I might be a little strong

Chapter 226 Existence is Need

Chapter 226 Existence is Need

Classes are solidified at any time.

In the past, it would be capital, but now it may be strength. If martial arts can also be judged by talent, and skills can be judged by face and luck, there is really no way to equip.

Even though the Martial Arts Conference is held every year, only the top sixteen can really get S-level equipment.

Civilian fighters, like Mao Jiajun, have to shed their skin when they step into the martial arts. If they want equipment, it is only a B-level equipment, and they have to fight with their lives in the underground arena.

Fortunately, and most unfortunately, mutations continue.

Mutations continue. For civilians, fortunately, they still have the opportunity to cross classes. Unfortunately, when disasters strike, civilians will always suffer the most casualties.

No matter how the soldiers rushed to the front, the number of casualties was not as large as that of civilians killed and injured by the disaster.

This is impossible.

In short, the solidification is going on, but it is not serious. The country is eager for more golden phoenixes to fly out from the people. Whether it is the research and development of the world of mind, or the holding of the martial arts conference, they are constantly trying to find ways to make people stand out.

This era is already considered the best era.

In this best era, Mao Jiajun stood in the ring, unaware that the odds of this match had changed because of the betting on a piece of S-level equipment.

All he knows is that he wants to win.

Not only this time, but he also has to win three games in a row to get that black gold glove!

Game start!
During the referee's announcement, Mao Jiajun stepped on his foot and quickly rushed towards the opposite contestant. This is a man with a ruthless temperament, using the posture of Bajiquan.

Facing Mao Jiajun's charge, the man's eyes turned cold, and he didn't shout, but rushed towards Mao Jiajun viciously.

Two punches against each other!


As soon as the servant touched, Mao Jiajun felt something was wrong. The opponent's fist was too heavy, and his hand was shaking with just one punch.

During the battle, although Mao Jiajun retreated steadily, he never lost his rhythm.

He is constantly learning and adjusting.

No matter how the man broke out, no matter how Mao Jiajun fell into crisis, the one thing is that the man has no way to defeat Mao Jiajun.

"What a terrifying talent."

Watching Mao Jiajun's battle, Natalia couldn't help sighing. At this point in the battle, many people realized that something was wrong. Mao Jiajun was obviously at a disadvantage, but everyone had a feeling that he might win...

Hearing Natalia's words, Li He recalled: "You may not know that it took him more than six months to find a sense of aura."

"What? This is impossible, right?"

"Nothing is impossible. The biggest difference between China's martial arts and your battle qi lies in the word 'heart'. Sincerity leads to spirit, and a drop of water can penetrate stone."


Natalia murmured, realizing the mystery of the word.

Li He stood up lazily, the outcome had already been decided, and he didn't need to stay in the dungeon any longer. After personal experience, Li He could only say that the prosperity of every place has its inevitability.

Dungeons like this are what the empire needs.

When the empire really controls the technology of the main god's space, the dungeon will no longer exist, and those killings and battles will be sent to farther places.

It is impossible to eliminate darkness forever, because human nature is inherently intertwined with good and evil.

Following Mao Jiajun's victory in the ring, the former manager also appeared sweating profusely. While wiping his sweat, he asked the staff to bring up a bright red cloak.

Scarlet Army (S rank): Cloak, the more blood stained in the battle, the higher the speed bonus provided to the wearer.

"That's it, let's go."

The manager was about to tell Natalia that he would no longer accept bets on S-level equipment. Before he could speak, he heard a voice next to him. He turned his head and was shocked.

Immediately shouted respectfully: "Your Excellency."

Li He waved his hand and didn't speak, but got up and left. Natalia took the cloak and followed behind Li He. The manager was relieved to see the two leave.

It seems that your Excellency neither supports nor opposes...

After wiping off his sweat, the manager hurriedly called Dong Yefu and said, "City Master, His Excellency Li He came over just now, um, yes, he took the reward..."

City Lord, this is Dong Yefu's current position.

After the establishment of the Yan Empire, not only the high-level structure of the empire was reorganized, but also the local administrative units. In order to adapt to disasters and sudden changes, coupled with the development of today's productivity, the empire has entered a stage of comprehensive urbanization.

The basic administrative unit becomes a city.

There is no longer a division of provinces and cities. The top leaders of cities are called city lords, who have unlimited responsibility for the cities they appoint and have considerable autonomy.

This kind of decentralization of power at the local level generally tends to split.

However, the Yan Empire does not. The central system controls the entire empire. As long as the central system gives an order, it can directly shut down the fusion furnaces in the rebellious cities.

That way, the rebellion becomes a farce.

The increase in local autonomy is just a more suitable change after the development of productive forces, and it can also maximize the abilities of those heroes and capable ministers.

In ancient times, you may have the ability to be Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Shikai.

Today, honestly build the empire.

Want power?No problem, work hard to accumulate political achievements, and work hard to climb up. There are 21 consuls, 7 permanent consuls, and 1 supreme consul in the Consulate General. They are completely transparent and rely entirely on ability and merit.

Even if you are a commoner, as long as you have enough ability and achievements, you can become the supreme consul!

Under the transparent political system, the administrative efficiency of the empire is at its peak.

People like Dong Yefu have continuously invested in the bureaucratic system, contributing to the construction of the empire...

(End of this chapter)

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