I might be a little strong

Chapter 310 The Wheel of Suppression

Chapter 310 The Wheel of Suppression
"Emperor Wa."

After explaining the condition of the equipment, Yang Yi called out lightly, and Wahuang's projection also appeared. The moment they saw Wahuang, Bai Niang and Mao Yuer were startled, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not Empress Nuwa...

After Empress Wa appeared, she just glanced at the two monsters, then stretched out her hand, and through the transmission of the ether channel, a piece of equipment appeared in her hand. She pointed directly and projected the attributes of the equipment.

Wheel of Suppression (Class S): A bracelet, the wearer of this equipment can adjust their own strength, and the range is 10%~100%.

Unexpectedly, there is such an effect of equipment.

"Among the existing equipment, there are a total of 267 pieces of S-level equipment, most of which are equipped with special abilities, and only a small part of the equipment has ordinary boost effects."

"Your Excellency's seven pieces of EX-level equipment, but Tun Tianqing is the only one that increases power."

"So, it's not surprising that there is such equipment as the Wheel of Suppression."

When Emperor Wa explained, Li He had already tried the Wheel of Restraint, and when he adjusted his strength to 10%, Li He obviously felt a "feeling of weakness".

That's an all-around weakening.

Li He tried to forcibly reopen this weakness, but he could feel that weakness is loosening, but it is not easy to break through completely. If the female demon obtains the wheel of suppression, and she deliberately suppresses her supernatural power, she should be able to Got it under control.

"not bad."

After a compliment, Li He untied the wheel of inhibition with a thought.

The two rounds of aperture twisted and undid on his wrist, and then floated in the air. Even if he held it in his hand, Li He couldn't tell what material the suppression wheel was made of, or in other words, he couldn't even tell whether the suppression wheel was there or not. entity.

It is likely to be just a conceptual weapon of energy condensation.

"Your Excellency is right. The Wheel of Suppression is a concept equipment. Among all attribute equipment, only A-level and above equipment may appear as concept equipment. Currently, there are only five pieces of concept equipment recorded."

"Oh, no, it's six."

"Your Excellency's Destroyer Demon Sword has become Your Excellency's accompanying concept after being sacrificed to become a natal spirit sword. It is not so much a sword as it is a concept of 'destruction'."

"The current conceptual armament in the Yanwu Order is obtained by imitating the conceptual armament."

"It's just that this kind of imitation is quite clumsy. Our understanding of conceptual weapons is still in the 'programming' stage, and the main way is 'code' to directly form objects."

"The concept equipment in attribute equipment is the concept of power, and the two are fundamentally different."

"No matter how you look at it, attribute equipment will be a non-renewable resource for a long period of time in the future. If the people know that the effect of equipment on the immortal level will not change, the price of equipment will usher in a wave of skyrocketing."

As mentioned before, due to the changes of the times, housing, medical care, and study are already free and fully borne by the empire.

However, the empire still has currency, and people can still get wages and income. In this case, investment in martial arts has become the biggest expense and investment for people.

Today, when the killing value is not futuresized, the only visible power is equipment.

Also, equipment is non-renewable.

Therefore, with the influx of countless capital, even if the number of equipment in the world exceeds 150 billion pieces, the price of equipment is still skyrocketing. Ordinary F-level equipment was already above 500 credits three months ago.

Nowadays, with the rise of the military value of the whole people, the effect of the equipment has not been compromised. The news that the Academy of Sciences has not succeeded in imitating the equipment has spread, and the price of the equipment has been higher and higher.

Today, the price of a piece of F-level equipment has reached 1200 credits.

Once the equipment cannot be imitated, and the news that the immortal level is effective, I am afraid that the F-level equipment will increase to 3000 credit points. No, this should be the least case.

There is only one situation that can slow down this increase.

That is the futures of killing value. People can use credits to buy killing value. In that case, there will be another place for capital to go. With an additional reservoir, the price of equipment will naturally come down.

But it is obvious that the current killing value of the empire is not enough to supply professional warriors, so it will not be open to the common people.

It can only be said that with the development of the empire, as the mutations continue to advance, and the military value of the whole people is getting higher and higher, the price of equipment will rise step by step.

First-class masters who continue to improve may not even get a piece of S-level equipment...

At present, there are 47 pieces of S-level equipment left in the empire's inventory, and they will be released slowly through martial arts conferences and other methods. In the next two years, there will still be S-level equipment on the market.

If you want more, then you can only go to Australia to get leeks.

The empire took all the remaining monsters to Australia, and invested a large amount of livestock in captivity, in order to improve the quality of the last batch of equipment.

The various capabilities of advanced equipment are the country's strategic reserves.

For example, now, wouldn't the Wheel of Suppression solve the urgent need?

The more useful the equipment, the more Li He smiled wryly, and said: "I used to be a big capitalist, and now I am a martial arts family. There is really no way to solidify the class."

Human nature is inherently evil and tends to be good. As long as there is an individual concept, classes will always appear.

Yang Yi didn't agree with Li He's emotion. He pushed his glasses and said, "That's all for the future. The current situation is more conducive to the struggle of the people. There is nothing wrong with it."

"When we build the main god space, the old class barriers will naturally dissipate."

"We just need to ensure the circulation of the class."

Li He was discussing class with Yang Yi, and Bai Niang was also full of emotions when she heard it, the times have changed after all, Huang Di may have considered these things, but he didn't do it.

The only thing to consider in that era is the future of civilization and the survival of mankind.

But nowadays people will consider class, consider whether the relationship between humans and demons is equal, and will consider more things. Listening to them talking about the main god's space as if off topic, Bai Niang gradually became a little dazed.

How many months has it been since Second Fantasy descended?
Humans have already started to move towards this step?This, is this fantasy coming too violently, or is human beings developing too rapidly...


After chatting for 2 minutes, the No. [-] ship arrived at the sky above Chishui. Among the existing human classics, the only one that can match the ancient mythology in reality is the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The Shan Hai Jing has been circulated and revised for thousands of years, and its authenticity is difficult to determine.

Even if authenticity is not considered, there are few specific records of monster seals in the Shan Hai Jing, such as Wuzhiqi and Nuba, who have clear records, the empire will naturally focus on searching.

Even so, it took the investigation team more than ten days to find the seal of the female demon.

When it was found, time was running out.

It is now 4 o'clock in the morning on April 20th, and in less than two hours, the female demon will come out of the seal...

(End of this chapter)

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