Chapter 171
Regarding the little celestial master's crazy complaints, Li He smiled lightly.

"King Kong, Zhixuan, and Celestial Phenomenon are all divided into ordinary, perfect, and great realms. They are innate fourfold realms. If I understand correctly, I should be in the innate heavenly realm in terms of celestial phenomena."

"It's just a thunderstorm, don't make a fuss."

"Like Zhuge Wuhou, it's not impossible to borrow an east wind."

"What you said, you can't follow what you say."

The little celestial master endured it for a long time, but still couldn't help it, and complained: "Do you think I don't know the innate celestial phenomenon realm? Li Taibai once had the Great Vajra, the Big Finger Xuan, and the innate celestial phenomenon. It's not as exaggerated as you are!"

"It has never been so easy to call the wind and call the rain."


"Unless you are in the Innate Finger Profound Realm and innate in the Heavenly Elephant Realm!"

Li He was taken aback, squeezed his chin, and said, "Eh? It seems so, yes, you are right."


The little Taoist priests around sprayed it together while drinking the porridge. What did they hear?The innate refers to the mysterious realm plus the innate heavenly phenomenon realm?I'm a good boy, is this still a human?
The little celestial master just didn't drink porridge, otherwise he would have to spray.

He opened his mouth blankly for a long time, and said, "It doesn't make sense. Throughout the ages, at most one entered the Xiantian realm. Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao were in the Xiantian Diamond realm, Lu Zu was in the Xiantian Finger Profound realm, and Li Taibai was in the Xiantian Xiangjing realm."

"No matter how magnificent and glamorous it is, it cannot be compatible with another realm."

"you you……"

The little celestial master was speechless, and he really understood at this moment that the sentence that Chen Tuan commented, "swiping the sword to break the floating clouds, and the princes will come to the west, there is no exaggeration..."

One sword can stop a million masters.

He, really can.

Looking at Li He rather resentfully, Master Xiaotian sighed. He felt that he had better not go down the mountain. The downhill is too dangerous. Besides, living in the same era with such a person is very sad, okay?

So, after breakfast, Li He was repeatedly urged by the little celestial master.

It is said that the temple of Tianshifu is small, so don't stay here to irritate people.

If Li He had enough time, he would definitely stay in Tianshi Mansion for three to five months and torture this guy repeatedly. However, he still has Tianya Mingyue Palace and Shushan Jiange to go, so he won't stay any longer.

After lunch, Li He started on the road again.


In this cloudy and treacherous environment, Li He is the only one who travels leisurely across the states. The rest of the countries and factions are all nervously watching the changes in the court of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

On the second day after Zhao Kuangyin was placed under house arrest, he was on the court of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

Fan Zhi, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, came out to remonstrate: "Li Jixun, the commander of the Zhaowu Army, Shi Shouxin, the commander of the right wing, Wang Shenqi, the commander of the officials in front of the palace, and Han Chongyun, the commander of the Crane Army..."

"A total of 130 generals and generals in the army wrote a letter, asking His Majesty to let Zhao Kuangyin go back to his hometown to observe his filial piety."

"To fulfill the duty of the Son of Man."

As soon as Fan Zhi said this, the entire courtroom became terribly quiet. Everyone looked down and waited for the reaction of the person on the dragon chair.

Chai Rong on the dragon chair didn't even look at Fan Zhi, but focused on Wang Pu who was at the forefront.

Wang Pu, who was a privy envoy, took a step forward as if what happened just now did not happen, and said, "Your Majesty, the Yellow River is flooded and tens of thousands of people have been displaced..."

He is a privy envoy, but he talked about the duties of Tongping Zhangshi...

So, today, the entire morning court was spent in this kind of innocuous voice, and Fan Zhi ignored it until he retired from the court, looking at the empty court hall and the eunuch who came to persuade him.

Fan Zhi flicked his sleeves and said angrily, "Confused!"

"The unwarranted things are not enough to this extent today, do you still want to continue to deteriorate? If your majesty is really afraid, why not poison Zhao Kuangyin to death, and it will be settled once and for all!"

"Whether to release or kill, I don't even have a decision, what a fool!"

Fan Zhi had a good time scolding and left, and the eunuchs were all embarrassed when they heard it. His Majesty does not punish him with speech, but this little old man is too shameless, right?

After going to court, Chai Rong went to the imperial study.

When he was reviewing the memorial, Wang Pu came here under the guidance of the eunuch.

"His Majesty."

Wang Pu saluted, Chai Rong nodded and said, "Sit."

Seeing the eunuch move the chair, Wang Pu stretched out his hand to stop it, walked to Chai Rong's desk, and said in a concentrated voice: "Your Majesty, this matter should not be delayed for a long time, and a decision should be made as soon as possible."

"Some generals in the army are already gearing up."

"Once the rebellion occurs, the whole situation will reach an irreversible level."

Chai Rong stopped writing, raised his head, and asked, "Do you think I should let go or kill?"

Wang Pu was silent for a moment, and under Chai Rong's gaze, he said after a long time: "If your majesty still has the world in mind, and wants to become a wise king through the ages and rule the country, then you should let him go."

"Eternal Mingjun..."

Chai Rong chuckled lightly and said: "Master Qiangu Ming, first of all you have to have enough time to finish things. Sir, do you think I still have so much time?"

Wang Pu's pupils shrank immediately, he looked at Chai Rong in disbelief, and said with difficulty: "Your Majesty's body..."

Chai Rong opened the brocade box, took out a elixir and swallowed it, his face became a little more bloody, coughed, stood up, walked to the front of the map, and said: "Doctor Zhang said, I am resting and self-cultivating. Live for ten years."

"Tell me not to drive me to conquest myself again."

"Otherwise, there may be accidents."

"My own body, I know it well, maybe, if I don't be the emperor, but a rich man enjoying peace, maybe I can live for ten years."

"But, I can't retreat."

"Khitan dominates the north, and the son emperor Shi Jingtan ceded Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures and Khitan, allowing Khitan to obtain the production and construction capabilities of our Han people, which has completely changed the nature of Khitan."

"With the loss of Yanyun sixteen prefectures, my Han family no longer has the barrier to the north."

"Khitan soldiers and horses, if they want to go south, they can go south, and they will flatten the river without hindrance. In time, if the Khitan has a hero, our Central Plains will still be divided by heroes."

"The day of the dead is not far away."

"Sir, this Mingjun, I deserve it even if I don't."

Wang Pu's expression was touched, he sighed in pity, bowed down to Chai Rong, and said: "I understand, please rest assured, the court will not be chaotic for the time being."

Chai Rong took a step forward, supported Wang Pu's shoulder and said, "Sir, it's not a matter of chaos."

"It's a question of who is messing around."

The light in Wang Pu's eyes burst out suddenly, he understood what Chai Rong was doing.

A good one will count...

(End of this chapter)

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