I might be a little strong

Chapter 196 People's Prejudice

Chapter 196 People's Prejudice

If it is said that people in the world have cultivated step by step, so there are achievements at each stage.

On Li He's side, he has directly reached the realm of Xiantian Zhixuan, so he has not comprehended any unique moves, or in other words, as long as he is willing, he can do whatever he wants.

As long as he is willing, the world can sink into one heart at any time.

This is the result of his innate step, the result of cultivating the Ultimate Intention Art to the extreme. As for his innate passive talent of directing mysteries?Stealing the way of heaven is in one's own body, and it can continue to operate, so it is still unapproved?
In short, the Freedom of Ultimate Intention can be said to be the top-level skill for cultivating Zhixuan.

Ning Fei just means that Xuan Yuanyuan can turn the stunt into a state, and he is also proud of the Zizai Jiyi Kungfu. In other words, the Zizai Jiyi Kungfu is indeed different for everyone.

Mao Jiajun's natural epiphany breathing method is actually a manifestation of the free ultimate intention.

It is impossible, and it is a perfect law.

It can be said that it is the most suitable exercise in the world as long as you practice it well.

It is a good thing that Ning Fei can break out into such a state when Zhixuan is perfect, because the strength is stronger, and it is more resistant to fighting, so there is no need to worry about breaking it all at once.


Li He's laughter made Ning Fei's heart inexplicably tense. Even if he entered the state of looking at the world, he still couldn't see the strength of this bald man. Where did this guy come from.

Unexpectedly, so unfathomable.

So fast!

Although he was vigilant enough, after Li He really started, Ning Fei was shocked by his speed again.

"This is Wanruo Youlong!"

Like an antelope hanging horns, Li He handed out a palm with a strange trajectory, miraculously bypassing Ning Fei's obstruction, and that palm cut Ning Fei's chest.

"This is called... Pian Ruo Jing Hong!"

Still using Baguazhang, Li He hit Ning Fei directly on the jaw with a move of Yeli Zanghua, and sent him flying into the air at a speed that he couldn't react at all.

Brat, if you dare to flirt with my sister, I won't beat you to death!

"It's called... Tian Canjiao!"

"I hit!!"

He kicked Ning Fei fiercely in the stomach, directly hitting the boy with jaundice, and flew down the ring. Li Hecai walked unhurriedly to the side of the referee, and straightened the referee's tie.

Only then did the referee react, and panickedly announced that Li He had won.

After winning, Li He glanced at Ning Fei, then walked off the ring and left.

Ning Fei looked at Li He's back very strangely...

It always feels like something is wrong.

Is that guy too strong?Clearly, he thought that he should be a player who comprehended the Vajra Realm, but it seemed that his Zhixuan attainments surpassed his own. Could it be Zhao Kuangyin?Big King Kong, Big Finger Xuan?

With such strength, I am afraid that an S-class hero is also qualified, right?

Folk master?

"Brother Ning Fei! Are you okay?"

Ka Luo ran up to Ning Fei in a panic, hugged Ning Fei anxiously, and asked him how his injury was and whether he should go to the hospital. In response, Ning Fei just shook his head slightly and said, "I'm fine. it is good."

After speaking, he sat upright by himself and meditated to adjust his breath.

After more than ten minutes, he let out a long breath, and his injuries were all over. The bald Qiang hit him hard just now, but in fact he didn't hit him hard, otherwise, he wouldn't be awake.

One must know that Daoist Qingwei is currently in the realm of Da Vajra and Dazhixuan.

this person……

This person was about to change back to the prototype, but after seeing his sister hugging Ning Fei in the corner, his heart was already broken, and he kept repeating something like "my sister has grown up and can't keep it".

When the world exclaimed that Bald Qiang, the hidden master, was already in despair.


When Li He was caught in the dimensionality reduction blow of his sister having someone he likes, Mao Jiajun and Zhang Yu, who had just met over there, stepped into the same arena under his arrangement.

After seeing their opponents, both of them were a little surprised.

But Zhang Yu immediately laughed wildly: "Hahaha, the sky has eyes, waste hair, you can't run away now, don't admit defeat if you have the guts, I will completely destroy you today!"

Mao Jiajun was a little silent, and asked puzzledly: "Why do you keep targeting me?"

Zhang Yu smiled, and said with a hint of ferocity: "Why? Of course I can't understand trash! Moreover, the curator blamed me for being a mere trash, saying that I was wrong, how could I be wrong!"

"A mere trash should not practice martial arts."

"Honestly, get the hell out of here and be a commoner!"

As he said that, Zhang Yu stepped on his foot, made a violent air explosion sound, and rushed towards Mao Jiajun quickly. With his speed and strength, it was really rare among seven-year-old children.

In fact, there was no conflict between him and Mao Jiajun.

That is to say, Zhang Yu has a good talent, and his personality is a bit arrogant and contemptuous of others. Zhang Yu is extremely dissatisfied with his training partner who can't help him improve at all, and Mao Jiajun who is obviously useless but takes up his time.

He once wanted the old hero Li Weiguo to expel Mao Jiajun.

However, Li Weiguo did not.

Children, especially bear children, think that they are right, and if they don't get what they want, they will naturally get it, even if they use other means.

Therefore, Zhang Yu maliciously sent Mao Jiajun to the hospital during the sparring.

However, even so, Mao Jiajun is still doing sparring. Many other children don't think there is a problem, but Zhang Yu feels that this is a heinous crime and challenges his sense of justice!

He was about to act again, but Li Weiguo actually told him that he was wrong!
Ask him to apologize to Mao Jiajun!

How could this be possible, he was absolutely right, how could he apologize, the curator is obviously a highly respected A-level hero, why would he want to value that little Mao?

I absolutely want to prove that Mao Jiajun is trash.

He is wrong.

I am justice!

(End of this chapter)

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