I might be a little strong

Chapter 220 The golden bird fighting against fate

Chapter 220 The golden bird fighting against fate
It has to be said that the rules of the audition still restrict the performance of players.

Once the gene liberation rate exceeds 30%, those contestants explode, and the arena is basically unbearable, and the use of weapons is not allowed in the audition, which makes many warriors feel uncomfortable.

After all, not everyone is used to unarmed combat.

This situation will not change until the qualifiers. The active metal arena in the qualifiers stage is strong enough to withstand the power of a million-ton nuclear explosion, and can completely withstand the battles of warriors from all walks of life.

Well, except in special cases.

For example, Li He's participation, as well as Daoist Qingwei and Master Dejian's desperate fight, can also damage the ring.

However, in martial arts competitions, there are not many cases of desperate fights.

Generally speaking, very few people will fight for their lives in the competition, especially in the audition stage. If losing a game does not affect the promotion, who will fight for their lives?
However, Elizabeth was different.

She wants to prove that she is better than Natalia, so she is absolutely not allowed to lose.

The golden grudge that seemed to be burning was actually the burning vitality. There was no way, Natalia's strong positive ability made her have to do this, otherwise she would not be able to parry it at all.

In the constant confrontation, the positions of the two were approaching the position Elizabeth wanted.


After arriving at that position, Elizabeth suddenly made a mistake. Natalia seized the opportunity and threw out a big swinging fist, breaking through Elizabeth's defense and hitting her chest hard.

In this regard, Elizabeth not only did not suffer, but showed a smile.

The original bracelet on Elizabeth's hand was transferred to Natalia's wrist when Natalia was completely unprepared, and she was dragging Natalia to tilt...

The light flickers...

Displacement Bracelet (Class A): A bracelet that can move the wearer five meters straight ahead, with a cooldown of 24 hours.

call out!
With the flash of light on the bracelet, Elizabeth let go of her hand at the last moment of using the bracelet, and Natalia traveled through a space of five meters and appeared on the ground in an instant.

Her forward momentum caused her body to hit the ground heavily. This injury was nothing to Natalia, but she was lying on the cold ground with a dazed expression.

lose, lose...

After a while, she stood up, and Elizabeth, who had already announced her victory, came to her and said, "Can you return the bracelet?"

Natalia's expression twitched, took a deep breath, returned the displacement bracelet to Elizabeth, stared at Elizabeth and said: "Thank you for teaching me this lesson, the qualifiers, the knockout rounds, I It will be doubled."


After taking the bracelet, Elizabeth left lightly. Her face was a little pale. It was not easy for her to get close to Natalia's punch. However, she has already won seven games, and there is no need to fight anymore today.

Looking at the big screen, her name suddenly appeared on the first one.

Jiangcheng has a population of tens of millions, and there are more than a million people who have signed up for the martial arts competition audition. In the end, a western girl was the first to advance. This made countless warriors unconvinced and couldn't help speeding up the pace.

But Elizabeth didn't care about other people's reactions, she just walked towards Li He.

Li He, who still has a bald head and a strong appearance, saw Natalia's resentful and aggrieved eyes, and then looked at Elizabeth's indifferent look, and always felt...

"Think I'm bullying?"

Elizabeth said lightly, and Li He just shrugged. The rules of victory and defeat are like this, and he can't say anything, but personally, he is more inclined to Natalia.

Seeing that Li He was noncommittal, Elizabeth's eyes fluctuated slightly, and then she said calmly, "I will give up the qualifiers."


"I will give up the qualifiers. Fighting is not my specialty. At least, according to fate, it didn't give me powerful skills, and I don't have such luxurious equipment. Compared with warriors, I am more suitable as a fighter." A researcher."

"I don't have good skills either..."


Elizabeth finally realized Zhao Jinyun's feeling of being choked up and speechless, but what Li He said was the truth, he only had one mind.

But the question is, is your talent comparable to others?

Elizabeth took a deep breath before slowing down, and said: "You are different from others, so be it, I will give up the qualifiers, after handing over the work today, I will report back to the Historical Research Committee tomorrow."

"See you in April."

After finishing speaking, Elizabeth turned around and left without waiting for Li He to say goodbye. As for the April she mentioned, it was because the sleeping mutation would come on April 4.

Li He waved behind his back as a farewell.

Looking at Elizabeth's back, Li He always felt that this girl was fighting for something...

I didn't take it too seriously. Getting to know Elizabeth was a small episode. With the end of today's second round of competition, there were more names on the ranking list on the big screen.

Li He clicked on the details to see that most of them had a gene liberation rate of 20% to 30%.

In terms of cultivation, there are first-rank warriors and innate masters. These people are not as powerful as Natalia, but they can be promoted first, which is the reason for their matching.

After all, Jiangcheng has 2000 promotion places.

This strength, in Jiangcheng, is considered to be the top one. Dark horses like Natalia can only be regarded as accidents. The real high-end talents have long been absorbed by various organizations.

Generally, you can get the pre-selection qualification directly from the Wumeng.

After this defeat, Natalia should be promoted in the next game. I also promised that Natalia would go to her house and eat bear biscuits baked by the children.

Put your own matchmaking into the team for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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