I might be a little strong

Chapter 404 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Chapter 404 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

The big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps. Magellan turned into a glutton, wanting to swallow the entire Jiangcheng in one bite, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He didn't look back, but instead, he saw fear.

The fear in the eyes of those people on the ground was not for him, but for something else. He couldn't perceive what was behind him, so this weird situation made him move his eyes and look at them from the corner of his eye.

The sky darkened inexplicably.

It was a huge body, protruding from space, with a terrifying mouth that seemed to swallow the entire planet, and he was unable to move in this mouth!

Do not! ! !
Facing this terrifying power, Magellan was completely panicked. After he possessed the power of gluttony, he was very clear about devouring. If he didn't break free, when the giant mouth closed, he would be eaten!
Not even dehydrated ones.

This, this is not magical powers!
Of course it's not supernatural powers, but skills. The only skill is "swallowing". Skills are the power from the killing world, and they are the benchmark power for this fantasy.

What kind of supernatural power?
Swallowing vs. Swallowing, the competition is about whose level is higher. Of course, Magellan completely absorbed the swallowing power of Taotie, and even gave up his human identity and became a demon.

However, this also has side effects.

When Magellan wanted to escape, his body uncontrollably turned into a terrifying giant mouth, biting back towards the sky seat. As a force of the same kind, after devouring the opponent, it must have a huge growth.

Follow this interest, strength, and act on your own!
"no no!!!"

The uncontrollable body made Magellan let out a desperate roar. Only at this moment did he understand what would happen if he forcibly used the power of Hunyuan level in the realm of a fairy.

He simply can't control it.

The power to go berserk, he is acting on his own...

This scene, in the eyes of Nuba, is just like back then. At the beginning, she forcibly broke through to Hunyuan with the Daluo realm, to use the power of Hunyuan, but the power ran away, and her consciousness was locked.

Even if it has been sealed for thousands of years, it has not yet awakened.

It can be seen that when people cannot control power, they will be controlled by power. Magellan took a shortcut and devoured Taotie, but he did not spend enough time to digest it.

Now, the power runaway, happened.

He is like a moth rushing towards the flame, biting towards the sky seat, but no matter how much he wants to use the ability of Fa Tianxiang to expand his body, he will always be in the mouth of the sky seat.

That's the feeling of having everything in your sleeves...

The giant beast closed its mouth, and the terrifying wind pressure ravaged Jiangcheng, like a typhoon beating. After several fluctuations, the giant beast's mouth returned to calm, and the last whale cry resounded. Somehow, the sky seat completed its turn.

With a flap of her tail, she swam off into space.

This engulfing battle was not over yet, she didn't want the aftermath of the battle to affect Blue Star, so she moved towards the universe. During her flight, all the asteroids in space were dragged to her side, and then quickly swallowed.

The aura in the universe, like being swallowed by a black hole, gathered around her...

The aura of the eruption rippling in the universe, erupted more than a hundred times in a row, and finally stopped, and the Sky Zodiac sang loudly, and an excited whale cry resounded through the universe.

She... won!
In the efficiency competition of devouring, she won the victory and finally devoured Magellan. The devouring power belonging to Taotie was digested and absorbed by her, which brought her to a higher level.

As for why Sky Zodiac won?

Sorry, if there are bugs in this world, Li He counts as one, Sky Zodiac counts as the second, and other existences have only one unique skill, even for a self-proclaimed European Emperor like Sun Ming, there is only one.

However, there are two sky constellations.

Devouring is the only skill, and so is the magnetic field of life. When these two skills collide, it will be very wonderful. After Sky Zodiac gets the upper hand, it can not only devour Magellan, but also obtain energy from the environment to support the battle.

And Magellan could only get weaker as he fought.

The result is naturally known.

The whale cry was transmitted back to Blue Star, and everyone understood that it was Sky Constellation who had won, and her direct shot still had a lot of impact on Blue Star, consuming a lot of mental power reserves in Bai Yujing before recovering.

Everyone in Jiangcheng still had lingering fears.

In any case, the sight of a gigantic monster that stretches from the sky and still can't see the whole picture, swallowing the Taotie in one mouthful is too impressive.

At that moment, I felt like I was about to be eaten.

This is the shock you face as a party...

"So, it's over?"

I don't know who said that, and everyone realized that it seemed to be over. This time, the four evil spirits were born, and after Li He was the first to kill him in seconds, he beat Chaos and Qiongqi to blood.

Harvested by the sky seat, and killed the demonized Magellan.

In short, the four culprits are completely dead, and the chaos caused by the Fuxing Society should be liquidated. The masters on the human side did not relax. They still have to work hard to restore order.

They can't intervene in the battle of Hunyuan level, but the maintenance of this kind of order is still possible.

"What about these clones?"

Most of the warriors had left for their missions, and communication in all aspects began to recover. Although Emperor Wa was limited by orders and had shut down the operation functions of the major fortresses, they could barely operate.

After settling down, Zhao Jinyun made trouble.

She was very resistant to the existence of clones, so she directly questioned the Consulate.

The image of the Chief Executive appeared in front of her, and after glancing at the crowd of clones, she said, "Dong Yefu is the maker of these clones, and he may have a suitable plan."

pass the buck?
Zhao Jinyun almost asked, but after all, she was not a reckless person, and she knew that the Consulate was not entirely responsible for this matter.

Since it is Dong Yefu, then go find that fat man.

"Cough...don't look for it, I'm here."

In fact, Dong Yefu knew that Zhao Jinyun would come to find him. He had already leaned towards this side during the previous battle, and he had already arrived when it was almost over.

After watching for a while, he walked out.

In this regard, he was not in a hurry, and passed a huge compressed video file to Zhao Jinyun, which contained the image data of all the clones in the secondary dungeon.

Guaranteed, nothing sensitive.

After all, he first needs to reduce Zhao Jinyun's anger, otherwise there are other things needless to say, this woman's strength, I guess I have to do it myself...

(End of this chapter)

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