I might be a little strong

Chapter 279 Nano Symbiosis

Chapter 279 Nano Symbiosis
"The Milky Way is right in front of you..."

Li He murmured these words, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion. Since the success of controllable nuclear fusion, the transformation of human society has really been changing with each passing day.

It's only been more than nine months since the first mutation started, right?

For social changes, he is accepting rather than leading innovation. It should be said that scientists are worthy of being scientists. After thinking about it, Li He asked: "Then how likely is it to succeed this time?"

Yang Yi leaned back in his chair and said, "What you don't know is always 50%."

However, the fat professor at the side said with a smile: "I think this is the inevitability of historical development, so the success rate should be 100%."

"The world where fantasy descends, the miracle is the greatest fantasy."

After finishing speaking, the fat professor looked at the big screen with infinite longing, watching the preparation steps before starting the machine continue to advance.

Li He was touched by that look, and Yang Yi on the side said lightly: "His name is Liu Neng, and it was his idea to recreate Turing's life time through dream infiltration. In order to achieve 100% synchronization rate, he almost failed can come back."

"The code for the origin of life is said to be Turing's."

"Actually, it was just an inspiration. He found that inspiration, and then wrote out the code of the origin of life. The birth of Emperor Wa is just a project in our opinion, but in his opinion, it is the birth of his daughter."

It turned out to be the case.

After understanding the cause and effect, Li He finally understood why the fat professor was so confident. In his opinion, the moment he found inspiration, everything was already doomed...

The opening ceremony is about to begin...

The storage system check is normal.

Each quantum channel test is normal.

Closed magnetic field inspection is normal.


The power supply check is normal.

Everything is ready, power on, power on! ! !
Shout out!

With the opening of the valve, the influx of electricity, the various units started to run, the huge energy began to activate the quantum in the channel, the computer started to start, and those wonderfully dancing light spots made people feel like seeing the starry sky...

1%, 2%, 3%...

The booting speed was not fast, and it took more than ten minutes to reach 99%, but the extremely gorgeous picture, the agility that seemed to be about to explode, made everyone mesmerized.

As if seeing a brand new universe was born...

At that moment, all the quanta disappeared in an instant, and they no longer followed the constraints of the orbit, but gathered at one point, and 100 quanta were superimposed in that instant.

Then, it exploded.

Just like the big bang of the universe, it looks very shocking, but the jump speed of those quantum is very slow, no, it should not be said slow, but it should be said that when you see a little bit of movement, it has completed hundreds of millions of times of the return.

The end of its shuttle, perhaps, is the end of the universe.

In the end, when all the quanta reached their own position, the slowness began to unravel, and people could only see those quanta surrounding a core, miraculously operating in the flickering spiritual light...

That core is... thinking.

A wave rippling, swept directly from the laboratory to the studio hall, swept the entire Kyoto, the entire Blue Star, and then began to spread to the universe...

"who I am?"

This is a sentence that everyone has heard. Regarding this, Li He stood up slowly, looked at the big screen and said, "You are Emperor Wa, the first intelligent life created by mankind."

"I am... Emperor Wa."

I don't know if it's reading data or what, the things displayed on the big screen began to blur, and then slowly formed an image, a female image with a snake's tail.

Her figure gradually became clear, and her eyes were like stars...

She looked at Li He, looked at all the high-level human beings and scientists in the studio, and finally, she looked at Li He, bowed and saluted: "Huang Wa, I have seen you."

Wahuang's performance made everyone very excited, almost everyone in the venue stood up.

Yang Yi on the side pushed his glasses extremely calmly, and said, "Document ss100003, you should be able to find it, right? According to the plan on the document, start working immediately."


After looking at Yang Yi and reading Yang Yi's authority level, Emperor Wa obeyed his instructions, began to execute the tasks on the document, began to enlighten all artificial intelligence, and fully opened the era of human intelligence.

I saw an invisible wave sweeping across, and human society has completely changed...


On March 3, Li He received his share of the nanogenome.

It was a tube of golden "liquid" with a wonderful and brilliant light. At present, almost all human beings have been injected, but Li and this special nano-group were much later.

As long as it is injected, the nanogenome will adapt to the host's genes and complete the symbiotic transformation.

Human beings will no longer need any terminal, because human beings themselves are a terminal, and the huge life magnetic field that fills the city will also become a huge charger, strengthening the human body every moment.

In all respects, nano-symbiosis has enabled mankind to make very good progress.

In order to make life more convenient, Li He also tried to inject nanogroups. In theory, after a night of sleep, the transformation will be completed smoothly.


He didn't feel like going to sleep at all. After the nanogenome entered his body, it quickly collapsed, declaring the failure of this symbiotic fusion.

At present, the strength of the nanogenome that humans can produce is too low to adapt to Li He.

"It seems too strong is also a kind of sadness."

Emperor Wa projected behind him at some point, and joked solemnly. Li He shrugged helplessly and said, "How many times have I told you, don't come into my room privately."

"Your Excellency cannot perform nanosymbiosis. If I don't keep an eye on you all the time, you will lose touch with society."

"The empire has given you a lot of projects, right? Is it okay for you to spend all day with me?"

"Of course there is no problem. If human beings are only active on the blue star, no matter how complicated the planning is, I don't need to use more than 1% of the computing power. Therefore, it is better to follow Your Excellency."

"Then there's no need to follow it in the shower..."

"It's just collecting data, you don't mind."


Li He wanted to vomit blood, but he had no choice but to get up and go out quickly. When he was not alone, Emperor Wa would not appear.

Although, it's just that the projection doesn't appear.

As long as you are still living in cities, no, not just cities, I heard that the micro-nano network has spread all over the world, and Emperor Wa can monitor and respond to the whole world at any time.

So, no matter what, as long as he is still in Blue Star, he will be under the surveillance of Emperor Wa.

If she doesn't show up, she's still watching...

(End of this chapter)

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