I might be a little strong

Chapter 159 Xuanwu Division of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 159 Xuanwu Division of the Tang Dynasty

"Zhao Da will be the emperor!!!"

The fact that Zhao Kuangyin got the Eight Desolation Returning to Yuan Jue spread quickly in the rivers and lakes. When the bodyguard team entered the border of Shouzhou and was in the army of Hou Zhou, the generals looked at Zhao Kuangyin in the wrong way.

It looks very... ambiguous.

Or, indifference.

Shi Shouxin, one of the ten brothers of Yishe, who was the vanguard in the Huainan War, is leading one of the troops besieging Shouzhou at this moment. Unlike other generals, Shi Shouxin is extremely serious and nervous at the moment.

It is definitely not a good thing for Zhao Kuangyin to be recognized by Chuan Guo Yuxi.

No king is willing to see his generals have Ziwei's fate, especially in this chaotic world that has been ups and downs for more than a hundred years, in this chaotic world where generals rebel as frequently as drinking water...


Zhao Kuangyin is very dangerous now. He is fine on the front line of Shouzhou. If he returns to Bianliang, it will be his life and death. How will he choose, whether to raise the flag to rebel on the spot, or to enter the capital with the imperial seal? That is all people are waiting and watching things.

The Southern Tang side failed at Qingliangguan, and Zhao Shihu carried the bones of Song Qiqiu back to the capital Nanchang.

Above the court hall, Zhao Shihu knelt down and bowed his head.

Li Jing was silent for a long time with his back turned, before suddenly turning around, he said angrily, "Six thousand Imperial Guards, eight hundred Yanyue Guards, they gave up without even moving, you bunch of trash!"

Zhao Shihu bowed his head and did not refute.

Li Jing's face turned red with anger, but he didn't completely ignore the facts. After panting for a while, he flicked his sleeves and said, "Is there really someone who can hold a sword eight thousand times like an arm?"

Zhao Shihu said seriously: "There is absolutely no exaggeration. In fact, the brothers of the Imperial Army and Yanyuewei were both injured by the sword qi that overflowed after the flying sword fell, and they are all in the process of healing."

"Li He's strength may not be able to deal with an army of [-]."

Li Jing's face changed slightly, and then he said gloomyly: "Although Li He is powerful, he is only one person after all. The biggest loss this time is not to offend Li He, but to let the Chuanguo Yuxi fall into Hou Zhou's hands!"

"Wuyue, Nanchu, Zhongping, Nanhan and other countries who were watching from above the wall, I'm afraid they are going to stab us in the back!"

"How can we block Hou Zhou?!"

Facing Li Jing's anger, Zhao Shihu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, we haven't reached that point yet, and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo may not be in Chai Rong's hands."

"The rumors that Zhao Kuangyin was recognized by Chuanguo Yuxi and obtained the Eight Wastes Returning to Yuanjue are true. A spy from our Yanyue Division witnessed it on the spot."


"The first thing Chai Rong has to face is Zhao Kuangyin."

"This matter is very difficult to deal with no matter what. Zhao Kuangyin is likely to rebel. For Hou Zhou, it will be a bloody chaos, and it is hard to say that it will even perish."

"At this moment, Your Majesty."

"At the end of the day, the general suggested...to recruit Zhao Kuangyin, King Xu Huainan, and promised that as long as Zhao Kuangyin rebelled against Hou Zhou, Later Tang would give Huainan fourteen prefectures as a gift. In the future, the Northern Expedition Hou Zhou will draw the river to rule the north and the south."

Li Jing's complexion improved a lot, his eyes gradually became sharper, and he asked, "Zhao Kuangyin, is Ziwei's destiny really?"

Zhao Shihu cupped his fists and said loudly, "Your Majesty, it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. As long as it spreads, it's true. If Zhao Kuangyin says no, Chai Rong must believe it. People in the world believe it."

"I thought about it carefully, there was something strange about the high-profile birth of the Chuanguo Yuxi back then."

"Xuanwu Si has been loyal to the Tang Dynasty for decades, how could he help Chai Rong take over the world, in their view, we are all thieves, rebellious officials and thieves who conspired against the Tang Dynasty."

"So, this Chuan Guo Yuxi is used to drive a wedge between Hou Zhou."

"Xuanwusi, I'm afraid he wants to take a chance out of the fire, seize power in the turmoil of the later Zhou Dynasty, and restore the country."

Li Jing pondered for a while, and said: "You can't pin all your hopes on guessing Xuanwusi's actions, but the divorce plan is feasible, and an imperial edict is drawn up to confer Zhao Kuangyin the king of Huainan and take the fourteen prefectures of Huainan as fiefdoms."

"If he agrees."


"King of Huainan?"

"Everyone checks in front of the palace?"

The next day, Zhao Kuangyin received two canonizations in the barracks on the front line in Shouzhou, one from the Southern Tang Dynasty and the other from the Later Zhou Dynasty.

Chai Rong promoted him, became the inspector in front of the palace, and actually controlled the military power of Hou Zhou. Such trust made Zhao Kuangyin's eyes wet.

As for the Huainan King of the Southern Tang Dynasty?

Can it be reliable?
After wiping away his tears, Zhao Kuangyin stood up and said to his sworn brothers and subordinates: "Ge Laozi, go to Bianliang. If I die, don't rebel. Your Majesty is destined to be a wise king who can unify the troubled times. Follow him well to conquer the country, and in the future you will be appointed as a Marquis and Prime Minister."

"All points!"

The generals stood up one after another, worried that Zhao Kuangyin would go to Bianliang.

Chai Rong ordered Zhao Kuangyin to be rewarded, and he was promoted from the commander of the horse infantry in front of the hall to the inspector in front of the hall, but who knows if this is a scam?Once Zhao Kuangyin returns to Beijing to report on his work, Chai Rong has the final say.

Shi Shouxin immediately grabbed Zhao Kuangyin, and said solemnly: "Second brother, don't act out of loyalty."

"Even if you want to go back, you can't go back alone."

"The battle in Shouzhou is not serious. If you bring three thousand soldiers back to Beijing, you will not make a fuss, but it is also a layer of protection. If your majesty becomes murderous, you can also fight out of Bianjing with three thousand soldiers to support you."

"With our brothers in the army, after you come out, you only need to raise your arms and we will turn against him."

"Didn't the emperor take turns sitting for a hundred years?"

"Second brother, you are a hero in the world, why can't you sit on this throne!"

Zhao Kuangyin was silent for a while, then sighed, and said: "No need, I will go back alone, I trust Your Majesty, because I understand His Majesty's determination to rule the world better than anyone else."

Shi Shouxin hesitated for a moment, and finally let go of Zhao Kuangyin with a leisurely sigh.


After Zhao Kuangyin packed his things, he led his horse and came to a small town behind the barracks. This is the logistics location of the Hou Zhou army. Because of the military ration trade, it was very lively.

Later Zhou was poor, but he did not plunder civilians, and the military supplies he needed were all bought with money.

Therefore, the Huainan area laid down in the next week is not difficult to govern.

Many merchants from the south will transport grain to sell.

Li He stayed in the town for a day, and the bodyguard team of the Fuwei Bodyguard Agency left yesterday afternoon because the Chuanguo Yuxi had been delivered in advance.

Although Lin Zhiyuan gave a generous reward, and although Li He was powerful, the journey along the way was really thrilling.

If you don't have to, then hurry up and go.

Take the money and go home, that's the real thing, follow Li He and other gods, if one day the gods really fight, it will be a disaster for mortals.

The bodyguard team all went back, but Wang Wu stayed behind.

Wang Wu said that Li He lacked a groom.

Whether there is a groom or not, Li He doesn't care, but Wang Wu is willing to follow, so he just accepts it. Today, Li He is going to turn to Shushan after another night's rest.

The six major powers in the rivers and lakes, the Great Snow Mountain in the Western Regions, and the Royal Dragon City in Mobei are all too far away.

Li He also planned to go to Jinling City on August [-]th to see the release of the magic soldiers from the Hidden Sword Villa. Instead of going so far, he would go to Shu, and if he was free, he would go to Tianya Mingyue Palace.

If you are on the way, go to Tianshi Mansion.

There are many masters in the mind world, Li He also intends to see the understanding of martial arts by various masters, Zhao Kuangyin is not in a hurry to compete, others don't know, but Li He knows that Zhao Kuangyin has obtained the Eight Desolation Return to Yuan Jue, probably Soon it will be big.

It's better to wait for Zhao Kuangyin to enter the land gods and then fight with one, then maybe it will be enjoyable...

(End of this chapter)

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