Chapter 177
The emperor left the palace and came to the market to salute the corporals.

Ordinary people would be more or less moved, but Feng Bin's family and Tiandao present are all players, and they don't feel very cold about the ancient emperor.

Feng Bin just nodded with a smile, his wife and daughter were more curious.

Tian Dao didn't get up either, but looked at Meng Chang and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Meng Chang's expression froze for a moment, but he insisted on completing the gesture of saluting. When he raised his head, his expression remained the same, and he said with a smile, "Sir, you are really kind."

"Zhen, let's get straight to the point."

"The purpose of calling on you this time is to invite you to come out of the mountain and serve as the envoy of the Chengcheng Army, the commander of the commander in front of the palace, and from now on, in the Great Shu Army, one person will be under one man, and ten thousand people will be above him."

"Sir, would you like to?"

Meng Chang's offer was very high and sincere.

You know, in the Later Zhou Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin was just a soldier next to Guo Wei at first. When Chai Rong came to power, Zhao Kuangyin was promoted to Yuhou, the capital of Sima infantry in front of the palace, and he didn't even have a festival.

It wasn't until the first year of Xiande, the battle of Gaoping with the Northern Han Dynasty and Khitan in the Later Zhou Dynasty, that Zhao Kuangyin's military achievements improved rapidly.

Before the incident of Chuanguo Yuxi, Zhao Kuangyin was just the commander of the capital in front of the palace and the envoy of Kuang Shengjun.

Along the way, it took seven or eight years of effort.

Now, Meng Chang directly offered Zhao Kuangyin the same level of status, which can be said to be very sincere, but it may not be enough for other masters of the Tianbang.

Let's take a look at the current situation of the top ten masters in the Tianbang.

Zhao Kuangyin, number one on the list, played an important role in the army of the Later Zhou Dynasty, Dashi Linya, who was ranked second on the list, was the Khitan Army God, and Daxueshan God, who was ranked third on the list, could command the tribes of the Western Regions.

The city lord of Yulong City, the fourth on the list, is surnamed Yelu, and belongs to the Khitan royal family.

The Tubo national teacher, the fifth in the heavenly list, has an unquestionable status for Tubo, the most powerful country.

The sixth on the list is the princess of Tianya Mingyue Palace, who is noble and illustrious and unrivaled in the world; the seventh is Mrs. Huarui, the concubine of Emperor Meng Chang of Later Shu; the eighth is Qingyang Sword Immortal Song Qiqiu, who The prime minister of the Southern Tang Dynasty; the ninth is the tomb keeper of the sword tomb of King Wu, whose inheritance dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period; the tenth is Duan Siping, the founding emperor of Dali.

Either the status is extraordinary, or the origin is deep.

If Meng Chang used this position to poach people, he probably wouldn't be able to do so. You must know that in order to poach Zhao Kuangyin from the Southern Tang Dynasty, even King Huainan came out, but Zhao Kuangyin didn't even look at him.

However, for an "amateur" without any background, the starting point is quite high.

Tiandao is such an amateur.

At least, according to Dianhuasi's intelligence ability, he couldn't find out the family background, teacher's sect, and inheritance behind Tiandao. It can be said that this person seems to have appeared out of thin air.

It was very strange and abnormal, but Meng Chang still wanted to try it.

He looked at Tiandao with sincere eyes, hoping that there would be a situation where the monarch and his ministers could win each other, and the scholars of the country and the Mingjun. However, the reality was often contrary to expectations, and Tiandao replied indifferently: "I'm not interested."

Meng Chang froze there immediately, like a sculpture.

He didn't expect Tiandao's answer to be so simple and indifferent, without any face, and he didn't even think about talking...

In any case, he is the Emperor of Shu!

Meng Chang wanted to get angry, but his rationality forced him to pull out a not too stiff smile. He smiled, sat down calmly, took the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

A eunuch wanted to do a drug test, but he stopped him.

After drinking a cup of tea, after a few seconds of relaxation, Meng Chang had already adjusted his mentality. He smiled naturally, "I was the one who was abrupt. Mr. is obsessed with martial arts, and he doesn't have the mind to mess with ordinary things. It's quite normal."

"Three glasses of self-punishment, three cups of self-punishment."

As he said that, Meng Chang changed the wine and drank three glasses in a row.

After drinking, he looked at Tiandao and said, "Mr. Tiandao, after challenging Shu Mountain, the next step is to go to Daxue Mountain, right?"


When Meng Chang heard Tiandao's admission, he was sure that Dianhuasi's analysis was correct. Based on Tiandao's previous remarks, this person should really be pursuing the realm of congenital and mysterious.

In this way, Meng Chang has a bottom line.

He chuckled lightly and said, "The God Lord of Daxue Mountain has the accomplishments of Vajra Consummation, Big Finger Profound, and Celestial Phenomena. Of course, he is a very good test stone for Mr."


"The gap between Dazhixuan and Xiantian Zhixuan, if you want to break through, the Daxue Mountain God Lord cannot be the cornerstone, because he is not strong enough."

"Since the Tang Dynasty, there are only three warriors who have cultivated to the innate level in the three innate realms."

"Li Taibai, Lu Zu, Li Cunxiao."

"The three of them all have a status that transcends the entire era. Even Li Cunxiao of the Later Tang Dynasty, he was born as a diamond, and he didn't even enter Zhixuan, so he is still invincible in this world."

"Back then, Li Cunxiao followed Jin Wang Li Keyong to quell the chaos."

"Li Cunxiao first killed Wang Xianzhi, who was number one in the world at that time, and wiped out Wang Xianzhi's troops within ten moves; then he led eighteen cavalry and rushed to kill Huang Chao's [-] soldiers and horses, pierced through the enemy's formation, rushed into Chang'an, burned the granary, and killed a piece of the enemy army. A does not stay."

"Suppressed the entire uprising almost by one person."

"This is the strength of the innate realm."

"The Great Snow Mountain God Lord is far from enough. Mr. suppressed his own realm to the first rank of martial arts, in order to ascend to the sky in one step, and go straight to the innate point of view. Therefore, the Great Snow Mountain God Lord is far from enough."

"It's even not enough for any one of the top three in the Tianbang!"

"In the world today, there is only one place that can satisfy Mr. One's breakthrough in World War I."


"Nowadays in the post-week turmoil, Bianliang is the center of the vortex. Zhao Kuangyin, who is number one in the world, is there, and the chief executive of Xuanwu Division will also go there, and the city lord of Yulong City will also go there."

"What's more, Li He, who was appraised by the real person Fuyaozi as 'swinging the sword to break the floating clouds, the princes will come to the west' will also go there."

"There, heroes from the entire world will gather."

"Only there, sir, are there enough stepping stones to be promoted to innate."

Meng Chang's words were loud and powerful, and he looked at Tiandao with fierce eyes, full of appeal.

However, Tiandao just heard that Li He would go, thought about it, and felt that it should be quite lively, so why not go and have a look, and said, "Well, I'll go to Bianliang."

Meng Chang smiled at this and said, "Sir, going to Bianliang alone, I'm afraid the effect will not be very good."

"If you don't mind, I, Dashu, can provide some convenience."

"How about going with the mission?"

(End of this chapter)

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