Chapter 295

The fact that Li He was going to preach was known to the world in an instant.

Originally, the heroes on the front line were still hesitant, worried that they would leave, and there would be no time to rescue the monsters coming out to cause harm to the Quartet. But when they saw a golden monkey flying over and locking the monsters tightly with sticks, the heroes were relieved.

Looking at the forum, it is said that you can now "blow one hair and turn ten thousand monkeys into one".

So, warriors, scientific researchers, and the general public, anyone who could get a plane ticket started to go to Hawaii. The tense situation in the first half of the day was completely relaxed after Li He woke up.

The family also rushed to Hawaii.

Then, they saw Li He wearing beach shorts, wearing sunglasses, blowing the sea breeze, drinking beer, stroking a fox, eating barbecue, and a girl was grilling something.

The girl's name, they were very familiar with, Elizabeth.

The contestant who qualified as Jiangcheng's No. 1 in the audition for the Budo Tournament, but later abstained, they didn't know that Elizabeth was an investigator of the Historical Research Committee, so they didn't know why she appeared here.

For some reason.

When Zhao Jinyun saw this girl with a good figure and wearing a swimsuit, her eyes were immediately full of vigilance.

Carol didn't care so much, she just glanced at Elizabeth, and then her mind was all on the little fox. She looked at Li He with starry eyes and said, "Brother, can I hug him?"

"of course."

Without asking the little fox's opinion at all, Li He handed it to his sister directly, but he felt a little disappointed when he left it, because the little fox's hair was so comfortable.

Leaving Li He and coming to Ka Luo's arms, he was besieged by a group of girls.

Su Yaoyao feels that one day it will be bald...

"It starts at eight o'clock in the evening, and there is still an hour. Do you want some barbecue? Elizabeth's cooking skills are not bad. I thought she would make pies looking up at the stars."

Li He held up a bunch of roasted pork belly and said to Zhao Jinyun.

Zhao Jinyun glanced at him helplessly, grabbed the skewers in his hand and ate them, and said angrily: "If you become a fairy and eat whole grains, you won't be afraid of turbidity invading your body?"

Li He said with a smile: "There is no such thing as turbidity and cleanliness. The biggest difference between immortals and mortals lies in the materialization of the soul."

"You can see that my appearance is the same as before. In fact, there are no elements such as calcium hydroxide in my body, and it is purely composed of energy."

"As long as the soul is immortal, no matter what injury the body suffers, it can be restored instantly."


As he said that, Li He cut a cut on his finger, let the blood drip to the ground, and then dissipated as energy. This whole process demonstrated the general situation of a pure energy body.

It's too amazing.

Zhao Jinyun murmured: "With full energy, doesn't that mean that there is no carrier for the genes?"

Li He waved his hand and said, "Wrong, full energy does not mean that there is no matter. I have bones, but the composition of bones is energy. I have flesh and blood, but the composition of flesh and blood is just energy."

"Of course the genes are also in the cells, and my 100% gene lock release rate assists the body's regulation."

"Let every cell be in a high-energy state."

"During the battle, the gene lock will also use the body's instincts to help deal with the battle. Without this, it will all rely on calculations, and the burden of the battle will be heavy."

Li He spoke clearly and logically, but the corners of Zhao Jinyun's mouth gradually stiffened.

In the end, she came to the conclusion that the Academy of Sciences was not wrong. Life levels are different, and it is indeed impossible to reproduce. Lower organisms simply cannot bear the genes of higher organisms...

Obviously, Li He has not paid attention to this point.

He was still talking about the benefits of fighting, and Li Chengde who was on the side half understood it, and asked, "Son, are you still human after all?"

Li He: "..."

Why are you scolding people? !

After making complaints about it, Li He said: "Of course I am a human being. I still have the human gene sequence, and my soul is still human. Why am I not human?"

"There are so many immortals in ancient times, don't they all consider themselves human race?"

"The difference between me and you lies in the level of life. It doesn't mean that after ascending to immortality, you change species and have a different concept of existence."

When Li He said this, everyone immediately relaxed a lot.

Although she knew that Li He would talk about it in the "Open Lecture", Shen Qian still couldn't help asking: "Brother, hurry up and talk about the change in power after becoming a fairy."

"Also, what are the levels of immortals, and what abilities do they have?"

"I don't know these things, how can I have a direction to work hard?"

Li He glanced at him, and sneered disdainfully. As far as you are still working hard, come on, you haven't even crossed the 50% hurdle. Even if you don't want to be a monk, you will be so ambitious.

"The direction is still..."

"Okay, let me give you the direction. After becoming a fairy, there are four levels: Tianxian, Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then you are a saint."

"To become a fairy, the most important thing is to materialize the soul."

"With this, you can be at a higher level of life, so as to achieve the basic conditions for events such as crossing the universe and traveling through time and space. That is to say, immortals basically have some space and time capabilities."

"This series all belong to the general abilities possessed by 'Xian'."

"The stage of the immortal is mainly to obtain these general abilities and the characteristics of immortals."

"Being proficient in language and writing can allow immortals to communicate and read without any barriers. In terms of space, immortals can perceive the existence of space barriers, and can analyze and study the space, so as to establish teleportation arrays, or display shrinking In terms of time, immortals can perceive the passage of time, such as spells that grow from ground to feet, and they always have some premonitions about the future."

"Overall, it's more like a dimension upgrade."

"Golden Immortal, I heard that the Dao of oneself has been completed, so it can be free from external interference."

"At this stage, you will generally have one or two innate supernatural powers. This innate supernatural power is generally related to the ability of your stand-in. For example, Wu Zhiqi's eyes should be innate supernatural powers."

"Well, you guessed it right, my transfigured golden monkey is a gifted supernatural power."

"Although it's still only in the realm of immortality, but for some reason, I have mastered three innate supernatural powers, namely 'Heart Ape Yichi', 'Heavenly Dao Tribulation Thunder', and 'Words and Words'."

"Being able to do this should have something to do with my Dao Seed."

"I don't know much about the Da Luo Jinxian and the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian at the top. I mainly heard what Yaoyao said. It probably means that Da Luo doesn't die now, and Hunyuan doesn't die because of knowing."

"Specific understanding..."

Li He talked like this until eight o'clock, and it was considered a small stove for his family.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the sermon officially began.

The base in Hawaii is already crowded with people, more than [-] people have arrived here within half a day, no matter whether they are practicing martial arts or not, I really want to know what the so-called Tao should be...

 Thanks to the leader of "Prince Huajie" for the reward. This should be the first alliance of this book. I will try my best to write it, and I will add more if I can write it.

(End of this chapter)

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