I might be a little strong

Chapter 155 Cooking Wine on Heroes

Chapter 155 Cooking Wine on Heroes

Li He was naturally unaware of Sun Ming's condemnation. When the bodyguard team was having lunch, he was listening to Wang Wu's analysis with great interest, and then chuckled and said, "Eighth in the list, Qingyang Sword Immortal."

"Entering Taoism with Confucianism, I am afraid that I am not good at fighting."

"It may be difficult to take the Chuan Guo Yuxi away from me."

"You say so? Little Celestial Master?"

Hearing what Li He said, Wang Wu immediately stood up nervously, drew his sword and looked around. Li He didn't care about his nervousness, and neither did the little celestial master who came out from behind the carriage.

The little Heavenly Master cupped his fists with a wry smile, and said: "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I'm afraid Li Jing was wrong this time."

Li He smiled, made a gesture of invitation, and then threw the wine gourd in his hand. The little celestial master was not restrained, and took a drink after receiving it. After drinking, he complained: "This wine is not good."

"Then pay me back?"

"No, I'm afraid no one will be able to afford your wine from now on, not to mention that this wine can still be drunk, even if it is sour, it is the most expensive wine in the world."

"The Heavenly Master's Mansion is so frank?"

"Don't tell me, with my temperament, uncles and elders are still very reserved."


Li He laughed lightly, raised the jug in his hand, and the two drank together. Seeing the little celestial master tearing up the rabbit's leg, Li He asked: "The Tianbang is not listed in the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Among the three religions, is there anyone who can rival Zhao Kuangyin?"

The little celestial master blinked and said, "Does it count as heaven?"

"Not counting?"

"If it doesn't count, then it doesn't. Your Excellency knows the three congenital realms, there are Vajra, Zhixuan, and Celestial Phenomenon. Can you know that these three realms actually represent the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism? In fact, there is no distinction between high and low in the three congenital realms."

"King Kong has the meaning of Buddha, which means that the Buddha's Vajra is not broken."

"As for Zhixuan, it was previously called Daoxuan."

"It was not until 100 years ago that Daoxuan was changed to Zhixuan. The reason for this was the book "Zhixuan Pian" written by Lu Zu, which fully described the mystery of alchemy."

"Tianxiang refers to the Confucian interaction between heaven and man."

"There is a saying in Confucianism that establishing a heart for heaven and earth is actually the essence of heaven and earth."

"Before the age of 20, Zhao Kuangyin was only a first-rank martial artist with good aptitude, but that's all. However, when he was 21, that is, eight years ago, he met an old Zen master in a ruined temple somewhere in Xiangyang. "

"The old Zen master had three days before his death. Seeing that Zhao Kuangyin's fate was extraordinary, he taught Zhao Kuangyin all he had realized in his life. This lecture lasted for three days and three nights until he passed away."

"And ten days later, Zhao Kuangyin just woke up like a dream. When he woke up, he was already in the Great Vajra Realm."

"The predestined method of getting enlightenment from Buddhism."

"Five years ago, when Zhao Kuangyin met Fu Yaozi, he had to pass on the "Zhixuan Pian Sutra Notes". He had an epiphany overnight and obtained the Dazhixuan Realm."

"From then on, the world will be invincible."

"In the world, if anyone can defeat Zhao Kuangyin, Da Jingang, Dazhixuan, and Datianxiang, at least two of the three must be obtained, but obviously, there is no one."

After listening to the little celestial master, Li He nodded and said, "What if it's the sky?"

After gnawing the rabbit leg, the little celestial master took a big sip of wine, sighed cheerfully, and then said: "That's a lot, but there are only a few who can win after descending to the mortal world."

"There are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, and you have to lower your eyebrows when you see me. Lu Zu is one of them."

"Hold the sun, the moon, and pick the stars. There is no one like me in the world. Li Taibai is one of them." Laugh out loud and go out, how can I be from Penghao.)
"It's an exaggeration to exaggerate that martial arts in the world come from Shaolin, but Bodhidharma's achievements are indeed as high as mountains, and he is one of them."

"Building a heart for the world, establishing a life for the people, inheriting the knowledge of the past, and creating peace for all generations, Dong Zhongshu is one of them."

"My ancestor is one."

"Further ahead, there are hundreds of schools of thought. It's hard to compare. It's probably like this. The main reason is that many martial arts fighters died in battle, and few of them can ascend to immortality."

"Otherwise, in terms of combat power, 30 years ago, Li Cunxiao in the Later Tang Dynasty was much stronger than Zhao Kuangyin."

"People in the world only know the Great Vajra, but they don't know that there is a congenital diamond realm. Throughout the ages, there are only two people who have reached the congenital diamond realm. One is Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and the other is Li Cunxiao 30 years ago."

"Zhao Kuangyin's invincibility in the world is probably due to his luck."

"Eh? No more wine?"

As he said that, the little Tianshi shook the wine gourd, and found that the wine had been drunk, he pursed his lips in reluctance, although the Tianshi mansion can't help alcohol and meat, but there is no wine in the mansion, so it's rare to drink it once.

Li He smiled and threw his wine gourd over.

Glancing at the sky, he asked, "How can I get up to this fairy world?"

The little celestial master said while eating: "Ascension from the feathers and transformation into immortals, in any case, basically you can only go up if you leave your body. However, there are still rumors of two great fairylands in the world."

"Penglai Wonderland and Kunlun Wonderland, it is rumored that these two places can directly lead to the fairyland."

"However, one is overseas, and the other is hidden in the mountains thousands of miles away. It is not easy to find. There should be no map in the world."

"You have to find it yourself."


After drinking half a gourd of wine again, the little Heavenly Master hiccupped, finally satisfied.

He stood up and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, for inviting me to drink. It's time for me to stop Zhao Kuangyin. Although it doesn't make any difference whether I stop or not, I have agreed to other people's affairs, so I have to put on a show."

"I killed the first dragon in the East China Sea three years ago, and pulled out the tendons of the dragon to make wine."

"I'll treat you to a drink next time."

As he said that, the figure of the little celestial master began to go away. Li He smiled, glanced at the people around him, and said, "Since we've finished eating, let's start our journey."

Wang Wu did not arrange immediately this time, but hesitated for a while and said:
"My lord, since the little celestial master has gone to stop Zhao Kuangyin, then we will be attacked by the Southern Tang Dynasty when we walk out of the border of Southern Wu, which is at the Qingliang Pass in front of us."

"Shall we wait a little longer?"

"General Zhao defeated the little celestial master and came to meet us. We will be much safer. Otherwise, Southern Tang only needs to ambush thousands of elite soldiers, and we will... be difficult to deal with."

Li He patted Wang Wu on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, don't be afraid."

Then he got into the carriage.

Wang Wu took a deep breath, and decided to listen to Li He's advice, to seek wealth and wealth, and to fight for it!

At Qingliangguan, Song Qiqiu was standing on the top of the wall with his hands behind his back, wondering what he was thinking.

In his life, the old man probably still can't figure out his relationship with Nantang. This time, he should make the last act of friendship for Nantang. Ever since Li Min forgot his ambition, Nantang no longer has the potential to fight for world hegemony up.

Especially, the new emperor Li Jing...

Yuxi, you can't hold it.

 Added a chapter, and still owed six chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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