Chapter 386
The icy sea water at minus 30 degrees is nothing to monks whose gene liberation rate exceeds 50%.

After all, life at this level has broken away from a simple biological body and has become a half-energy body and half-biological body. This kind of environment that is not too extreme can naturally be tolerated.

The engineer of this operation is Du Cheng, who is a spy who instigated the Renaissance Society long ago.

The gene release rate of the human emperor's personality improvement, no matter whether there is a lack of realm resulting in low combat power, the improvement in physical fitness is real. Du Cheng has not been promoted to the heavenly level, but he still has an 80% gene release rate.

He jumped into the seawater, the cold seawater didn't have much pressure, he quickly adapted to it, but he was still a little flustered, he didn't want to dive into the seawater thousands of meters away.


The submarine patrol robot that shuttled past in front of him, and the Yan Empire built a monument in the North Pole. Naturally, such a huge project would not be without security measures. On the contrary, the security level was extremely high.

Under normal circumstances, even a speck of dust flying in from outside would be detected.

With such a big movement, the alarm system has not responded yet, it is all because Emperor Wa is shielding him. Although he knows this, Du Cheng is still very nervous.

He was afraid that the alarm system had more than one response mechanism.

However, when those patrolling robots walked away without seeing them, he breathed a sigh of relief, speeded up, and swam towards the bottom of the sea, not daring to cause too much noise, and increased his speed to the limit within the range of silence .

After 3 minutes, it finally reached the bottom of the sea.

It is only twenty kilometers away from the monument, and only three kilometers away from the construction base. The empire never expected that the seal of Wuwu would be so close.

It can be said that it is dark under the lights.

Landing on the silt on the bottom of the sea, his actions caused the silt to rise up, the surrounding waters became turbid, and his feet continued to sink in. Du Cheng was a little ashamed for a while.

After all, his realm should not be promoted by force.

He has power, but he can't make good use of it. He can't even stand firm on the mud, let alone stepping on the water, stepping into the air, and falling into the mud. Du Cheng just followed the instructions of the task, pinching his nose, and standing in the mud. In the case of turbidity, dig out the silt.

Under the mud several meters deep, there is a door.

There was a huge copper door with a size of seven to eight hundred square meters. There were mysterious runes engraved on the door. Du Cheng couldn't understand these things. After all, he was only a construction engineer.

After digging the bronze door, Du Cheng looked at the pattern of the door panels several meters around, and couldn't help muttering: "Such a big copper door was not found when the project explored the seabed before."

"At that time, there was no Emperor Wa, right?"


Because it was too mysterious, Du Cheng couldn't help being a little distracted for a while. After a few seconds, he suddenly realized that he would lose his head at any time when he remembered what he was doing.

He hurriedly reached into his bosom, and took out a piece of jade from his bosom.

There were dragon patterns and some exquisite carvings on the jade bi. Du Cheng compared it and thought it should be a rune. After taking out the jade bi, he began to look for a place to put the jade bi, but he couldn't find it for a while.

"The door is so big, I don't know where to put the pardon."

After making a complaint, he began to push away the silt, looking for a place to place the "pardon". Although Emperor Shun sealed the four murderers, he actually left the pardon.

Because, the four evil spirits are not pure demons, but half demons.

Zhuanxu had a man who was not talented, and he should not be taught a lesson. He did not know what to say, and if he told him he would be stubborn, and if he rejected him, he would die. He was arrogant, ruthless and virtuous, and he used to disrupt the natural world. The people of the world called him a 梼杌.

The untalented son "Chaos" of the Dihong family, "Qiong Qi" of the Shaohao family, "Jiwu" of the Zhuanxu family, and "Gao Tie" of the Jinyun family.

The four evil spirits are half demon and half human.

Like Nuba, they are all products of the combination of humans and monsters. They are noble, powerful, and naturally unruly. They are naturally disobedient to the later emperors like Di Shun.

He refuses to accept the rule, and even uses his own identity to try to resist the strategy of eliminating illusions.

Emperor Shun sealed them.

But the seal did not intend to kill them, but to let them perish forever. Therefore, a pardon was also left, intending to release the four murderers at the right time and reform them.

For thousands of years, the amnesty order has disappeared, and the location of the seal of the four murderers is unknown.

The Revival Society was able to find this thing, presumably because of the convenience of the Emperor's position. However, the pardon only found two pieces, and the release of the other two beasts required another method.

Those need to be operated by the strong, such as Magellan going to the Antarctic to release gluttony.

As for Wuwu, because of the pardon, Du Cheng only needs to put the pardon in the right place. After searching in the mud for several minutes, Du Cheng finally found the place.

"It's here."

Seeing the door knocker of the beast head, one of which was holding a bead, and the other was empty. There happened to be a space the size of a jade disc in the mouth. Du Chengcheng tried to put the order of pardon in it...

boom!boom!boom! ! !
After two small shocks, a terrifying shock erupted, and then, the bronze door exploded. In the shock, Du Cheng died before he could react.

A tiger-like beast with terrifying fangs rushed out of the water.

Its body is only a hundred meters tall, and it is not so shocking to the world. However, it just stood on the water, roared upwards, and when it let out the grievances of thousands of years, the sky trembled.

It is the son of Zhuanxu, and Emperor Shun dared to imprison it for 4000 years.

Damn it!

Roaring in the world, declaring freedom, its indifferent voice is not loud, but it is clearly spread throughout the entire Blue Star, it said: "The emperor of mankind, come to see him soon!"

Li He sensed it the moment Wuwu rushed out of the seal.

Therefore, when it said this sentence, Li He was actually looking at it through its divine sense, and it naturally noticed Li He, and looked at each other.

base, at the banquet.

Li He smiled and put down the wine glass in his hand. Amid everyone's worries, he chuckled and said, "It's okay. Although I was negligent before and didn't find this bomb that was close at hand, but now that it's out, let's dismantle it."

After speaking, Li He disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Zhu Wu.

During the banquet, Master Dejian immediately said: "Retreat immediately, Wuwu is a monster of Hunyuan level. Once the battle starts, His Excellency Li He may not be able to guarantee that the aftermath will not affect this place."

Master Dejian wanted to withdraw, but Pei Mingyue didn't allow it.

She raised her eyebrows and said: "No way! We have withdrawn, what about the monument? It took four months to build, tens of millions of people contributed to this project, tens of thousands of units worked together, and more than 30% of the active steel production capacity was invested here. The knowledge of all mankind is stored here, and the spirits of the heavens are watching here, there is no reason to give up before the monument is built."

Master Dejian was slightly silent, but he still said: "Benefactor Pei, after all, it is at the Hunyuan level."

Pei Mingyue resolutely said: "So what? Don't wait for tomorrow, the topping ceremony will be performed immediately. Since my son can't control the aftermath of the battle here, then before the aftermath arrives, the monument will be topped."

"The built monument cannot be destroyed by a Hunyuan."

"Then we have to ask whether all human beings agree or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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