Chapter 436
He didn't break a sweat either, Ren Wei had anticipated this scene the moment he was called back.

How should I put it, the Mad Saint is naturally the one who has been possessed. Even if he is not possessed, he is still a Dark Saint. Just look at the black armor and the scarlet lines on the armor.

Don't say that he was angry at the master because of the recall, and he believed in destroying the world the moment he summoned the world.

As for stopping in front of his forehead, he also expected it. The probability is about [-]%. After all, the great sage is blackened, his eyes are still golden, and he has not lost his mind, but his temper is a little grumpy.

Killing the master at this time basically leaves the stage.

Naturally, he couldn't win, so he got the last Jishi Mountain and made a wish.

The more obsessed, the deeper the obsession. Ren Wei, as the person who understands people's hearts the most, how can he not know the state of this great sage?However, before it even started, a Command Seal would be used up.

Li He is really a headache...


"They... don't seem to be chasing them."

In Li He's arms, Saito Qianxin said in a low voice, all along, she thought that she would not have such thoughts, but after being hugged by him, she found that she was very safe...

Even if Sun Wukong holds a [-]-meter golden cudgel and hits the sky.

She was not worried at all, because this man was Li He, and the situation was indeed the case. He just slashed the sword, and the overwhelming sword energy suppressed the great sage severely.

This feeling of being protected, of absolute safety...

"Well, I didn't chase after it."

Landing on the ground, putting Saito Qianxin down, Li He squeezed his chin and said: "It's not easy. Any opponent you meet is at the level of a golden fairy. The difference in realm is too big. If you want to resist, you must need more opponents." Really angry, this burden is too great for you."

"are you OK?"

Saito Asako's face was a little flushed and shy, but more tired.

She said against her will: "I can persist, Your Excellency."

Li He sighed helplessly, gave her a brain collapse, and said, "Don't talk about such bravery, it will be troublesome if you lose the chain in the key battle."

"You are not the kind of physique with a lot of true energy."

"It is not suitable for us to fight against enemies with the strength of Jinxian level. If we insist on fighting, we must quickly decide the outcome. For the time being, we should bully the weak and fear the strong, and pick the weak persimmons."

Saito Asaka nodded in approval.

Seeing that she had no opinion at all, Li He sighed helplessly, and said, "You are the goddess Yingting after all, and the hope of the Fusang people. They really want to explore the universe, right?"

Saito shallow heart: "I believe your Excellency."

Li He: "..."

After a little silence, Li He coughed and said, "Let's feel it first, whether the heroic spirits have already appeared..."

Consciousness unfolds...


Master Dejian looked at a monk in moon-white monk robes, embroidered cassocks, holding a nine-ringed tin rod, and a monk whose face was so handsome that the flowers lost their color appeared in the summoning circle.

Fortunately, because of the legend, Xuanzang is not just the Xuanzang in history.

Name: Xuanzang

Cultivation: Jinxian

Job Description: Rider (Knight)
Inherent skills: [Tight Curse (D)], [Golden Cicada (S)]

Noble Phantasms: [White Dragon Horse (B)], [Wukong! ! ! (S)]


[Tightening Curse (D)]: Monkey King's unique skill, when chanting the spell, Monkey King will be in great pain and unable to move.

[Golden Cicada (S)]: Tang Xuanzang is the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, who has ten lifetimes of meritorious protection and can escape the death penalty.

【White Dragon Horse (B)】: You can summon the mount White Dragon Horse.

【Wukong! ! ! (S)]: When in danger, call Wukong.


Although I don't know what the other heroic spirits are like, Master Dejian always feels a little weak when looking at Tang Seng's panel. At least, this hero is not the kind to fight head-on.

Although he himself is quite powerful in combat, Tang Seng is not a mage either.

It seems that there are no blessing spells...

The skill is Tianke Sun Wukong, but I don't know if anyone has summoned Sun Wukong...


King's attitude towards this war is different from other people's. He wants to win and use the power of Jishi Mountain to resurrect the dead humans.

Although, the Academy of Sciences has explained the concept of resurrection.

But he still wants to do it, as long as there is no difference from the people who have passed away, even if it is new in concept, so what, those wives who have lost their husbands, children who have lost their fathers, parents who have lost their children... …

Precious loved ones who were once familiar can return to their side.

That's enough.

So, King wants to revive them.

After solemnly drawing the summoning circle, King took out the holy relics he had prepared, a slate, a slate that recorded the great achievements of the Jedi Tiantong.

On the stone slab, there is a person supporting the world...

"This is a new era..."

Accompanied by the declarative sound, a huge body emerged from the summoning circle. The height of the body was a hundred meters, like a warrior like a giant soldier.

He is Chong, the grandson of Emperor Zhuanxu.

In the myth of Jedi Tiantong, he raised the sky with both hands and separated the sky from the earth...


"Everyone has summoned a very strong hero."

Mao Jiajun didn't call out immediately, but found a mountain peak, looked at everyone's situation, and felt the powerful aura appearing one by one, he smiled excitedly.

The rewards for the Battle of the Jade Emperor are second, but the most important thing is that this time there will be a very exciting battle.

He can fight against the famous heroes in history, which is more important than anything else. As the crystallization of modern martial arts, Mao Jiajun can't wait.

He doesn't need to summon any powerful heroes.

All he needs is a hero who can buff him and provide blessings, or a hero who is good at collecting information and analyzing the situation.

and so……

Draw the summoning circle, start chanting spells, put down the holy relic... the lupine.

Three times to worry about the world, the two dynasties opened up the hearts of old officials.

Zhuge Wuhou.


A total of 14 masters participated in the battle of the Jade Emperor. Basically, within half an hour, all of them had completed the summoning of heroic spirits, and some battles had already begun.

On Li He's side, when his consciousness expands and he senses.

There is a shadow, but it has already been touched...

(End of this chapter)

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