I might be a little strong

Chapter 298 Sky Eye, Open!

Chapter 298 Sky Eye, Open!

"Heavenly Tribulation Thunder!!!"

Heavenly Dao Tribulation Thunder has the effect of destroying ten thousand laws. Even though Wu Zhiqi has experienced the Great Desolation War, he has never seen anyone who has mastered this ability. Unexpectedly, Li He actually controlled Jie Lei! ! !

What is this person...

boom! ! !
Wuzhiqi didn't have time to think and be shocked. It stopped for a while, and the golden ape pressed up. Wuzhiqi had to deal with it seriously because of his terrifying combat handling ability.

Even though it has infinite strength by virtue of its innate supernatural powers, the battle is not as easy as expected.

There is the Golden Ape, and Li He, one against two, the situation is very dangerous...

It seems that can only use that.

After making up his mind, the moment a certain golden ape hit him with a stick, the golden light in Wu Zhiqi's eyes was transparent, and he just glanced at the golden ape, and the golden ape disappeared...

Then, it looked at Li He.

Li He turned his body sideways to block the little fox. He was fine with those piercing eyes, but if it fell on the little fox, it would be a big deal, and the little fox might be beaten back to its original shape.

Not the prototype of the fox demon, but the prototype of the original fox...

The golden ape disappeared, and it was also photographed back to its original shape.

However, Li He was unscathed when he was illuminated by this divine light. It was difficult to turn around while holding the little fox, but it didn't matter if he didn't turn around. Li He's eyes also began to flash with golden light, hundreds of times in a row...

I saw countless golden apes flying out from behind him, and rushed towards Wuzhiqi.

Wu Zhiqi looked at it one by one, but the speed of the light and extinguishment was far inferior to the speed at which Li He produced the mind ape. This gifted supernatural power "heart ape and mind galloping" can produce a mind ape to help out as long as he moves his mind.

With just one movement of his mind, that mind only exists for one breath.

But, enough for now.

Mantian Xinyuan's strength was the same as before, and they all swung their sticks, how could this Wuzhiqi bear it?Only with the insight brought by the piercing eyes can we fight.

It has to be said that with the blessing of fiery eyes and golden eyes, Wu Zhiqi's fighting ability is not weaker than that of Xin Yuan.

It was originally endowed with supernatural powers and the power of heavenly dragons and celestial phenomena. With such supernatural power, it was able to defeat a hundred with one enemy, and even fought fiercely. For a while, it even had the invincible posture of a god of war.

It's just that Li He is very clear that the consumption of the piercing eyes is probably a bit scary.

Wuzhiqi can't last long.

Wuzhiqi obviously also understands this truth, because of the characteristics of the heart ape, the eyes are not restrained, and there is Li He, who has a thunderbolt to protect the body and prevent it from invading. If the fight continues like this, when it shows fatigue, it will be defeated. when.

You can't go on like this, you have to get close to Li He and kill Li He's body.

Whether it was the sword at the beginning or the follow-up battle with the ape, Li He has always avoided melee combat, which means that this person's melee combat ability is very weak. If he can get close...

After making up his mind, Wuzhiqi found the only possibility among thousands of possibilities.

Using the insight brought by the piercing eyes, it made everything to the extreme. In the end, it finally found a gap from the siege of the heart ape, and then launched the space jump that had been calculated for a while.

Wuzhiqi suddenly appeared in front of Li He, and with a gesture of surprise, he slammed the strongest blow in his life.

In this regard, what Li He thought was that he stood still for too long.

It can be seen that when fighting with immortal-level combat power, one should pay attention to shifting positions, otherwise the opponent can teleport after analyzing the spatial coordinates and related data.

This is the ability bestowed by the time and space of the fairy-level existence...

After walking away for a while, Wuzhiqi's stick had already reached the top of his head. At this time, the little fox closed his eyes and trembled all over, not daring to look at it, but Li He remained indifferent.

After his ascension, he has three supernatural powers and... one celestial eye.

Heavenly eyes, open!

The heavenly eyes between Li He's eyebrows opened instantly, and a terrifyingly vast true energy erupted immediately. Wu Zhiqi's stick was immediately dispersed by the pure true energy, and flew away...

"It's been a long time since I've used the energy source, um, the original one."

"I can't hold on for a few seconds, so I'll probably show you. Look, the existence of completely controlling the Dao of Heaven...how terrifying is it!"

"seal up!"

Li He, who was in the state of energy source flow, slowly raised his hand, and grabbed Wuzhi Qi from the air, and then, countless invisible barriers were added instantly, accumulating hundreds of layers, and suddenly blocked Wuzhi Qi .

The 200-meter-high Wuzhiqi is enclosed in a cube with a side length of 400 meters. It feels completely isolated from the outside world!
This feeling is very similar to the sleeping 4000 years!
He was sealed! !
Wuzhiqi went crazy when he got this information, he didn't want to be sealed, even if he died in battle, he didn't want to be sealed!It began to riot and struggle hysterically, but the sealed barrier did not move at all...

"When will you reform yourself, and when will you come out again."

Li He looked indifferently at Wuzhiqi who was struggling wildly, and with a flick of his hand, the entire sealing barrier disappeared, and Wuzhiqi was also brought into the sealed space...

If it is said that it was at the bottom of Guishan Mountain, it could occasionally hear the sound of the river.

At this moment, he was really exiled in the void. In this state, after Liu Bowen slashed the dragon's veins, those monsters that remained in the world instantly "non-existed".

That is the most difficult void...

After doing all this, Li He unlocked the source of the body, closed the eyes of the sky, and the terrifying power of the heavens on him was eliminated. Then, he found that the little fox in his arms was shaking unbelievably.

It's bad, I didn't freak out...

Not because of Wu Zhiqi's fate, but because of the great terror of the coming of heaven, it, it doesn't understand at all, why Li and a little fairy can do things that even a saint can't do.

How can celestial beings rule the way of heaven?
That's unreasonable, even a saint, no one can do it...

Forget about the Heavenly Sword Tribulation and Thunder before, but now you can directly control the Dao of Heaven, you, you, who are you?Could it be that Tiandao has an independent will, and Tiandao cannot be reincarnated? !

"I'm not the way of heaven, I just stole an unprecedented opportunity at the right time."

"Actually, it's not that great."

"According to what you said, Hunyuan is not dead because of knowledge. Even if I control the Dao of Heaven, I can't kill Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, let alone the saints on it."

"Tian Dao can manage a limited number of venues. It really depends on the authority, and it depends on the Dao."

Li He comforted him a few words, and the little fox trembled even more. What, who are you, you are still just a fairy, okay?Why do you want to compare with a saint? What do you mean! ! !

I, I, I...

Well! ! !Sister, I feel like the world I know is collapsing!
 Thanks to the book friend "Mr. Wang Chen" for the reward of 1000 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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