I might be a little strong

Chapter 377 The Rebellion Begins

Chapter 377 The Rebellion Begins

"not so good."

Yang Yi said coldly, V shrugged his shoulders, and he never expected Yang Yi to praise him, in fact, people like Yang Yi disdain conspiracy, even the most perfect conspiracy.

If you want to fight, fight with dignity.

Those who gain the Dao will help more than those who have lost the Dao. This is not a joke. People who play tricks and tricks will subconsciously be afraid of upright people. This is not because of psychology, but because of strength.

Anyone who walks out dignifiedly is a strength that has been tempered thousands of times.

How can I not be afraid?
If they could live in the sun, no one would be willing to hide in the shadows. Even V didn't like to use tricks and tricks, but there was nothing he could do about it.

If you win, you will tie A. How can there be so many moths?

Complaining inwardly, V said: "They probably have so many routines. Hey, this is considered a meritorious service, right? Shouldn't it be time to switch from non-period to fixed?"

"What do you think?"


Well, V is very clear that the Yan Empire will never let him go free, and he is still imprisoned, but because he is still valuable, otherwise the empire will cut him down immediately.

The conversation between the two ended here, and Yang Yi left.

Looking at his back, V propped his chin, continued to stare blankly at his chessboard, dropped a sunspot at random, and murmured: "Freedom is a good thing. I'm actually quite happy if I don't recover my memory."

"The Renaissance Society wants to restore the enfeoffment system, which is actually quite tempting."

"It's a pity that there is no hope of victory at all, so there is no need to join. It is really unwise to join the national army in 49. However, I don't know if those monster races can have this insight."

"Compared to me, they have more bargaining chips to blind their eyes."

"Before Li He became a saint, the Yaozu probably felt that no matter how strong Li He was, he was only Hunyuan, and now the Yaozu has Hunyuan Jia Luo."

"There are more powerful combat forces that are sleeping."


Smiling lightly, V didn't know whether he was mocking those demon clans, the Revival Society, or himself, but when he looked back, he found that he was always short of luck.

Then who knows the status of the emperor?
At that time, who would have thought of Jenny Machine...


"Entries of the Revival? Sorry, the search is zero."

Faced with Yang Yi's question, Emperor Wa gave this answer. Yang Yi nodded. There is no surprise. Emperor Wa is loyal to human beings. When someone with higher authority gives an order, she will listen to that person .

I thought that in this weight ranking, Li He would be the well-deserved No. 1, and in order to prevent someone from seizing authority and launching a coup or something, this logic was written in the underlying program at the beginning.

But I don't want to, I'm shooting myself in the foot a bit.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to have more weight than Li He, but it is different to have the throne of a person. In other words, at that time, they had not come into contact with these things, and they did not know about the throne of a person.

It is also information asymmetry.

Although Emperor Wa would listen to that person at this moment, Yang Yi did not doubt Emperor Wa's loyalty, nor did he stop the operation of Emperor Wa. After all, human society is inseparable from the operation of Emperor Wa.

If the Emperor Wa is shut down.

Three days, within three days, human society will be in chaos. That feeling, just like the three-day power outage in the whole country before the mutation, will drive people crazy.

Emperor Wa cannot shut down, and the authority is the highest in the revival society.

So, what this means is that in this confrontation, the Renaissance Society will always maintain an information advantage, which is the same as playing a game and opening the full picture. Even if the emperor deliberately induces favoritism, it will be difficult to catch those people.

That being the case, the first thing is to wait and see.

In V's script, entering the ancestral court and passing the test is the most important part. What's more, Li He has already hunted and killed Bond and obtained this information. This is the remaining human emperor.

The empire had already ordered the ancestral court to be emptied from the moment they saw that the human emperor on Jenny's plane had disappeared.

no one is allowed in...

and many more.

Yang Yi's expression suddenly became solemn, and he asked Emperor Wa: "Is there anyone else in the ancestral court?"

"There are no subjects of an empire."

Hearing Wahuang's answer of deliberately revealing the news, Yang Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold. Sure enough, those people have been eyeing the ancestral court since winning the war from the very beginning.

Although I don't know how those people got in under the blockade of the Yanwu Guards.

However, they did hide in the ancestral home.

Without the guidance of Emperor Wa, human beings are blind in the ancestral court, and those people can easily block their own location information, so that the empire cannot find them through Emperor Wa no matter what.

Moreover, those people are not citizens of the empire.

Then even if you want to check the household registration population and do a comprehensive investigation, you can't do it. You don't know how many people are hiding in the ancestral family and what level it is.

The most important thing is whether the person who has obtained the throne of the emperor is in the ancestral court.

It's not good to feel that this kind of information is being suppressed.

Yang Yi pushed his glasses, and the cold light reflected from the lens, he said: "Go through the call of Daoist Qingwei. Well, yes, it's me. I also ask Daoist Qingwei to guard the central shrine to prevent anyone from entering the gate of fantasy."

After finishing his instructions, Yang Yi was about to do the next thing, but he stopped suddenly.

Ignoring Emperor Wa, he left Bai Yujing directly, returned to the real world, and contacted Daoist Qingwei through another communication system of the Academy of Sciences, but the result was... no response.

problem occurs.

However, according to the real person Qingwei's strength, if something happened, how could it be so silent!
The matter should not have reached the point of no return, but what is certain is that Master Qingwei has been deceived and should have been ambushed at this moment. Even if he sends someone to the ancestral court, what he will get will be the wrong direction of Emperor Wa. .

Unable to walk to the central shrine correctly.

According to the script given by V, the people from Fuxingshe should have started to wake up the four murderers. So, something should happen to the Heroes Association and the Martial Arts League, right?
Although the order is not completely correct, that guy V really understands these conspiracies.

Is he worthy of being the guy who understands people's hearts the most?

Time goes back to the moment when Li He met Bond. After Fuxingshe got the news, some things started to act in advance, such as Qingwei Zhenren.

After conquering the ancestral court, Daoist Qingwei has already passed the tribulation and ascended.

At the level of a fairy, as the second fairy of human beings, it can be said that Li He is really under one man and above ten thousand people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his real combat power is comparable to a golden fairy.

He can solve many things without Li He coming forward.

No, the news about the birth of the four evil spirits was notified by the Heroes Association, and Daoist Qingwei didn't think much about it, so he followed the order...

(End of this chapter)

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