I might be a little strong

Chapter 201 The Complete Devil's Eye of Death

Chapter 201 The Complete Devil's Eye of Death
Sun Ming's current strength is far from reaching the peak. At least, his twenty skills want to reach the EX level, which is currently out of reach.

By the way, the last man with twenty skills was called Dashan Tatsuya.

That man was so strong at the time, it can be said that no one in the world can defeat him except Li He, even if V met Dashanda at that time, he would only be defeated.

After all, although Osandaya has no exact concept, his martial arts cultivation base should be that of a land god in the three major realms.

Still in the peak state of mind and spirit.

There are twenty EX-level skills on his body, and his strength is terrifying. However, his cultivation base far exceeds the realm he was in at the time, and his gene liberation rate has not even broken through to 40%.

The power of the three congenital realms did not appear.

This is probably the limitation of the times. At that time, Li He only had a gene liberation rate of more than 50%, and then borrowed the advantage of the origin of the body.

It can only be said that time is fate.

As one of the rare lucky talents in the world who can possess 18 skills, even if the gene liberation rate is only [-]%, the basic physical fitness is not strong enough, and the internal strength cannot be released externally.

Facing opponents at the Diamond Realm, Sun Ming remained unhurried.

During the explosion, Sun Ming jumped up lightly, and the man in military uniform directly smashed the ring, leaving only a piece of his foot. Sun Ming jumped up like this, and when he fell down, it must not be the ring. According to the rules, he must be judged. lost.

However, you never imagine how capable a person with twenty skills is.


There was a cute sound in the air, and Sun Ming's footsteps were like stepping on cotton. After a few steps, he stood unsteadily in the air, constantly adjusting his balance as if stepping on a steel wire.

"D-level Yunbu is still a bit difficult, let's upgrade to C-level next time."

He easily summed up the current situation, while the man in military uniform on the ground twitched his lips. He had heard of Sun Ming before. This kind of guy with twenty skills is really a rascal...

That's all for now, though.

Since your skill level is not enough, don't blame me, the final winner is me!

Sighing heavily, the man punched out, and the berserk wind rushed towards Sun Ming who was more than ten meters away. According to Sun Ming's level of barely standing still, he would definitely be knocked down!

Like the sound of bubbles breaking, Sun Ming standing in the air with one hand behind and one hand pointing forward, like a fairy, people can't help feeling, so handsome!

After being handsome for less than three seconds, Sun Ming could no longer maintain a static balance. After shaking for a few times, he regained his footing and kept adjusting his balance within a small range.

And his handsome finger just now caused countless uproars.

"Could it be! Do you mean the Profound Realm?"

People in the world don't really know the three congenital realms very well, but they generally know that the Vajra Realm is for body training, the Profound Realm is for skill training, and the Celestial Phenomena Realm is for connecting spirits. It's just this kind of crude understanding.

Therefore, the audience was in an uproar, thinking that this meant the strength of the Profound Realm.

A little closer to the audience, Li Weiguo, an old hero who had just finished a game and had time to watch other games, immediately laughed and cursed: "Fuck, that kid doesn't even have a second-rank martial artist, so how can he have Zhixuan."

"He just likes to be cool."

"Look carefully at his eyes, you can see that blue mysterious fluorescence, that is his skill, the magic eye of death, an extremely rare kind."

When everyone heard the name of the skill, they suddenly realized.

No wonder the violent wind just now burst open like a bubble bursting. It turned out that it was the Devil's Eye of Death. Fuck it, the name is like the Devil's Eye of Death, wouldn't it be so hanging?
Facing the envy of everyone, Sun Ming touched his nose and smiled.

The magic eye of death?Of course it is strong.

However, if you face him, you will lose miserably, because his magic eye can specifically suppress the magic eye of death. Thinking about his skills that are not complete until EX level, Sun Ming is also sad. what.

In order to develop this skill, how much effort has he spent.

How many times have you resisted not to upgrade other skills, how many times you have to resist not to strengthen your equipment when you can succeed in strengthening it, how many times you have survived in the Mizhou Continent (mowing the grass) before finally accumulating enough killing points Upgrade to EX rank! ! !

Finally, finally live up to expectations, you can pretend to be B!
The Devil's Eye of Death (Complete): EX grade, insight into the death of all things in the world, can interfere with the settlement of the death, the host of this magic eye is a person who has transcended life and death, when using it, there is a chance that he will be sucked into reincarnation.

Therefore, Sun Ming is not afraid of the magic eye of death, he will not let his own death be settled at all.

It's just, obviously, that the stronger the effect, the bigger the load.

The Devil's Eye of Death looks very powerful, and can even distort the fact of his own death, but if Li He were to slash with a sword, Sun Ming would not be able to distort the result.

On the surface it looks like just a sword, but in fact it may have owed ten thousand lives.

Moreover, don't look at Sun Ming who is pretending to be B with a lot of criticism at the moment. In fact, he is using his life to pretend to be B, okay? Inhaled into reincarnation.

What is reincarnation...

The skill is described in this way, and Sun Ming doesn't understand it. Probably, he might die, right?However, it doesn't matter anymore, probability is such a thing, it has always been that if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't.

Automatically ignore this...

(End of this chapter)

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