Chapter 179
"Then, it is determined that the number of promotions for S-class heroes is three each year. They have arrived at the headquarters of the association yesterday, and the assessment will start after our meeting is over?"

"Okay, let's move on to the second topic of the meeting."

"About the monster hunting and assisting in the construction of the monster island."

"The Academy of Sciences has concluded that monsters cannot reproduce. Therefore, at present, monsters are a non-renewable resource. According to the sampling survey in many regions, it can be concluded that the total number of monsters in the world is about 200 billion."

"After more than three months of cleansing by humans, the number of remaining monsters is about one billion."

"The empire has decided to relocate all the people from mainland Australia to the Indochina Peninsula, capture and release all monsters into the mainland of Australia, raise them in captivity, and build a monster island, which will become the test place for the empire in the future."

"The total number of monsters is 200 billion."

"The population of the empire is 40 billion, and almost every person has five pieces of attribute equipment. Therefore, human beings have no shortage of equipment, but high-end equipment. At the same time, in the absence of war, it is necessary to maintain the training of young people. The preparation of Monster Island is very important. Reasonable."

"At the request of the Consulate, our Heroes Association will participate in the preparation of Monster Island."

"Assist the military..."

Regarding the second topic, the management of the association has already given relevant specific plans, and only needs to review the S-level meeting and check for omissions. Everyone has no objection to this.

The fourth mutation will not be until April 4nd, and they still have more than two months to go, so they don't necessarily have to stay in the game day and night.

There's nothing wrong with taking part in some quests.

What's more, the game process belongs to light sleep. You only need to catch up with two hours of deep sleep afterwards, and you will be very energetic throughout the day. When you go out on missions, you will bring the game helmet to the past, and it will not delay the development of the game.

As for raising monsters in captivity to the Australian mainland, will there be any accidents?

There is no problem. Australia is an isolated island in the ocean. Even if LV100 monsters appear in the future, they will not be able to come out. The sky seat can intercept them, and all kinds of weapons from the empire can also intercept them.

After the Monster Island is built, maybe the students' graduation exams will become going to the island to kill monsters in the future.

Very nice item.

In other words, whether it is a martial arts mutation, a killing mutation, or a monster mutation, after each time it stabilizes, the power of rules brought by these mutations has been well digested and adapted by humans.

I don't know what life will be like in the future...

"The third topic is the Spring Festival Martial Arts Conference."

"In order to promote the development of martial arts, increase the atmosphere of martial arts, and promote exchanges between various ethnic groups, the country has decided to hold a martial arts conference during the Spring Festival, a martial arts conference for people all over the world."

"For this reason, the country has specially prepared a batch of high-end attribute equipment as rewards."

"The champion of the Martial Arts Tournament will get the EX-level equipment burst out by the Split Wind Mantis, the Sky Split Wings, a rare piece of flying equipment, and equipment with the ability to jump in space."

"This EX-level equipment originally belonged to Tianzhu, but they are willing to take it out as the first prize of the competition."

"In addition to the champion, the warriors who reached the top 64 all have good S-level equipment as rewards, and those who enter the top [-] also have good A-level equipment as rewards."

"It can be said that the rewards of this competition are extremely rich."

"The main organizer of the whole event is the Martial Arts League, but the venue is in Jiangcheng. There will be a ten-day audition around the world, and [-] contestants will be selected to go to Jiangcheng for the preliminaries and elimination rounds."

"Our Heroes Association will assist in the holding of the preliminaries and knockout rounds."

"at the same time."

"This meeting is about the Spring Festival Martial Arts Conference. Well, there is another important point that needs to be discussed. This was proposed by the Martial League. They said... Your Excellency Sword Immortal is not allowed to participate."

The conference room was suddenly quiet, and then, not only could someone not help but laugh, everyone laughed together.

Zhao Jinyun murmured excitedly: "I agree, I agree."

The other S-level heroes also smiled and expressed their approval, and then looked at Li He together. Li He could only sigh and said, "It's not fair, you are discriminating against the number one in the world."

After speaking, Li He also smiled.

Indeed, if he participates in the Martial Arts Tournament, there will be no suspense about being the champion. It would be better to just give him the Wings of Splitting Sky.

There are only eight LV100 monsters in the monster world. Except for the Chuitian Demon Tree, all other monsters have been killed. The seven pieces of EX-level equipment, except for the sky-splitting wings reserved by Tianzhu, the remaining six pieces are all in Li He's hands.

Li He himself has the Void Mask, the Exterminating Demon Sword (Tai'a Sword), the Phoenix Heart Pendant, the Symbol of Darkness, and the Power of Three Phases, and Tun Tianqing gave the Sky Seat, which is basically his.

The others had no objection to him taking these equipments.

After all, it was Li He who killed it single-handedly.

But since you have so much good equipment, why don't you come to the Martial Arts Conference to grab the only one from everyone?This is why the Wumeng has this requirement.

Li He sighed with some regret: "Okay, okay, the minority obeys the majority, so I just don't participate."

When he looked like this, everyone laughed.

Not only did they laugh, but there was also a spirit of hard work in everyone's eyes, so let's compare, who is number one in the world when Li He is excluded!

If it was before, everyone didn't have much objection to the ranking of S rank.

However, after the mind world game came out, it was different.

Almost everyone feels that their martial arts realm is advancing rapidly, and their strength is no longer what it used to be. The rate of gene liberation at the same level depends on the martial arts realm!
The meeting is over, and it's time to assess the twelve pre-selectors.

When the bigwigs are together, bragging is unavoidable.

Daoist Qingwei coughed, and said, "Sinister, how long will it take for you to realize your terrestrial fairyland?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Chen Shiliu was under a lot of pressure, and said aggrievedly: "Master, my gene liberation rate just broke through to 40% yesterday, and I didn't even touch the 50% threshold. How can I become a land god?"

Hearing this, Master Xingkong laughed and said, "Realist Qingwei, you need to be more patient with the young people. Nephew Chen is now at the completion of the three realms, and maybe he can cultivate a great celestial phenomenon. Why rush to become a land god?" ?”

"Look at me, once you've reached the Great Vajra, there's no rush at all, just take your time."

Master Xingkong is very happy at the moment with a wave of bragging without showing any trace.

Buddhism and Taoism can generally dig deep in Vajra and Zhixuan. Chen Shiliu's attainment in Zhixuan will be dead if he accidentally enters the realm of Tianxiang.

That can only be achieved by Confucian masters, and the limit for ordinary people is the limit.

King Kong, Zhixuan, and Tianxiang, the great realm must be a master of a school, and the innate realm, either a school of saints, or a genius with outstanding talents, astonishing the past and the present.

Where did Chen Shiliu, a disciple of Taoism, become a master of Confucianism?
As for going back to cultivating Zhixuan, that's impossible. Although the effects of the three congenital realms are not divided into high and low, they are actually an incremental relationship in the realm of "refining qi and transforming gods".

Normal people can't practice backwards.

After Chen Shiliu, he will be nothing more than a land god who has completed the three realms in the future.

Master Xingkong didn't say anything, but when Daoist Qingwei said it, he became angry, his face darkened, he gave his apprentice a hard look, and then said calmly: "It's really not in a hurry, I, Da Vajra, Big Finger Xuan , I am comprehending the Xiantian Zhixuan, but I am not in a hurry to enter the celestial phenomena."

Master Dejian clasped his palms together and said with a light smile, "Amitabha, poor monk...he is already a congenital vajra."

Crowd: ...

 There is one more chapter, it should be around 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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