I might be a little strong

Chapter 185 The Art of the Emperor

Chapter 185 The Art of the Emperor
Chongzheng Hall.

Because this is the place where the imperial examination is held, there are many books hidden in the main hall. Zhao Kuangyin was locked here, and he could only read books when he had nothing to do.

If it was before, he would not have been willing to read these subsets of scriptures and history.

But the cultivation of Bahuanggui Yuanjue requires him to have a sufficient understanding of the general trend of the world, the operation of the country, and the laws of history, so he has to read books to study.

"What do you think is the biggest difference between the Three Kingdoms and the present?"

Chai Rong did not know when he had come behind Zhao Kuangyin. When he saw the "Three Kingdoms" in Zhao Kuangyin's hand, he asked aloud. Zhao Kuangyin just woke up and smiled awkwardly.

"I, I'm just looking around..."

"Tell me."

Zhao Kuangyin wanted to put the book back, he felt a little ashamed, he is a big bastard, does reading a book pretend to be literate?What's more, he doesn't like to read those subsets of classics and history, but prefers to read history books.

In fact, it's more like reading a storybook...

However, Chai Rong did not intend to let Zhao Kuangyin pass by, but firmly asked Zhao Kuangyin to talk about his feelings. This made Zhao Kuangyin hesitate for a while, and then said with a wry smile: "Then make a fool of yourself."

"The biggest difference between the Three Kingdoms period and the troubled times we live in is...awe."

"No matter how chaotic the Three Kingdoms period was, there was still a sense of reverence for the imperial power and the royal family. Cao Mengde's power over the world was nothing more than coercing the emperor to order the princes."

"Liu Bei's Baidi City entrusted Gu to Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang really dedicated himself to death."

"The grace of the monarch and his ministers is nothing more than this."

"This kind of awe includes the awe of the imperial power, as well as the awe of morality and dreams. However, in the troubled times we live in, it does not exist."

"Monarchs and ministers are absolutely righteous, warriors are arrogant."

"This is the true portrayal of the era we live in. During the 150 years of separatist rule in the late Tang Dynasty, the world has long lost respect for imperial power. In the end, Houliang ended everything."

"It also turned everything on."

"The system of etiquette and law since the Spring and Autumn Period has been cut to pieces. Generals rebel against the emperor, and officers rebel against the general. As long as there is something that doesn't go well, you can rebel against others."

"In just 50 years, the Central Plains has changed five regimes."

"In a slightly remote mountain, I don't know which dynasty it is now, but it still pays taxes..."

Zhao Kuangyin said a lot, and Chai Rong listened carefully. After a long time, when Zhao Kuangyin finished speaking, Chai Rong nodded and said, "These days, I have read books for nothing."

"However, if you want to practice the Eight Wastes Returning to the Origin Jue, you must understand the mind of the First Emperor."

"Just seeing the etiquette is not enough."

"You have to see the strength."

"We need to see the power brought about by unification, we need to see how measures such as unified weights and measures, county and county systems gather power, and we need to see that the chaotic times at the end of Han Dynasty are essentially the result of the dispersion of power."

"Family power, land annexation..."

Chai Rong talked a lot, Zhao Kuangyin was a little moved at first, and then listened carefully, because Chai Rong was teaching him the art of the emperor, the real way of the emperor.

In this world, there is probably no one who has such a thorough understanding of the nature of the world than Chai Rong.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

Chai Rong's heart-to-heart and unreserved teaching made Zhao Kuangyin instantly understand the world, gain a thorough understanding of the rise and fall of the world, and gradually improve his worldview...

After a long time, Chai Rong finished his lecture, and Zhao Kuangyin looked at his hands in a daze.

He looked at Chai Rong with slightly red eyes, and said, "Your Majesty, I..."

Before he could say anything hypocritical, Chai Rong turned around and said in a cold voice, "I will teach you everything that needs to be taught, Zhao Kuangyin, don't disappoint my expectations, let alone the expectations of hundreds of millions of Han family sons."

After speaking, Chai Rong walked straight out of Chongzheng Hall.

However, when the door of the palace was just closed, Chai Rong who stopped at the door couldn't hold back, and coughed up a mouthful of blood, which was more serious than the previous symptoms...

Zhao Kuangyin in the hall couldn't hold back anymore, tears fell down.

Facing Chai Rong's direction, he knelt down and kowtowed three times. Then, he got up and looked at the bookshelf again with completely different eyes. He took down a book, compared the map, and kept flipping through it...

Chai Rong didn't talk to him about the outside world, but he understood that Zhou Zhou's pressure was getting bigger and bigger.

Next week, need him!


Chai Rong and Zhao Kuangyin's righteousness of monarchs and ministers can reach that level, which is beyond the imagination of the world. How could Zhuge Wuhou's swan song of monarchs and ministers happen in the troubled times of the Five Dynasties?
Jiangshan is there, who can bear it?

The only thing they didn't expect was that Chai Rong was so courageous that he was able to give away the country...

Just for, a dream.

It is true that Datang has been away for a long time, but there are still countless people who remember it, never forget that prosperous age, never forget that Splendid Tang Dynasty, never forget the appearance of Han Jiaerlang standing on top of the world.

For this reason, Chai Rong spared no effort to send him off.

For this reason, Li Weirui did not hesitate to betray Datang...

On the first night when the team set off from Quanzhou and camped on the road to rest, Li Xuanji talked about the entanglement between Mingyue Palace and Xuanwusi, and why her mother stood by the back beam in the first place.

After 150 years of separatist regimes, the world has long lost respect for imperial power.

Rather than being in such a chaotic world, allowing the Tang regime to linger on, allowing Huaxia to continue internal friction, and eventually be taken advantage of by foreigners, it is better to destroy it with one's own hands, re-create a great empire, and restore the prosperous age.

Where the sun and the moon shine, and where the rivers and rivers flow, are all Han soil.

The heroic spirits who have been guarding the border for decades and buried their bones in a foreign land need to have an explanation. They need to tell them that the Tang army, who has been away for 200 years, is back.

Tell them that what you stick to is the land of Han.

With this greatness and true attachment to Datang, Li Weirui chose to believe in her husband, and her husband, the firm scholar, almost did it.

The only failure is that Zhu Wen... died too early.

If there are another ten years, Houliang may not be able to unify the world and reorganize the country.

However, when Zhu Wen passed away, he was left alone before his illness. In order to fulfill the righteousness of the emperor and his ministers, Jing Xiang had to obey the new emperor Zhu Youzhen's decree of dismissal, resign from his official position and spend time at home, and then watched the back beam collapse...

Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness cannot have both.

Jingxiang, the only thing he can do is die for the country with his own body, ashamed of his trust in Li Weirui.

(End of this chapter)

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