arrived behind Xiaoyu at some point, and stood under the ring and said earnestly.

The last time Xiao Mao was beaten into a coma, others couldn't see it, but the old hero could see something was wrong.

So, while Xiao Mao was on duty today, I came here to have a look.

Sure enough.

Xiaoyu's expression changed suddenly, he turned around to look at Li Weiguo, and suddenly panicked, he shouted in a panic: "Curator."

At first he was flustered, but in a short while Xiaoyu felt that he could not admit his mistake like this, otherwise he would be punished, and immediately said loudly: "Curator, is a training partner like Mao Jiajun really qualified!"

"He can't beat most kids!"

Li Weiguo glanced at Zhang Yu and said, "A person's qualifications as a martial artist depends on his heart, not his deeds. As a training partner, I think he is qualified."

"At least, Xiao Mao is teaching you by example what persistence is."

"Xiaoyu, you have a good talent in martial arts, so you can quickly find your aura. The gene liberation rate has also reached 8%, and it will soon reach 10%. In the future training, it will become higher and higher."

"However, everyone has limits."

"When you encounter an insurmountable bottleneck, ask yourself, will you persevere like Xiao Mao, will you persevere and never give up even if the hope is slim?"

Zhang Yu opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

He looked at his hands suspiciously...

Li Weiguo stepped onto the ring, patted Zhang Yu on the shoulder, and said, "My child, you are still young, you should watch and learn more, many things are not as simple and one-sided as you think."

"Buddhas have a saying, if you compare your heart with your heart, it is the Buddha's heart."

"Don't be so extreme in the future."

"Go, say sorry to Xiao Mao."

Zhang Yu, who was originally silent, blushed instantly, and then opened Li Weiguo's hand in anger, and said, "Why should I apologize to him!"

Looking at the child who ran out, Li Weiguo sighed leisurely.

Afterwards, he looked at Xiao Mao and said with a smile, "Come on, let's compare, let me see if you have improved recently."

Xiao Mao was stunned for a moment, then nodded excitedly and said, "Yes!"


At ten o'clock at night, the martial arts hall closed. While Xiao Mao was helping to clean the martial arts hall, Li Weiguo, who had changed his clothes, went downstairs and said, "I bought a cleaning robot the day before yesterday, and I will let it do it at night."

Xiao Mao chuckled, and said, "Robots don't understand the maintenance of these utensils, curator, I'll finish it soon."

Li Weiguo knocked on his head and said: "What to do, let's go, I'll treat you to supper."


"Hurry up and go, don't you want the old man to wait for you?"


Xiaomao had no choice but to put down the rag in his hand, put the things away, then picked up his cotton coat, and followed Li Weiguo while putting it on.

In a barbecue restaurant on the side of the commercial street, the two sat and ate skewers. The old hero took a sip of Erguotou, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Do you want to drink?"

Xiao Mao quickly shook his head.

Li Weiguo sighed regretfully, and said, "Man, you still have to drink."

"When I was young, I didn't even know how to drink when I first joined the army, but the squad leader told me that a coward who dared not even drink alcohol, why should he fight with others? Later, I also liked drinking."

"In retrospect, on the battlefield full of guns and bullets, the recruits went up, and they couldn't hold their guns stably without drinking a couple of drinks."

"You child, you are too soft-tempered, you should drink some wine."


Thinking of something, Xiao Mao firmly shook his head and said, "Alcohol can only make people escape, I, don't escape."

Li Weiguo was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

He patted Xiao Mao on the back hard, and he laughed loudly: "Yes, it is this kind of momentum, never run away, no matter how big the difficulty is, it will not be as difficult as the step you made today."

"There are people in this world who are talented and intelligent, and they go smoothly."

"There are also people who are dull and clumsy, and can only wear water through rocks, but no matter what, as long as you work hard, there is always a possibility."

"For things like martial arts, the most fearful thing is sincerity."

"Always remember, there will be reverberations."

"One day, you will find your own way, I believe in you."

The strong hands on the shoulders made Xiaomao's nose feel a little sour, and his eyes were filled with tears. Xiaomao nodded heavily. This was the first time someone understood him and supported him.

The old hero smiled, and then handed a piece of paper to Xiaomao.

Above, is the serial number.

"The World of Mind will open tomorrow. I don't know if I can make an appointment, but I still made an appointment. This is for you. Go, there may be a miracle."

Xiao Mao stared blankly at Li Weiguo, tears streaming down his face...

(End of this chapter)

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