I might be a little strong

Chapter 161 Triggering the main line

Chapter 161 Triggering the main line
On Li He's side, he went directly to visit the six major forces in Jianghu.

Other players haven't even figured out the situation in the Jianghu world. At the beginning of logging into the mind world, they don't have martial arts, but martial arts in the real world can still be cultivated, but the way of cultivation...is different.

In a world without the aura of heaven and earth, martial arts training must begin with refining and transforming qi.

People with high savvy can directly practice again, and do a review and summary of their own martial arts, but those with insufficient savvy can only join various sects and learn martial arts again.

Shen Qian worked as a servant in the Tongfu Inn, and learned light kung fu from Bai Zhantang, but he had to start practicing with sandbags on his legs, running, walking baskets, climbing walls, squatting...

Those who haven't practiced in the real world, this time I've made up for it, especially if I don't have internal strength yet, relying purely on physical resistance, I'm as tired as a dead dog.

During the day, I have to work as a waiter in the shop to deal with all kinds of people in the rivers and lakes, which is really training people.


When people from the rivers and lakes in the inn talked about the power of the battle between Li and Qingliangguan, Shen Qian couldn't help curling his lips. After working for a while, he rested on the stairs and asked Bai Zhantang: "Brother Bai, when can I practice?" Out of breath?"

Bai Zhantang yawned and said, "That's far enough."

"The way to practice martial arts is to refine Qi to transform Qi, refine Qi to transform spirit, and refine spirit to restore emptiness. You must first strengthen your body to fill your body with Qi and blood, then activate your meridians, exercise your five internal organs, and let your breath flow smoothly."

"Then, in the middle of the stance, cooperate with the breathing method, and repeatedly try to move the breath."

"During the long training, if one day your breath can be controlled by you, then you have a sense of qi. Basically, if you have a sense of qi, you are a sixth-grade martial artist."

"You've only been practicing for a few days, so you're aiming too high."

Shen Qian suddenly had a bitter face, and said: "It's still too far away, then, is there anyone who can reach the sky in one step and enter the fairyland on land?"

Bai Zhantang nodded and said, "Yes, I was originally a land fairy, but I fell down by accident, so I can climb to the sky again? You don't have to think about it."

Shen Qian is speechless, emotional, players in this game are not equal from the moment they enter...

Watching the chatter and fights among the people in the Jianghu in the inn, Shen Qian asked: "Brother Bai, tell me, that Li and Yujian 20, and the [-] forbidden troops of the Southern Tang Dynasty all bowed their heads, what level is it in the Jianghu?"

"Based on my experience, it should be the best in the world."

"No suspense?"

"There is still some suspense. If Zhao Kuangyin's fist and Panlong cudgel can get close, Li He's 'Sword Come' will not be so effective. The outcome remains to be seen."

"Brother Bai, how do you compare with him?"

"Of course there is no winner. As long as I am far enough away, no one can defeat me. In this world, my old Bai is second in lightness kung fu theory, and there is only one person who can claim the first place."

"Who is number one?"

"Of course it is the princess of Tianya Mingyue Palace. How do you think she has been alone all these years? It is because of this lightness skill that even Tang's 20 troops were unable to keep her in the capital."

"Is her qinggong called Lingbo Weibu?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Shen Qian covered his face, and he just guessed casually, who knew that this was the name?Academy of Sciences, pay for the copyright of Jin Daxia, oh, no, these four words Jin Daxia has no copyright, from "Luo Shen Fu": Lingbo microsteps, Luosocks generate dust.

Shen Qian complained: "Why does Qinggong have such a good name? Brother Bai, you just took a holy step?"

Bai Zhantang: "...Can you talk?"

Mai Tai is Mai Tai, but Shen Qian is still serious about learning martial arts from Bai Zhantang, he has already recognized the reality, if he can't beat Li He, he can only run faster than Li He.

Just run away, don't be too cool!

After noon, Shen Qian took two hours off today. Although in reality, she could see Xiaozhu every day, in the mind world, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Carrying a roast goose, Shen Qian started to run towards the outskirts of the city.

If other people play games to practice martial arts, Xiaozhu is perfectly integrated into ancient life. Sometimes he helps the old man in the field harvest rice, sometimes he goes hunting with the hunter in the mountains, and sometimes he goes to the riverside to stay in the fisherman's house for a few days.

She really likes this kind of life...

It should be said that she likes the process of working to obtain food. In reality, she is not very used to it without going to school. Moreover, she is not used to getting food without working.

Planting, hunting, fishing, picking...

These are the normal ways she thinks of getting food. Well, it’s okay to make money. It’s a very fulfilling thing to work hard and sweat to buy food again...

Shen Qian couldn't empathize with Xiaozhu's simple concept.

However, he thinks Xiaozhu is happy as long as he is happy, and he doesn't mind accompanying Xiaozhu to do those things. It has been confirmed through information before that Xiaozhu is helping to raise silkworms at Aunt Guo's house...

As soon as he ran outside the courtyard of Aunt Guo's house, Shen Qian was thrown down by Ah Nian.

"Hey! Dead bear, leave some for Xiao Zhu!"

This roast goose is his salary these days, worth 20 Wen!
Ah Nian handed the remaining half of the roast goose to Shen Qian with a mouth full of fat. Shen Qian sighed helplessly. This guy has nothing to eat in reality, but he wants to enter the game to suffer.

You say you are a panda, why do you want to play games?
In the middle of the yard, Shen Qian watched Xiaozhu play with the silkworm baby, and felt that his heart was hit once. Sure enough, Xiaozhu is the cutest in the world!

After Xiaozhu finished his busy work, Shen Qian went up to deliver water and roast goose.

The two were eating roast goose together, Xiaozhu suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, by the way, when I was helping Uncle Liu herd the sheep today, I heard two woodcutters talking."

"They mentioned Brother He, and they also talked about ambushing Zhao Kuangyin."

"It seems... what princess did you mention?"

"Xiaoqian, is something going to happen?"

Li He was escorting Chuanguo Yuxi, they had some exchanges and discussions offline, and everyone also discussed the pattern of the mind world.

Xiao Zhu remembered some, but not all.

On the contrary, Shen Qian's head was active, and after asking Xiaozhu for a few details, he said solemnly: "I heard that Brother Bai analyzed the source of Chuanguo Yuxi, so it should be from the Xuanwu Division. confusion."

"Princess Mingyue, this title in Jianghu should only be Princess Mingyue."

"The princess of Tianya Mingyue Palace is originally from the Tang Dynasty's direct lineage."

"It's just that Mingyue Palace is inherited by women, and the world doesn't recognize it. However, after so many years of Tang Dynasty's demise, there are probably no capable descendants, so Xuanwu Division intends to serve as the master of Princess Mingyue."

"This time, Datang intends to restore the country."

"After a lot of calculations, I'm afraid there will be trouble in the next week. It seems that the main plot is coming."

Xiao Zhu blinked and asked, "The main plot?"

Shen Qian drew a map with a stick, pointed to the region of Hou Zhou, and said: "It is the kind of event that will change the world structure. If Hou Zhou is overthrown, the whole north will be in chaos. The Southern Tang Dynasty in the south is not enough to replace Hou Zhou. , if the Khitan take advantage of the situation and go south."

"The world is going to be chaotic..."

(End of this chapter)

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