Chapter 321
Li He, the great swordsman of the empire, once said that any ability has an upper limit.

and so……

Breaking that upper limit can break this ability.

boom! ! !
King's outbreak reached its peak again, what does it feel like to die?What is pain?He doesn't care anymore, power, a steady stream of power gushes out, making him look like a peerless beast that is about to break free from its cage!


Roaring like a beast, as if he heard the sound of the shackles breaking, King began to stagger and run on the field light array, and the speed became faster and faster, and the pace became more and more steady!
The body remembers many things.

When there are enough deaths, when there are enough deaths in the same way, and when the strength is strong enough, just the body's instinctive processing will exceed the upper limit of Wuji's processing.

It's not about reaching the upper limit of strength, but the upper limit of skill.

In terms of strength, it is not enough to break the law with brute force, but it can also resist to a certain extent. The body's handling of various vector riots has become extremely efficient, which makes Wuji's ability less terrifying.

King, get up!
"It's over, the mage was approached by a berserker, and he was about to lose."

For a while, most of the audience had this idea in their hearts, but the reality was, is real Qingwei a mage?Is it a mage who has no power to restrain chickens and can only throw spells?

He is not!
Not only was he not, but he was also one of the few people with the strongest martial arts in the world. If he really wanted to fight in close combat, even though King was as terrifying as a demon god now, with the ability of vector control, it was not impossible to fight.

But, that doesn't make sense.

This battle is to show the first-class fighting power of human beings except Li He, and to deter those monsters who live in Jiangcheng but are not convinced, so they have to win beautifully.

have to show more...

Master Qingwei watched King getting closer and closer, without any nervousness, but when King was still a step away from him, he called faintly: "Wuji."

Wuji understood immediately, everyone felt that the world just flickered and darkened for a moment.


boom! ! !
The huge blood mist exploded. If it wasn't for the ability of Undead Shura, if it wasn't for King's already half-energy body, then he would explode and die immediately.

Just for a moment, the number of deaths +10.

Once again strengthened by 10 times, King's strength has reached an extremely terrifying level. If he does his best, it may take only a few seconds to destroy the doomsday fortress of Jiangcheng.

But it is such a powerful and terrifying existence that is staying there now, letting the most precious time pass by...

Don't stay, no.

Because Wuji's second ability was activated, and the second ability "Deprivation of Arrow Sense" was affected by the deprivation of arrow sense. From that moment on, King had no concept of any direction.

Back and forth?Then, where are they...

Infuriating operation, how to operate?How should the Little Zhou and the Big Zhou go?so?No, hit a wall, this is the front, this is the back?No, wait, was it before or after?

At this point, King couldn't stop.

Because, he has lost the most basic ability to move, his body, and even the most basic maintenance ability, blood, he doesn't know where to flow...

Such a scene, the people looked confused.

I don't know what Master Qingwei did, but at this time, the Wumeng came out to reveal the ability of Master Qingwei, and after seeing the description of the ability, people knew how terrifying the strength of Master Qingwei was.

"Is it over?"

"It should be. King has no choice. This ability is too incomprehensible. It is impossible to resist this ability if you have not reached the realm of celestial beings and out of the realm of mortal wombs."

"Even if you're in the Celestial Immortal Realm, if you don't have the direction of true energy, the Celestial Immortals won't be able to fight."

"It must be Golden Wonderland!"

"That's right, only when you reach the Golden Fairyland, you have one body of Dao, and you have independence from the outside world, can you resist this ability and continue to fight."

"If it's in the Great Luo Realm, the influence of this ability will be greatly weakened."

"If you are in the Primordial Realm, it will have no effect. Human beings' substitute abilities and the supernatural powers of the monster race cannot affect the Primordial Level. Only the innate supernatural powers of the Golden Immortal Realm can affect that level."

"With three seconds left, King is about to lose."

"That's right..."

Because of nanosymbiosis, the exchange of information has become extremely efficient, and within seconds, many people with quick thinking and quick reactions have communicated.

It is generally believed that by this point, King has lost.

No matter how strong King's outburst is, how powerful he is, he can't even touch the hem of Qingwei's clothes, so no matter how powerful he is, it can only be in vain.

Daoist Qingwei's ability is so terrifying, if you meet an ordinary celestial being, you probably won't be your match.

Humans are actually very strong...

"it's not finished yet……"

Just when everyone was convinced, King said something in a low voice. Afterwards, everyone only saw a blood mist exploding in the sky. People no longer knew how many times King died in that instant.

In the end, King miraculously clenched his fist...

How could it be, how could he still be able to control his body, after the deprivation of the vector sense, he would not be able to establish the vector sense no matter what, how could he clench his fists?

Living people, of course not.

However, dead people are not necessarily impossible. In the impossible, King found a way to avoid control, that is, when the death happened intensively enough, he was in the middle of death.

In death, he cannot control his body, but because of the characteristics of the immortal Shura, his will is still there.

And the will, through "unyielding", can drive the body...


After King clenched his fist, the different feeling made Master Qingwei's pupils shrink sharply, and he immediately understood what happened. In this case, King's fist can really kill people!
Can't let him hit this punch!
At this moment, Daoist Qingwei's mind was also running to the limit, Wuji exuded a wonderful divine light all over his body, and when Daoist Qingwei's pupils shrank suddenly, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.


King's fist moves slowly like a snail...

what happened!

At this moment, everyone was stunned. The expected shocking punch did not appear, but a punch as slow as a turtle, one second, two seconds.

King's immortal Shura time ended, all blessings disappeared, King's body was exhausted to the limit, and the spirit also reached the limit.

Falling headlong, defeated, unclear...

From the beginning to the end, he couldn't even touch the corner of Qingwei's real person's clothes, and this last terrifying ability was the last ability of Qingwei's real person stand-in.

The third level of the Promise Domain, time sense control, time, is also a vector...

(End of this chapter)

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