I might be a little strong

Chapter 406 The Principle of Beyond the Speed ​​of Light

Chapter 406 The Principle of Beyond the Speed ​​of Light
The No. [-] ship stopped when it met the sky seat.

Tian Zuo circled around the No. [-] ship before stopping there. She sensed Yang Yi's aura. She had a lot of contact with this person before, so she probably knew the importance of Yang Yi among human beings.

After thinking about it, she still changed into a human form and entered the No. [-] ship.

"Is there a problem?"

If there was nothing to do, the No. [-] ship would not come to her on purpose, so she looked directly at Yang Yi and asked.

Yang Yi nodded, and said: "Li He entered the fantasy gate of the ancestral court and is undergoing the test of Fuxi. Once he passes the test, he will gain part of the human emperor status."

"Owning the human throne, there is no suspense about the unification of mankind."

"Now that the four evils have been eliminated, there will be no more powerful monsters sleeping in ancient seals. The next main direction of the empire is to open up and develop."

"So, I need to ask you something."

Tianzuo thought for a while before sorting out what Yang Yi said. It seems that she won't see Li He for a while, so what is Yang Yi going to ask her to do?
"What are you going to do?"

Yang Yi waved his hand, and the star map about the universe appeared. Looking at the star map, he said, "The world is changing, and the current mutations are mainly on the blue star."

"Such changes will have limits."

"Today's world view is different from that of ancient times. The ancients didn't know much about space, so their world expansion will become a prehistoric place with endless continents."

"And this time, the changes will be mainly in space."

"Whether other civilizations have appeared in the distant starry sky, and whether there will be fleets heading towards the solar system, this is a very important question."

Having said that, Yang Yi stopped.

Sky Zodiac looked at the star map and said, "So, you want me to inspect the Milky Way?"

"Impossible, the Milky Way is so big, I can't finish the tour. According to my speed, I'm afraid it will take countless years to complete the tour of the Milky Way."

Unlike ancient times, the Great Desolation is a continent without boundaries.

In modern times, space, the universe, even the known universe, is impossible to complete at the current speed, even if flying at the speed of light, it is impossible to complete the exploration of the known universe.

Before the mutation, human technology has been able to detect the universe 300 billion light years away.

This means that it takes 300 billion years to travel at the speed of light, and the diameter of the Milky Way is as high as 20 light-years.

Therefore, Sky Zodiac said it couldn't be done.

Of course Yang Yi knew this. He pushed his glasses and said, "The matter of the long-distance voyage will only be considered after the curvature engine is developed, so it is not now."

"Of course, you can also learn how to surpass the speed of light."

"According to the state of the holy spirit body at the fairy level, even if you travel through time and space, you can bear it. Therefore, the speed of light should not be the upper limit of the speed you can reach."

"If possible, it would be the best for Miss Sky Zodiac to be able to escort and take charge of the investigation."

"Currently, what I need to ask Ms. Sky Zodiac is... a fixed-point investigation. There is a Trisolaran galaxy in this place 4.2 light-years away. I want Ms. Sky Zodiac to go and have a look."


For this kind of conventional knowledge, Tianzuo, who is already in the realm of celestial beings, will know the relevant information as long as she hears it. Therefore, she understands the meaning contained in the words three-body.

She asked in confusion: "The Three-Body Civilization has appeared?"

Yang Yidao: "It's not, or we don't know about it. I just want Miss Tianzuo to visit this place with the deepest memory of human beings, and see if the power of fantasy really affects reality. If so If so, there may be some traces."

"Is that so..."

Tian Zuo understood what Yang Yi meant, and then fell into deep thought. She didn't reject taking a trip, but the distance of 4.2 light years was very far, and she wasn't sure how long it would take her to go back and forth.

"Miss Sky doesn't seem to have tried flying at full power."

"Looks like eh..."

All along, her body has been too huge. When she was on the blue star, she paid attention to her own strength all the time, for fear that if she didn't pay attention, it would cause an unspeakable disaster.

Later, in space, there was no full-flying flight.

Even in the battle with Taotie, speed is not the main thing, flying is just subconsciously to increase the distance, and she doesn't quite know what speed she can reach by driving with all her strength.

However, it will never exceed the speed of light...

"Just call me empty."

She thought about it, but corrected the address first, how should I put it, the three characters of Sky Zodiac always have a fat feeling, and she didn't like it very much when she transformed into a human form.

"Okay, Miss Air."

"Then, why don't you give it a try? Try to go to the Trisolaran galaxy to investigate. If it takes more than a month, you can return."

Yang Yi continued to persuade, Tian Zuo agreed.

So, after colliding with a small detection station for Sky Constellation, the No. [-] ship returned to Blue Star, and Sky Constellation began to move towards the Trisolaran galaxy.

How fast she can go, she doesn't know.

Only the speed of light...

Well, she can surpass the speed of light, and in her eyes, the world soon becomes bizarre, and she can even see the light being passed around like a passing scene.

And this is far from the limit of her speed.

It is clearly space, but to her, it is like an ocean, yes, an ocean, in this boundless universe, she is in the middle of the ocean, the ocean of aura.

There is no difference between the aura of space and the blue star.

However, the too silent space makes the mind more focused, especially after the speed of light is exceeded, everything around her becomes blurred and loses reference meaning. What she sees is only aura.

Her swimming moves forward with the power of feedback from the aura.

She can feed on the aura of heaven and earth and obtain supplies from it. She... gradually perceives time, and then her speed continues to increase, exponentially.

"After surpassing the speed of light, you can see time..."

Driven by her enormous true essence, she obtained supplies with the power of devouring, and began to accelerate her own time to a greater extent. In the end, she obtained a speed a hundred times the speed of light...

It only takes half a month to really get to the Trisolaran galaxy.

Back and forth, but only a month...


On the No. [-] ship, the situation about the sky constellation is completely recorded. Because of the magnetic field of life, the sky constellation can well protect the operation of the detection station.

Seeing the constant acceleration of the sky constellation, the scientists on the third ship were very excited.


"See the timeline!"

This kind of language, in fact, this is not the first time they have detected the existence of the time axis, but, never once, it is so clear.

(End of this chapter)

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