I might be a little strong

Chapter 259 Stele of Stars

Chapter 259 Stele of Stars
"Everyone, a great country must have great heroes."

"After the super comet, I believe that there is no need to emphasize the concept that the fate of mankind is one. We may have come from various countries and ethnic groups in the past, but today, we have only one identity, Yanmin."

"We are the people of the Yan Empire."

"Please put aside all the grievances and barriers in the past, accept this identity, love this country, and protect this country, so that the peaceful and clean blue sky bought by the sacrifices of the heroic spirits is not in vain."


"As the sword-bearer of the empire, I will propose that at the North Pole of Blue Star, where the aurora shines and is the most beautiful and dreamlike place in the world, stand a monument, a monument belonging to the empire."

"The monument will record the heroes who have sacrificed for the survival and development of mankind since the mutation."

"May they live forever."

Quiet, quiet, after the quietness that can be heard when a needle falls, there is a cry that overturns the sky. At this moment, people all over the world are calling for the hero to be immortal.

When the Imperial Consulate saw Li He's speech, His Excellency the Supreme Consul could not help but wipe his eyes.

He smiled and said, "Let's build it. The North Pole is a good place. From the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, we need a monument that will never collapse. There is the backbone of all mankind."

The old marshal said with emotion: "The project is not small, but it is a very meaningful project."

It is indeed a huge project. The depth of seawater at the North Pole is 5000 meters. It is not a simple project to erect a huge monument towering from the bottom of the sea.

Even with the current engineering capabilities of human beings, it would take two months to complete.

Li He's proposal was actually a waste of manpower and material resources. However, this was his first proposal as the sword-bearer of the empire. Reasonably, the country would not reject it.

Therefore, at the press conference, the signed image from the Consulate was projected.

Immediately, the crowd cheered.

At the moment when everyone was cheering, Li He stood up, pressed his hands down, and motioned for everyone to be quiet first, and the scene quickly quieted down. Li He looked at everyone and said: "Although a monument has been erected, I, Don't expect the names on that to increase."

"I hope that human beings can live in this world safely without fear of any disasters."

"Don't be afraid of floods, droughts, earthquakes, meteorites, stars extinguishing, black holes sweeping through, the universe collapsing, and all disasters."

"On that day, mankind conquered the stars and the sea."

"On that day, human beings look at the stars lightly and dimly."

"No matter what kind of disaster, we can no longer endanger the survival of civilization. No matter what kind of disaster, we can easily deal with it. The light of civilization will always shine in the universe."

"That day is not a future that I can reach alone, but a future that requires the joint efforts of all mankind."

"So, come on."

"I once said in the knockout round of the Spring Festival Martial Arts Conference that it doesn't matter whether it's the knockout players or other warriors, no matter who it is, please go to Bianliang."

"1, 10, million, whatever it is."

"Please do your best to defeat me and become the champion of the first martial arts conference, to prove that in martial arts, you have a cultivation level that surpasses mine and protects the world!"

"Come on, come to Bianliang!"

"Come and beat me!!!"

Amidst Li He's shouts, the audience was silent, and then, there was a loud explosion, and countless people ran away immediately. They were going to play games, go to Bianliang, at least, in the mind world, they wanted to defeat Li He.

At the very least, all human beings together must stand at the same height as Li He and fight side by side with him!


Mind world, Fuso.

Saito Qianxin borrowed a crane from a hermit alchemist, took the crane and went to Bianliang.


Mind World, East Rome, Constantinople.

Natalia, the great knight of the kingdom, boarded the griffin, and in the farewell to the king, she flew to the east, and she was going to Bianliang.


Mind World, North Africa, AKS Mu Empire.

Bogula bid farewell to the wise men of the empire, boarded a shadow crow, and flew towards Bianliang.


Mind world, Tianzhu.

The old mage led a white elephant out of the palace, and slowly rode on it. The white elephant flew up after walking, and flew towards Bianliang unhurriedly...

Many, many people from all over the world, from countless places, gathered in Bianliang.

Here, the occasion is unprecedented...


Li He hadn't been online for more than ten days. In terms of in-game time, it would have been more than a month. The team from Mingyue Palace had already arrived in Bianliang, and several yards had been bought.

On Maxing North Street near the Royal Garden, the current residence of Mingyue Palace is there.

After Li He went online, he found that he was drinking tea in the courtyard, and Li Xuanji was playing chess with someone on the side. The chess player was an old man, but he looked hale and hearty, with a great Confucian demeanor.

Carol, who accompanied Li He online, knew that her brother didn't know anyone, so she whispered in her ear, "Tianji Pavilion, Guo Chongtao."

Tianji Pavilion, Li He has heard a little bit, the Tianbang in Jianghu is ranked by Tianji Pavilion.

As for Guo Chongtao, according to the historical trajectory, he should have passed away 30 years earlier...

This person is evaluated in history as the number one literati in the Five Dynasties, and the prime minister of the later Tang Dynasty. Among the Five Dynasties, the literati's contribution is second to none.

King Liang and King Jin confronted each other for 40 years. He proposed a surprise attack on Bianliang, destroyed Hou Liang for eight days in the First World War, and helped Li Cunxu establish the Later Tang Dynasty.

Then the handsome army destroyed Qianshu, but with a flick of a finger.

Wen Ce martial arts, and the contribution to the country, is actually the first in the Five Dynasties, but the merits are so high that the founding king died, and after the descendants succeeded to the throne, he could not be tolerated.

Historically, he was beaten to death by Li Jiji who ambush eunuchs in Sichuan...

Well, it was beaten to death with an iron pan.

(End of this chapter)

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