I might be a little strong

Chapter 370 Endless Sword Equipment

Chapter 370 Endless Sword Equipment
"Can I only use that?"

Chen Shiliu said lightly that in martial arts, he didn't hold back when he first entered the mind world, and he directly reached the Celestial Phenomena Realm, and lost the opportunity to go further in Vajra and Zhixuan.

Later, when I thought about cultivating in depth, I just managed to reach the big celestial phenomena in the celestial phenomena.

In this way, he became a land god, and his insufficient accumulation of martial arts made his stand-in ability somewhat lacking, and he didn't even have the almost incomprehensible frontal combat ability of King's "Undead Shura".

Fortunately, he has a good swordsmanship talent.

Combined with his talent in swordsmanship, Chen Shiliu found another way to condense his double into a sword heart. Different from other people's human form, his double is a sword heart, and he doesn't need to show it outside, but directly replaces his heart.

It is also because of Jianxin that he can command millions of flying swords.

However, the upper limit of this kind of flying sword transformed from his true qi is not high, because his strength is only so much, and the amount of true qi is also there. He is not Li He, and it is impossible for him to shine a hundred thousand miles with a single sword.

However, because of his uniqueness.

On a certain day in the past, the Academy of Sciences approached him. After the two parties got to know each other and tried it, the Academy of Sciences created a system for him called "Endless Sword Armor".

And this is the source of his confidence.

That's also why the Heroes' Association sent Chen Shiliu over knowing that the enemy was a seasoned fairy-level monster like Feng Xi, and a monster with strange abilities like Dragon Snake.

Because, he can handle it.

Wang Yang's sea of ​​swords disappeared, and the twelve pocket flying swords flew into Chen Shiliu's hands. After matching each other, they formed a ring. When the ring was held in Chen Shiliu's hand, a strange divine light lit up.

Data streams begin to emerge in the air, and modeling begins.

In an instant, the projection was completed, and Chen Shiliu's whole body was surrounded by a silver mecha, and behind the mecha, there was a huge sword box, and the overall style was particularly unique.

This is the collision of technology and martial arts...

Naturally, the transformation will not stop time, Feng Xi also wanted to interrupt Chen Shiliu's transformation, but unfortunately, this transformation was very fast, in the aftermath of the wave, he had just stopped his moves, and the storm that crushed him was Chen Shiliu dodged sideways, and then, in an instant, Chen Shiliu had already completed his transformation.

This speed...

Feng Xi entered Jiangcheng for a few days. While winning the hearts of the Yaozu, he devoted all his energy to studying the changes in human society and learning about the relevant combat power.

Seeing this equipment, Feng Xi immediately thought of something.

Concept armed.

Only this can seamlessly penetrate the armor, and it is directly projected by the imaginary space. He learned that Yan Wuling, the most elite soldier of the Yan Empire, can rank among the first-class with this kind of armament.

And Chen Shiliu in front of him, he is an S-class hero, and if he has conceptual weapons...

At this moment, Feng Xi hadn't thought about winning. He just wanted to delay enough time. After all, the game in Jiangcheng was almost over.

Do you want to put away the rain screen?

no, no...

It takes time to put away the rain curtain, and without the blessing of the rain curtain, he probably won't be able to wait for the signal to arrive. The battle is already heating up, and he can't control it if he wants to. If he makes a mistake, he will die.

Moreover, the outcome of the game is not clear...

Can only fight.

Because, Chen Shiliu has already moved!

Chen Shiliu, who activated the endless sword outfit, once again felt the beautiful power, squeezed his fist, and said with a light smile: "When I read books before, I always thought that the sword fairy is very majestic, and the word "jianlai" is even more chic."

"With the endless sword outfit."

"I too... Shout out to the sword!"

"Sword come!"

Hearing Chen Shiliu shouting for the sword, Feng Xi was startled immediately, and was about to respond, but he didn't see the sword, only the sword box behind Chen Shiliu was broken into pieces.

This is doing... not right!
When Feng Xi wanted to stop it, it was already too late, and all the scattered sword boxes were activated to form a sword array, and then, swords, endless swords, real swords, swords engraved with runes created by industry.

After each handle passes through, it will disappear and become a concept.

Then, it was regenerated from the sword screen. Under the control of Chen Shiliu, each of these endless swords was endowed with the state of "armour-breaking, never damaged, and perfect flight" by the sword heart.

Under such a terrifying sword formation...


Feng Xi exploded with all his strength, forming a wind barrier around his body, which logically could protect him temporarily, but it couldn't work with the dragon and snake. Under this sword formation, the dragon and snake must die!
But Feng Xi wanted to distract himself to save the dragon snake, and was stabbed by hundreds of flying swords under negligence.

There are countless blood holes all over his body. With his fairy-level monster body, he can't resist this kind of flying sword. How terrifying are these flying swords! ! !
Actually, armed as a concept.

When each flying sword is condensed, it is endowed with terrifying initial kinetic energy. After projecting from the imaginary space, it is actually a shuttle between two energy levels.

And the "Perfect Flight" state added by Chen Shiliu can make all the swords ignore resistance.

Therefore, the initial speed of each sword can be adjusted, and this is the most terrifying part of the endless sword suit, the differential flight will make people caught off guard.

In the imaginary number space, Chen Shiliu can even accelerate the sword to the speed of light!
Speed ​​is power!
boom! ! !
The sky was full of blood mist, Feng Xi's body was almost smashed into a sieve, standing in front of the dragon snake, he still did not give in, while the dragon snake behind him was unscathed, this scene made the dragon snake's pupils shrink tightly.

This scene made Chen Shiliu stand proudly.

There was another loud noise, and a huge hole was pierced through Feng Xi's stomach, and the bloody King rushed out of Feng Xi's stomach. The first time he came out, he was going to step up and kill Feng Xi.

However, Feng Xi's appearance made him stop.


With such a serious injury, Feng Xi had obviously lost his fighting power. At this time, if King and Chen Shiliu wanted to, they could take Feng Xi's life with their hands.

Now that he has gained an absolute advantage, there is still room for Chen Shiliu.

King also gave up on killing and unlocked Shura Mode and Undead Shura. Although there were still ten seconds left, his body had reached its limit. He would not die under Undead Shura.

However, fatigue can add up...

Staggering in the air, King came to Chen Shiliu and said, "The rest is up to you."

After finishing speaking, King lost his combat power and fell from the air. He managed to get up, leaned on a stone, and began to rest and rest. The battle has come to an end here.

The rain curtain in the sky lost its strength and began to dissipate...

(End of this chapter)

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