Chapter 266
The scolding that hates iron but not steel shows how disappointed Chai Rong is with these court ministers.

However, what is even more disappointing is that although Chai Rong has already broken it to pieces and explained it clearly to them, some people still "bravely" stood up and analyzed with examples, trying to prove that Khitan will abide by the agreement, they just need to win murderer……

Hearing this, Chai Rong felt like coughing while having a headache.

Because he was too lazy to talk, he waved his hand directly, and the guards in front of the palace immediately understood, and dragged away all the courtiers who dared to argue about the transaction of exchanging jade for the city.

After dragging several of them away in a row, the court finally calmed down.

At this time, when Chai Rong was about to tell some facts, an eunuch hurriedly walked up to him and whispered a message in his ear, and Chai Rong's expression changed immediately.


Without discussing the tone at all, after saying this order abruptly, Chai Rong had already got up and left, and only the eunuch was left there singing the rhetoric about retiring from the court.

Walking out of Wende Hall, I saw Xiang Xun who had been waiting early.

Seeing Xiang Xun, Chai Rong immediately asked, "Is the news true?"

Xiang Xun's cold face that had never changed for thousands of years became more serious at this moment, and he said in a serious voice: "It is absolutely true, the letter came from the Zhao family compound, and finally the pigeons were released from a private house in the eastern suburbs."

"Our people intercepted one, please take a look, Your Majesty."

Xiang Xun handed a letter to Chai Rong. Chai Rong opened the letter and saw that the seal of the commander of the Sima Infantry in front of the palace was extremely eye-catching, and the almost identical handwriting made Chai Rong squint his eyes.

"Are you sure it was Zhao Kuangyi who did it?"

"I'm sure. In the Zhao family, only Zhao Kuangyi has this ability. He is good at copying calligraphy and paintings. He sold copied copybooks in the early days. At the end, he has sent someone to collect them and store them in the Night Watch Department. If your majesty wants to see them, he will call them immediately."

Chai Rong wasn't talking, he just looked at the letter and took a deep breath.

Then, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said: "This incident has never happened before. The Zhao family compound is completely sealed off. I don't want anyone to be able to contact it. Any news can be spread out."

"As ordered."

Xiang Xun immediately took orders and went to the Zhao family compound.

And Chai Rong, quickened his pace, walked towards the Chongzheng Hall, and slammed open the door. When Zhao Kuangyin looked up in surprise, Chai Rong directly patted the letter on his chest.

Zhao Kuangyin opened the letter in a daze to check...

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"The letter came out of the Zhao family's compound. It was a private house in the eastern suburbs. The Night Watch Division did not startle the snake, but what can be confirmed is that it is the stronghold of the Xuanwu Division."


"The only one who can do this is your younger brother Zhao Kuangyi. I ordered Xiang Xun to completely seal off the Zhao family compound. Now the Zhao family compound is completely isolated from the outside world. Therefore, it is impossible for this letter to come from inside."

When Chai Rong said this, Zhao Kuangyin breathed a sigh of relief, but he also felt a little guilty. After all, it was his younger brother who rebelled. When it comes to this kind of thing, Chai Rong let go of even the mastermind.

At this point, Zhao Kuangyin could only say: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will write to them right away, so that they will never mess around!"

Chai Rong sneered and said, "Stupid!"

"Do you really think that those sworn brothers of yours will listen to you? Where is the difference between the letter you wrote and this letter? Even yourself, can you tell the difference?"

"Whether it's true or false, the letter they want to believe is true."

"Once they revolt, what will happen to you as the initiator?"

"Even if we were acting from the very beginning, but at that time, I have to kill you, understand? Otherwise, the country will be in chaos, and it will collapse in the next week!"

"Or, you can also go out from here, kill me, and take advantage of the trend to become the emperor!"

Zhao Kuangyin, whom Chai Rong was talking about, swallowed hard, and argued, "Boss Chai, you know, I, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to make things right."


Chai Rong snorted coldly and said, "If you really want to redeem, you can't write to everyone, you can only write to one person."


"Your sworn brother, Li Jixun."


On the front line of Huainan, the vanguard army tent.

As the forward of the southern expedition, Shi Shouxin, the commander of the left and right sides of the Iron Cavalry Army in front of the palace, Zhao Kuangyin's closest sworn brother, after receiving the secret letter from "Zhao Kuangyin", immediately burned the letter, and then recruited his subordinate generals.

It is said that they are discussing a plan to attack Shouzhou.

After everyone arrived, Shi Shouxin's soldiers went out to guard the camp. This situation made everyone feel that something was wrong, and they all looked at Shi Shouxin.

Shi Shouxin, who was sitting in the main seat, continued to drink and did not entertain them immediately.

After drinking a jar of wine, he stood up and said, "There is a feast of wealth and honor in front of your eyes. Wait, do you want it?"

hiss! ! !
What do you say in the army that you are rich and honored? Everyone has been a veteran for more than ten years. What don't you understand?Shi Du said it was a rebellion!You are not afraid of losing your head, but you have to succeed.

This is the Huainan front line, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Southern Tang Dynasty in front, and Li Chongjin in the back.

How to reverse?
Seeing everyone's hesitation, Shi Shouxin snorted coldly and said, "It's not that we want to establish ourselves as the king in Huainan, we're going to Bianliang, check and wait for us."

Check?General Zhao?

Now everyone is in good spirits, that's right, Shi Shouxin doesn't have the ability to erect an anti-banner at all, if he rebels with Shi Shouxin, he will probably be suppressed in the future.

However, follow Zhao Dianjian to rebel...

Why don't you hurry up and turn against him?Our General Shi is Zhao Dianjian's sworn brother!
"Shi Du pointed out that my brothers and I will naturally follow suit. However, Li Chongjin dominates the Huainan front line. Our cavalry army here has only 20 troops, and Huainan has a total strength of [-]."

"Among them [-] Crane Army, [-] Long Jie Army, and [-] Tiger Jie Army."

"The 16 soldiers and horses are all under Li Chongjin's command. If we want to rebel, these [-] soldiers and horses probably won't be able to reach the border of Huainan. What should we do?"

The middle-level generals have already begun to make plans, and everyone is very active.

No one doubted that Zhao Kuangyin would fail in the rebellion. According to Zhao Dianjian's prestige in the army, most of the soldiers and horses of Da Zhou would stand by Zhao Dianjian's side.

Isn't it right in front of you to confer the title of marquis and worship it?

But, how can everyone pass through Li Chongjin's checkpoint and bring Huainan's 20 troops back to Bianliang?
Shi Shouxin glanced at the crowd and said, "Li Jixun, the Commander of the Guards and Infantry, is my eldest brother. Presumably, he has also received a secret letter from my second brother at this moment."

(End of this chapter)

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