Chapter 362
Anderson is very stable, he feels no problem.

However, Li He Youyou's words made him feel cold from the beginning to the end. Li He said: "86, that is to say, you have refined at least 86 existences with a gene liberation rate exceeding 50%, right?"

Anderson's face froze, and he argued, "They're all animals."

They are all animals, at least any data and items in this laboratory are only animals. In fact, it does not necessarily require a gene liberation rate of more than 50%, only those beasts with "wisdom" turned on.

That's different, their souls are more alive...

Li He gave Anderson a cold look, and said coldly: "The Heroes Association will investigate more things, so I won't pursue it here, but animals?"

"Then you need to talk to the Yaozu."

"I have allowed the Yaozu to cultivate their own juniors today, so you can do it yourself."

He raised it high and put it down gently. He thought he had suffered a catastrophe, but Li He didn't make a move. When Li He left with his people, the whole laboratory was still looking at each other in blank dismay.

After Anderson and Xuan Bing looked at each other, they immediately said anxiously: "Oops!"

It's really bad.

The animals captured and extracted by Xuanshui Company are actually monsters. They have opened up their spiritual intelligence and started to practice, just because they don't have enough accumulation and correct methods.

So, progress has been mixed.

Even if some have become demons, they still hide in the mountains and forests and dare not step into human society. After all, the strength of human beings is too terrifying and cruel.

In the few months after the Slaughter World appeared, human beings went crazy...

So, how dare the animals who are successful in cultivation dare to go out of the forest?But even if they don't leave the forest, caring humans won't let them go.

Xuanshui Company is just one of many hunters.


"Brother, why didn't you arrest them? Obviously, Xuanshui Company must have conducted some evil experiments, so it's not good to just leave without doing anything?"

Walking out of the secret laboratory of Xuanshui Company, Carol asked in confusion.

Li He touched his sister's head with a smile, and explained: "Even if it's my brother, I don't do whatever I want. The dungeon is Dong Yefu's territory. He should clean up the yard by himself."

"Those people are actually right. The empire is just collecting data through their hands."

"You say so, Emperor Wa?"

While speaking, Li He looked at the open space with a faint smile, and the projection of Emperor Wa was also condensed in the open space in due course. She lowered her eyes and said, "The Academy of Sciences has indeed mastered the related technologies of genetic weapons."

"This technology is not difficult, it's just an idea."

"Before the Xuanshui company did it, the Academy of Sciences had experimented, but the uncertainty in it was too great, and a huge amount of experimental data was needed to continue the research."

"Tens of thousands of experiments."

More than tens of thousands of experiments, of course, are not the kind of experiments on mice, but human experiments. Hearing this, Li He couldn't help but feel a little murderous, and asked in a concentrated voice: "So many?"

Emperor Wa said indifferently: "Basically they are all clones."

"Their real laboratory is in Nepal. About 200 people died. At that time, the empire hadn't been able to integrate remote areas, but later we were able to manage them, and they started experimenting with clones."

"Behind Xuanshui Company are people from Fa Country."

"Boss Chris has a military background in the Far East. He defected during the unification war, captured several cities for the Yan Empire, and integrated into the Yan Empire as a hero."

"The Heroes' Association and the Martial Arts League don't really like the Europas."

"But his strength is indeed close to that of the first echelon. The gene liberation rate is 79%, and he has hunted many wild beasts that are expected to be able to cultivate into elites."

Regarding the issue of human cloning, this is something that human beings have been unable to get around morally. Is human cloning a human being?Can human experiments be carried out with human cloning?
Injury to its kind.

There is no way for the empire to go around, so let’s not go around, stare, watch, Xuanshui Company is evil, and when the results of their experiments come out, they will eliminate the evil.

Can animals practice?

Then help a group, place a group, kill a group...

There has never been any pure kindness. Human nature is evil and will be kind, but it also depends on the scope.

Even Li He would not force the Holy Mother or something. For scientific experiments, hundreds of people died, and Li He could accept it, but if tens of thousands of people died, he had to ask how bold those people were.

Now that the scientists still count, they didn't let go of the mess.

Li He didn't pursue these matters anymore. After obtaining some information from Xuanshui Company, Li He found that he had slightly underestimated the number of local monsters.

The Xuanshui company alone has captured dozens or even hundreds of beasts that are expected to become fine.

Then, allow the Yaozu to train their own juniors...


Back in the afternoon, Feng Xi, who was allowed to walk out of the Ming Garden, couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Immediately, he mobilized hundreds of monsters to go around the world to find children with talents.

If his calculations are not wrong, the first batch of creatures who opened up their intelligence all received great innate chances.

They have experienced changes in the world from scratch.

They enjoy the nourishment of martial arts mutations, killing mutations, monster mutations, and sleeping mutations. Those beasts that have been cultivated to become fine may not be strong for the time being, but their potential is extremely high.

At least, they can have skills.

And the awakened ancient monsters have no way to acquire skills. The innate blessings are not on them. They have no special inspiration for martial arts, and they will not get killing points, let alone skills, and they will not get sleeping mutations. The kind of epiphany opportunity.

How good was the environment of the world in the prehistoric period?
They have various bloodlines, and it is very difficult to cultivate into immortals. However, look at the sky, and look at the terrifying monster who has almost emptied half of the aura of the solar system after crossing the tribulation.

Feng Xi felt that there was no comparison at all.

Kunpeng is not as good as her...

Alas, if she can stand against the leader of the Yaozu, maybe the Yaozu can continue to fight against the human race, but it's a pity that she is Li He's mount, what a pity.

Either way.

As No. 1 of the new generation of monsters, since you have already turned to humans, then I will discover other more outstanding juniors. Perhaps, they just lack opportunities and lack of teaching.

Its talent is not necessarily worse than yours, is it?
(End of this chapter)

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