I might be a little strong

Chapter 211 Wonderful Misunderstanding

Chapter 211 Wonderful Misunderstanding

Kuishan thinks that he can be overwhelmed by hard power, so he is useless as a substitute.

After getting used to the stand-in, fighting on my own body, I always feel that something is wrong, probably it is not that convenient, and relatively speaking, the body is weaker.

"Taste this fist!"

Kuishan has been practicing Bajiquan all the time. According to his body shape, Bajigang's fierceness is fully displayed by him. When fighting with his huge body, he is not at all bloated, but full of explosive power.

This guy has always been timid, but at this stage of combat power, only Li He can stabilize him.

boom! ! !
The fist collided, and the picture froze. Kuishan looked at the motionless Li He in astonishment, and murmured, "This is impossible. Why isn't there even a shock wave?"

"I didn't use a substitute..."

Kuishan was suspicious that the collision effect of the force was wrong. With the strength of his punch, even if the opponent caught it, there would be a huge movement no matter what.

As a result, calm?
no it's not...

The sudden weightlessness under his feet made Kuishan startled, and he jumped into the sky before he collapsed. He had already seen clearly that with that punch just now, Li He directed all his strength into the ground of the ring, directly shattering the ring.

Therefore, the effect is quite similar to that of his double, Di Lan.

Floating in the air, or in other words, it was Di Lan's appearance that allowed him to step on Di Lan's shoulders, creating the illusion that Kuishan was standing firmly in the air.

Ordinary people can't see the substitute.

A substitute is a soul-type existence. If you want to see it, in addition to special skills and means, you can only see this kind of spirit body if the gene liberation rate exceeds 50%.

The result of this is that the commentary channel boasted wildly, saying that Kuishan's martial arts realm is so high that he can stand in the air...

To get to this level of media freedom.

The difficulty is very high.

As far as the mysterious realm is concerned, the understandings of Jianghu warriors and those who practice Taoism are different, but they all lead to the same goal. They are both a kind of improvement for my self-control, and finally reach the realm where my fate is up to me.

Taoism generally summarizes it as: Congenital Qi, eternal life; soft and delicate like a baby, seeing the door of life.

In the cultivation of qi, the master of Taoism combines life and qi, so that all his life can be condensed into a congenital qi, forming a seamless whole, and then he cultivates it to form a golden core, and from then on he will go against the sky and seek longevity .

The essence is to sublimate oneself and reach a higher level, so as to obtain the medium freedom of the corresponding level.

As for Jianghu martial arts, they are more accustomed to practicing from the perspective of surgery.

They are used to using power to control the freedom of the medium at that level, rather than improving themselves to reach that level. The difference between them is the difference between Taoism and art.

Different routes lead to the same goal, but the road has twists and turns.

According to the different environments in which people live, they can roughly be classified into four medium freedoms, namely: solid freedom, liquid freedom, gas freedom, and particle freedom.

The concept of medium freedom means that warriors can perfectly exert their own strength in a certain medium.

Such as solid freedom, when people are fighting on the ground, the ground cannot perfectly carry power at all times. Sometimes, the ground is loose and broken. If you are not skilled enough, your strength cannot be fully exerted.

This is especially true if you are standing on sandy ground.

In this case, it is a test of how well the warrior controls his own power.

Only when you can use it as you like in the current medium environment, can your power be maximized, which also shows that your control precision of self-power has reached a corresponding level.

Solid freedom, liquid freedom, and gas freedom, as the names suggest, are all well understood.

As for the freedom of particles, in terms of imagery, it is the ability to run on light with force...


Generally speaking, if you can reach the freedom of particles, you have the theoretical possibility of crossing the universe. Of course, it is only a theory, because the biggest problem with interstellar travel is always battery life.

Generally speaking, it is purely using techniques to cultivate the Finger Profound Realm.

That is, only the freedom of the solid can achieve the Zhixuan, the freedom of the liquid can achieve the perfection of the Zhixuan, the freedom of the gas can achieve the big Zhixuan, and the freedom of particles can achieve the congenital Zhixuan.

This difficulty is much more difficult than cultivating Taoism...

As far as Li He is concerned, his congenital meaning is not achieved by art, but by Tao.

He has condensed innate energy, his own numerology into a whole, and then formed his own small world with free extreme intention, which can be independent of the world.

This shows that he has been able to achieve particle freedom.

Therefore, even in the universe, Li He can maintain the motivation to move forward. It is not the violent method of boosting with aura, but a more efficient way of propulsion.

Therefore, he can even imitate the AT force field in EVA to block all foreign objects.

All in all, in the absence of Kuishan's double, the narrator believes that Kuishan's indifferent posture has reached the level of air freedom, that is to say, Kuishan has the Great Finger Profound Realm.

Dark horse! !

The Martial Arts Conference has unearthed another talent, hurry up to report, and step up efforts!
"Then, Contestant Kuishan has achieved Feng Xu Yukong and reached the level of free air. This is a terrifying martial art. It is rumored that only the Great Finger Profound Realm can do it."

"Under such circumstances, how will the strong bald players respond?"

"Facing Kuishan, who was in the Big Finger Profound Realm, in the duel just now, it seemed that the bald-headed strong player was better. Could it be that the bald-headed strong player also retained his strength?"

"Wow! Here we come!"

"Contestant Kuishan stretched out his finger to the ring, what!!! That attack, contestant Kuishan obviously didn't move, what happened to the shock wave of destruction! Is it a yang finger?"

"There's so much dust that you can't see it at all."

"Is Contestant Bald Qiang still alive... What's going on? How did Contestant Kuishan fall to the ground? Where is Contestant Bald Qiang? He's still in the air, so, Contestant Kuishan lost?"

"Oh my god, I think I need help, let's watch the live animation restoration..."

(End of this chapter)

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