I might be a little strong

Chapter 409 A Different Mission

Chapter 409 A Different Mission

"What do you think is the most troublesome thing about you?"

Yang Yi just asked indifferently, and V understood that the most troublesome part of his ability is hiding, but now Li He has merged one-third of the human emperor's personality.

If Li He wanted to see him, he couldn't hide.

That is the imperial order.

"I actually gained freedom in this way..." V was quite emotional, and then walked out of the cell. After passing Yang Yi, he stopped, and the atmosphere was tense in an instant.

"Is that really the case?" he asked.

Yang Yi didn't care about the fact that V was behind him, and that if he got violent, he might take his life at any time, but said softly: "In this world, where there is light, there is darkness."

"If the world is peaceful, you will lose a lot of motivation."

"These are Dong Yefu's remarks. I didn't agree with them before because the environment was not stable enough, but now, I think it is necessary to keep a little darkness to make the light more valuable."

The margin under this advantage is really annoying.

But V has no way to deny it. This is the fact. When Li He got the position of Emperor, no one can make a fuss. Everything is just an adjustment.

V is also very clear about this.

When he promised Jack not to help, he knew the consequences, but Yang Yi's self-confidence really made people very uncomfortable.

He left, but at the end of his walk, he stopped and said a word.

"Ship Three is a ghost in the universe."

After he finished speaking, he left, but Yang Yi's eyes were shocked. He was probably the only one who could understand the endless words.

V is saying that the No. [-] ship is in a state of quantum superposition during the "future" voyage. It exists, but it does not exist, and cannot be observed by other units.

Therefore, during the two-year voyage, no alien civilization was encountered.

But that doesn't mean there isn't one.

On the contrary, there are alien civilizations in the universe, and the next mutation is the spirit world. If you guessed correctly, the performance on the blue star is that everything can produce spirits.

And in the universe...

It is the sprouting of creatures and the emergence of civilization.


Coming out of the ancestral courtyard, Li He didn't go home first, but went to the North Pole. In the library inside the monument, he found his husband and told him about the changes of the sacred tree.

"Sir, even if the Yellow Emperor restarted civilization, why would he block human life and wisdom?"


"The sealing of wisdom makes me puzzled."

After Li He untied the seal of the Bronze God Tree, he realized the situation of human beings before. It turned out that not only human beings were restricted by genetic shackles, but even wisdom was also shackled.

The scientific path chosen by the Yellow Emperor relies on wisdom.

However, he chose to seal, isn't this shooting himself in the foot?
Li He was puzzled.

After pondering for a while, Mr. said: "Humanity has won the battle of the prehistoric, but the fantasy has not disappeared, and the power that human beings have gained from fantasy has not disappeared either."

"It doesn't mean that if you don't practice, you can put an end to illusions."

"Gene lock is a creation of nature, which determines the cycle of life and death of living things. If there is no death gene, the death of living things will not know how long it will take."

"The Yellow Emperor just closed the things that humans opened."

"As for wisdom..."

"This is a good thing, otherwise, you think that before the mutation, we already have controllable nuclear fusion, have a wider expansion in the solar system and the Milky Way, and have more understanding and fantasies about higher-level science."

"For higher dimensions, there are more tangible fantasies..."

"What do you think the mutation will look like today?"


Li He broke into a cold sweat immediately, and understood how far-sighted the Yellow Emperor was. The level of fantasy alone is already quite complicated, if it involves high-dimensional, low-dimensional, and more things.

It can only be said that human time is definitely not enough.

The more science and technology develops, the more difficult it is to cross each stage, and science fiction is always a level higher than real technology, and human beings can get stuck just before the controllable nuclear fusion.

Then immediately advanced to have the power of this level.

is the best result...

Li He took a deep breath, looked at Mr. and said, "Mr., the closer I am to the Emperor, the more worried I am, because only after getting to know Fuxi and Huangdi can I know how far I am from them."

"The Human Sovereign should be someone who can guide the way for mankind, but I always feel that my ideas are immature."

"I don't know if it's right or wrong."

The gentleman nodded and did not answer right away. Instead, he made a cup of tea for Li He, and after he finished drinking, he said, "In many cases, wrong direction is better than no direction at all."

"As far as human beings are concerned, you are the only one who is qualified to sit in that position."

"So, you can't hesitate."

"Even if you are wrong, human beings may encounter a crisis in the future because of your route, and that is their business. At that time, a new emperor is needed to change the route."

"If not, then the fate of human beings has come to an end."

"The result has nothing to do with you."

"What is related to you is that you want to lead the human race to win this war, win this last battle, and fight for the next 5000 years for mankind, and during these 5000 years, mankind will pass the final checkpoint, master fantasy, Become the master of the universe."

"Then, it is your merit."

"As the emperor, the obligation you need to fulfill is your historical mission."

"One generation does one generation's work."

"Even if it was the Yellow Emperor who seemed to be as far-sighted as he is today, if he made a mistake in the middle, human beings would be doomed forever, and they would sink into fantasy ever since."

"It is not the work of the Yellow Emperor alone that human beings can be what they are today."

"It's two hundred generations who have worked together to have the hope of today's breakthrough."

"So, what the Human Sovereign shoulders is not all the future of mankind. You only need to be worthy of this era, and that's enough."

One generation has to do the things of one generation. The first generation of human emperors established the foundation of the human race, and the Yellow Emperor pointed out a way to overcome illusions. Now, what Li He has to do is to inherit the survivors of a hundred generations and win this battle. .

For the rest, it doesn't matter.

Because as long as they win, human beings will be the masters of this universe. If future generations fall from that position just because of some challenges, they will die in the end.

It can only be said that future generations will not live up to expectations.

Nothing to do with ancestors.

Since Li He wants this world to become more exciting, and wants countless civilizations in the universe to collide with sparks of life and prosperity, then just do it.

Human beings are never afraid of challenges.

The loneliness of human beings today is not intentional, but natural selection and survival of the fittest.

(End of this chapter)

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