I might be a little strong

Chapter 284 Concept Arming

Chapter 284 Concept Arming
In the Weiguo Martial Arts Hall, Mao Jiajun was teaching the children how to practice martial arts. He suddenly received a message. After replying immediately, he apologized and suspended the teaching.


Li Weiguo, who was doing strength training, took the time to reply, and then yelled loudly and lifted the huge barbell again. With the development of science, gravity devices have gradually become popular.

The load of 500kg is not high, but adding twenty times the gravity is terrifying.

The old hero had to go all out every time he lifted the barbell, the muscles on his body swelled up, looking very ferocious, and his lungs burned like flames.

Under twenty times the gravity, a 500kg barbell is not just equal to 10 tons...

The advancement of exercise equipment has also made great progress in martial arts. After the nano-revolution, all human beings now have nano-groups, which belong to mechanical symbiosis, and can perfectly use big data to practice martial arts.

Every moment, there will be big data to calculate your consumption, growth and provide better planning...

Scientific martial arts practice has made the gene liberation rate of the whole people soaring. The strong atmosphere in the martial arts gym is also sought after by martial artists. Countless parents even sign up for their children to participate in various martial arts classes.

After all, underage children are generally not allowed to enter the mind world.

If you want to practice martial arts before you become an adult, you have to be in a martial arts gym. The Weiguo Martial Arts Gym was originally an old-fashioned martial arts gym in Jiangcheng, and it has a high reputation. , should be the world's number one martial arts school.

Mao Jiajun's resume is too legendary and inspirational.

Countless people with mediocre qualifications regard Mao Jiajun as a role model and a savior. The Weiguo Martial Art Museum receives tens of thousands of application forms every day, and the cumulative number has exceeded one million.

This is Mao Jiajun's attraction.

On the contrary, if you let Li He coach, you won't have such a sensational effect, because the world knows very well that Li He's kind can't be learned...

Mao Jiajun had something to leave, and there was a burst of "Goodbye Mao Jiao" in the entire martial arts hall, and more than 2000 students in the entire martial arts hall were very active.

It can only be said that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

Mao Jiajun's heart is very calm, without any feeling of elation, nor any feeling of elation. This is the most rare thing about him. It is very important to be able to maintain a normal mind.

Although he has mastered martial arts in the world, he still has a long way to go, and his realm is not hindered. He has broken through the 50% barrier of gene liberation rate, and belongs to the first echelon among human warriors.


But it’s not the top. Apart from Li He, there are several warriors whose gene liberation rate has exceeded 60%. For example, Qingwei’s real person has reached 64%. Although Kuishan is still 63%, it is already very high. .

Master Dejian also broke through 60% not long ago.

At the level of 60% gene liberation rate, before the threshold of awakening the double, the most important thing is to revive the inner demon and use it as a container to become a double.

This resurrection process involves a kind of "distraction".

The inner demon will not be revived out of thin air, and the monk needs to separate the soul and spirit to re-condense the inner demon, so that it can be washed away and become a container for martial arts.

There is nothing wrong with Mao Jiajun's martial arts, but this "distraction" is somewhat difficult.

People in the three religions like Daoist Qingwei and Master Dejian have cultivated their soul and spirit far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, they were able to cross the 60% hurdle first and lead again.

Therefore, although Mao Jiajun broke through Li He's defense in the battle in the palace, he was not truly "under one man".

However, his strength is enough to become an S-level hero, and he joined the Heroes Association afterwards, but currently he is only a B-level hero and has not yet accumulated enough points.

Therefore, it is normal for the S-level meeting to not have Mao Jiajun. If the real Qingwei did not mention it, the association would not specifically call Mao Jiajun.

It's just a Gu carving, it's not impossible to solve it.

This trip is just for practice...


After boarding the plane, they only said hello and watched the scenery for 2 minutes, and then they had already arrived at the incident site in the north of Yunmeng Lake. In the air, everyone had already seen the Gu sculpture.

When surrounded by several Gundams, countless robot dogs followed in the battle.

The Gu Eagle screamed, the electric current flowed all over his body, and a huge electromagnetic interference erupted, paralyzing all the robot dogs present, but the nano-network in the air continued to surge.

The distant nano-network surged in, and after filling this gap, the mechanical dog in the nano-network was quickly repaired.

After about five seconds, the robot dog stood up again...

The strong resilience and battery life allowed the Yanwuwei Squadron on the scene to trap the Gu Eagle tightly. After it attacked, it gnawed with its thunder teeth, but it couldn't cause decisive damage to the Gundam.

Gundam's unique characteristics make it not afraid of electromagnetism and will not be paralyzed by it.

If he was injured during the battle, he would just step back, and the one or two seconds his teammates made up was enough for the logistics machine to repair and change his equipment. With a clanging fist, this Gundam is another hero.

The powerful logistical battery life makes the driver sometimes even cut off the protection of the magnetic field of life, and let the gu eagle bite...

War is about logistics, who knows how horrible the logistics of human beings are now, and the gu carvings that have been sleeping for hundreds of years and awakened have already lost their understanding of this world.

"You don't even need to use the Yanwu Order to deal with this monster?"

The plane of the Heroes Association hovered over the battlefield, Qingwei said so while watching the battle below.

The military doesn't even need to dispatch the most elite "Yanwuling", just old equipment can solve the Gu sculpture. Since the development of the Gundam, there is actually no technological innovation, but the material is much better and slightly optimized.

Ever since Emperor Wa was born, the sleeping mutation broke out, and human beings have mastered the ether channel and imaginary number space.

Concept arming has become a feasible operation.

Although it is very difficult and the energy consumed in production is too terrifying, it is only for the elite, but there are still some. There are five first-generation concept arms, which are tailor-made for the five most powerful pilots in Yanwuwei. .

Concept armament, anti-matter power furnace, mechanical resonance...

They call it the Yanwu Order.

People from all walks of life are very fond of concept weapons, but unfortunately, they are only equipped for the military at present, and everyone in the Hero Association can only wear attribute equipment at the moment. Of course, they can also enter the equipment into the concept arsenal.

Store it in Bai Yujing, and summon it when needed.

However, the current material projection is extremely expensive. The projection price offered by Wahuang is one million per gram per time, and the entered price is based on the equipment.

price, not sure...

The only person who has the right to record and use it for free is Li He, and he is still in the sky.

Even Daoist Qingwei couldn't afford such an expensive price, so everyone had to wear the equipment on their bodies. Although everyone's equipment was very strong and beautiful, they always felt that it was a little tasteless.

When Master Qingwei mentioned the Yanwu Order, Can Feng, who was most familiar with the equipment, jumped his eyelids, and immediately said: "The price offered by Emperor Wa is too expensive. If it is unnecessary, the military department will not send out the Yanwu Order. After all, funds are limited.”

Once the Yanwu Order is dispatched, the price is tens of billions.

No matter how much the empire spends on military affairs, it is not such a waste...

So, let the heroes come.

(End of this chapter)

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