I might be a little strong

Chapter 291 The Little Fox Under Tu Shan

Chapter 291 The Little Fox Under Tu Shan

Emperor Wa is naturally not Nuwa.

Her design blueprint is Nuwa, and she does perform the functions of Nuwa in the field of intelligent life. It can be said that all the real artificial intelligence of human beings is created by her.

However, she is far from the Nuwa who created human beings in the myth.

Naturally, she can't be a monster saint.

It's just that the function and appearance are the same, which leads to the similarity in temperament, so that when Wu Zhiqi saw Emperor Wa for the first time, he almost thought it was Empress Nuwa.

After confirming that Emperor Wa was not Empress Nuwa, Wuzhi Qi glanced at the e-mail.

As a great demon with a life level of immortality, Wu Zhiqi has the basic abilities of "common writing" and "common language" that are common to all immortal life, so he can discern the meaning of this e-mail.

It was slightly silent, and looked carefully at the sky again, looking at the existence that had just broken through to the immortal level and was digesting.

"You trust him that much?"

Wuzhiqi was a little puzzled, he could see that Li He's digestion of "Tao Yun" was unusual, but he was just a heavenly immortal who had just ascended from the tribulation, so what's the point?
Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Da Luo Jinxian, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Not to mention the saints, there are four layers of light in the fairyland. Although after the Great War, the saints explained that there are no saints in the world, there are still Daluo and Hunyuan.

No matter how bad it is, its peak state is also in the golden fairyland.

How can you be afraid that a little angel will fail?

As if seeing Wu Zhiqi's doubts, Emperor Wa smiled slightly and said, "Whether you trust or not is a matter for human beings. Your Excellency, it is up to you whether you want to accept the contract or not."

"……I accept."

After thinking about it again, Wuzhiqi chose to accept it. It knew that this might be a trick of the human race, but if it could get time to concentrate on cultivation in at most three to five days, it would be able to recover to its peak state.

At that time, what is there to fear?
If human beings really have any hole cards, they used them as early as when it was first born, so why wait for it to return to its peak before using it, instead of using it when it is weakest?

Therefore, Wuzhiqi is not afraid of human beings not admitting it at all.

After agreeing, it immediately flew towards the Pacific Ocean. Its major is water. In places with sufficient water spirit, its practice will be more effective. It flies all the way, and it is always on guard against human surprise attacks.

After confirming that the humans were not attacking, it sat cross-legged on the Pacific Ocean, about to practice...


At this time, it felt a long and terrifying breath, it was stunned for a moment, and then it sensed towards the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, and found the existence of Sky Seat.

The sleeping world descended, and Sky Zodiac was still sleeping, not waking up.

Li Heyou went to check and confirmed that the sky seat was in the epiphany of chance, so he didn't bother. This time the sky seat wakes up, not only will his spiritual wisdom increase, but he will also find the best cultivation method.

Crossing the catastrophe and ascending is just around the corner.

Wuzhiqi is a monster who came back from the prehistoric world. Naturally, he has seen tens of thousands of meters in length. In fact, after he opened the Fatianxiangdi, it can also be thousands of meters tall.

However, the point is that the sky seat can be so big before it ascends.

Wu Zhiqi suddenly thought of the momentum of the breath...Kun.

There is a fish in the Northern Darkness, its name is Kun, the size of Kun is unknown, how many thousands of miles away it is, compared with it, the sky seat is still far behind, but, not to mention ascending, it has not even condensed the demon core.

Once the fish grows...

That is a fierce general of my monster clan!

Wuzhiqi was extremely happy immediately. Since Zulong Taishan was enshrined in Zen, no monster has been born in the world for 2000 years. As the No.1 monster born in the post-prehistoric era, Tianzuo is satisfactory no matter how you say it.

My monster clan, be happy!
Immediately, Wuzhiqi began to practice directly following the fluctuation of the water, without waking up the sky constellation.

And the war that was going upside down just a second ago stopped so strangely and simply. Everyone at the scene watched Wu Zhiqi's performance in the video, and then looked at Ren Wei, and finally didn't know what to say.

"The Historical Research Committee is very strong..."

Probably, there is only this emotion left.

In ancient times, Su Qin was able to make appointments vertically and horizontally, and hang the seals of the commanders of the six countries. Facts have proved that the power of negotiation is still very strong. Now, with a few words from Ren Wei, Wu Zhiqi agreed to wait a few days for a decisive battle with Li He.

Isn't this an understatement compared to the hard work of the people of the whole country trying to stop Wuzhi Qi from breaking out of the seal?
In fact, even the Historical Research Committee did not expect it to be so simple.

When they study history, they want to strengthen the seal of monsters, or kill them when they are weak when they first come out, so as to prevent these monsters from causing harm to the world.

Another one is to search for the historical truth, to search for the ancestral home of mankind and so on.

When will you have this business capability?
The crisis is temporarily suspended. On the Ark No. [-] ship, which is the headquarters of the Historical Research Committee, Yang Yi is in a meeting and said: "Wuzhiqi is temporarily suspended, but we cannot stop."

"From ancient times to the present, there is no one who is stronger than Wuzhiqi with seals and sleeping monsters."

"We must find them as soon as possible and seal them."

"The monsters that have lived for thousands of years are living fossils. Their understanding of history is far better than our speculation and verification. We must find monsters that can communicate as soon as possible..."


Wuzhiqi agreed to the battle, and went to the Pacific Ocean to practice quietly.

However, the world is not quiet, Wuzhiqi is not the only monster, all kinds of monsters are constantly waking up these days, and those little monsters who are just sleeping and not sealed, make trouble when they come out.

The military, the Heroes' Association, and the Wumeng did not have an easy time.

One of the best aspects compared to monster mutations now is that the pressure on civilians is not that great. After all, the number of monsters is still small, so that the empire will not be in a state of desperation.

After all, since Taishan was enshrined in Zen, the way of heaven has been closed, and no monsters have been born in the world. In 2000 years, too many monsters died of "starvation".

The big monster who is really in the seal is actually protected.

More monsters are the moment Liu Bowen cut the dragon's veins, all fantasy-related things entered an unobservable state, and a large number of little monsters remaining in the world were forcibly put into a state of eternal sleep.

The moment they are completely forgotten and humans have no concept of them, they are truly dead.

Even if there is a sleeping mutation, it will not come back to life.

History has changed, how many nameless little monsters have died in the long river of time, and the remaining monsters gradually broke free from the void, reappeared in the world, and began to wake up.

That is to say, among the vast army of waking up, under the Tushan Mountain, there is a nimble little fox that got out of the stone stile, looking at the world with great interest...

(End of this chapter)

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