I might be a little strong

Chapter 420 Negotiation among Civilizations

Chapter 420 Negotiation among Civilizations
Donghai, the largest triangular building.

In such a building, there is no seawater, and the people in the triangle are all wearing protective clothing to ensure mobility and breathing in an anhydrous environment.

Li He has boarded the triangle man's submarine and is heading to the royal court here.

In this palace, the emperor of the Triangle, Borodo VII looked at his officials silently, and said: "500 years ago, the ground environment improved, and my great-grandfather once suggested it."

"Change body shape, change genes, go to land, seek sky."

"However, it was rejected."

"A chaotic coup took 200 years to calm down. Today, we are still at the bottom of the sea, but other civilizations have begun to explore the starry sky."

"They have the ability to sail, they must be a higher level of civilization."

"And we are like lambs staying here."

The reprimand of Boluo Duo VII did not cause much guilt. A civilization that has mastered controllable nuclear fusion for 800 years and has not left its parent star, its spirit is definitely not pioneering, and its empire is already decayed.

Therefore, the prime minister of the empire did not care about the emperor's anger.

He stood up and said, "Your Majesty, it's useless to complain now. No matter what choices we have made, what we have to face now is a higher civilization."

"The triangular people started from the birth of the first fire."

"It took us 3 years to get to where we are today. If possible, the triangular civilization can't be destroyed anyway. On the premise of ensuring survival, we must pursue reconciliation as much as possible."

Polo slammed the table fiercely, and said angrily, "Do you want to live even if you become a slave?!"

Your Highness, no one answered. After a long time, only one person stood up. That was the chief scientist of the Deep Blue Empire. He said softly, "If you live, there is hope."

"Your Majesty, I do not suggest self-explosion."

"When they came, they were on giant ships, but now, in the sky, on the ground, and in the sea, have we ever seen the enemy's giant ships? No, we haven't seen them."

"The civilization that came this time not only has the ability to travel far, but also has mastered a considerable degree of space technology."

"We don't know if they have the ability to jump through space."

"If there is, our self-destruction will only be a joke, and we can't even replace a single enemy. The only impact on them is probably that they lose the resources of the little Tiancang star."


"Since that person can crack the cosmic bubble, he may not be able to crack the... ultimate bubble."

As soon as the chief scientist's words came out, the entire hall fell into a deathly silence. Poirot looked at the lowered courtiers, and after violent mental fluctuations, he said, "Let's talk first."

At this moment, he has accepted the fact.

However, there is still room for maneuver in the negotiation technique. He must fight hard with reason and make the Triangle people pay the least price to ensure peace.


"Such a large city group can be built on the seabed."

Su Ke looked outside through the window of the submarine, and couldn't help but murmured. Carol nodded in agreement. Human beings' buildings in the ocean can only be said to be sporadic. It took three months to build a monument in the North Pole. time.

It may take years to build a complex of this size...

Zhao Jinyun was not surprised. She smiled and said, "Didn't the general of the Triangle Man just say that the Triangle Man had mastered controllable nuclear fusion 800 years ago?"

"They didn't break out of the atmosphere, so they could only build on the sea floor."

"It's no surprise that buildings cover the entire seabed now. According to the current development speed of our human beings, I think that if we want to do it, it may be done in a few months."

Human production capacity has been exploding, exploding exponentially.

It took so long to build the monument, mainly because the runes on it needed to be made manually, and everything else was secondary. For ordinary buildings, regardless of function, a metal city as big as Jiangcheng can be built in a day.

Therefore, the buildings all over the seabed are not exaggerated.

Expressions can convey emotions. Dimora looked at Li and the group, some were amazed and some were calm. She was really not sure what the details of human beings were.

The information between the two parties is extremely asymmetric, but there is no way.

They were defeated.

Dimora came to Li He with her head down, and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, we have arrived at the royal court area and will arrive at the palace in five minutes. Your Majesty will then have a meeting with you."


Time is not inaccurate when you are away from the blue star. The concept of the second is based on the cesium atom. Based on the cesium atomic clock, the time of the whole universe can be unified.

After checking the time, Dimora automatically converted to the time unit on the human side.

"The tallest building is the palace, right?"

"Well, it's about 200 meters high."

Li He and Zhao Jinyun looked at the palace and chatted. The architectural style of the Triangle people doesn't like layering, so their buildings don't have the concept of tall buildings. Taller buildings just have higher domes.

In ancient China, people didn't build tall buildings, but that's not because they didn't like it.

It is limited by the wooden material, the building is not high, but the construction of the courtyard also likes to work hard on the plane.

But in comparison, the buildings of the triangle people are just scattered points, not connected with each other.

Li He is neither a civilizer nor a psychologist, but in his opinion, this architectural style roughly reflects the thinking style of the Triangle people.

very closed...

Li He said this in his heart, the closed building, the dark seabed, the triangular people are not an outsider race, and their people actually rarely communicate with each other.

"Here we are, Your Excellency."

After thinking for a while, the submarine had already arrived in front of the palace. The moment the submarine stopped, the huge triangular building opened the gate. It seemed that there was some kind of enchantment, and the sea water did not pour in.

Li He and his family stepped off the submarine.

They rejected the "living clothes" provided by Dimora. Everyone here, even Shen Qian, has a gene release rate of more than 50%, and the true energy in their bodies is enough for them to support a water-proof cover.

Also said that they humans have no weakness underwater...

The human beings miraculously stepped out of the submarine and stood in the sea water, but the sea water automatically avoided them. This scene made the triangular people who came out slightly startled.

I can't help but feel that human civilization seems a little different.

Their individuals are too strong...

(End of this chapter)

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