I might be a little strong

Chapter 443 Looks like an old friend

Chapter 443 Looks like an old friend
The perfect fit of modern technology and cultivating immortals.

After the water droplet is successfully produced, it is then refined into a magic weapon to endow it with more characteristics, so that the superposition of mystery and science not only does not exclude but produces a complementary effect.

Only the Yellow Emperor can do it.

One hundred and eight water droplets flew to Huangdi's palm in an instant. He looked at Li He who was riding countless lightsabers in the sky, and smiled slightly: "You are very similar to an old friend of mine."

"Hold the sun, moon, and stars in your hand, wherever you go, all worlds will change."

"The peak of this kind of personal force is often unreasonable, so that in the prehistoric battle, we have actually been losing. In the frontal war, we only won one, which is the last one."

"Until then, it was losing."

"When I lost the worst, even the ancestral court was conquered."

Holding one hundred and eight water droplets in his hand, even Xiang Yu stopped his madness and looked at Huangdi like this, instead of going on a rampage like before.

Li He was more interested in what the Yellow Emperor had to say.

"Keep losing, but win the war?"

I knew Huang Di was saying that I was like Chi You, but I didn't expect that in that war, human beings kept losing and retreating steadily, so how did they win in the end?

Huang Di smiled emotionally and said, "Yes, I have been losing all the time, but in the end I won."

"The moment he fell, he was also puzzled."

"Why is the territory getting smaller and smaller even though he is winning all the time? Why is the number of people supporting him getting smaller and smaller even though he is winning all the time? In the end, the Wu clan even gave up the war."

"Only he is left, fighting alone."

"Leading a remnant army to the ancestral court for the second time, but finally fell in front of the ancestral court. All his subordinates and soldiers were dead, and he was the only one left."

"Facing tens of thousands of troops alone, he still suppressed us and fought for three months."

"Finally collapsed from exhaustion."

"Even if he falls, we have no way to kill him. We can only seal him, exile him in the void, and finally starve him to death by destroying the prehistoric world and cutting off the origin of the world."

"The reason for this lies in productivity."

"At the end of the war, human resources have become more and more abundant, and there are more and more armor and weapons. Our soldiers only need to avoid their sharp edges. The other armies of the Wu Clan have nothing to do with us."

"For 200 years, we disrupted all production activities of the Wu people."

"The Protoss who used to be high above finally fell into a state of starvation and starvation. He can't fight this war. The war between races, no matter how strong his army is, he can't fight after losing ordinary people. .”

"I have named Nuba the God of Drought."

"Aside from the fact that the flood almost submerged the world at that time, and drought was the priesthood of justice, it also had strategic significance. Both sides were trying their best to destroy each other's productivity."

"However, even if the witch clan has mastered the power of nature."

"In the end, they couldn't compete with us. They are the darlings of heaven and earth. They never thought about how to deal with them when heaven and earth targeted them."

"And we, since our birth, have been fighting against disasters and nature."

"This is the reason for victory."

After speaking, the Yellow Emperor opened his hand, and one hundred and eight water droplets disappeared immediately. When they reappeared, they were already behind Li He. The surface was absolutely smooth, and the shape was only the size of a water droplet. speed of light.

They appeared behind Li He, not bypassing them.

But... it passed through.

Between the eyebrows, the heart, the spleen... Countless important organs were shot through. In this case, Li He, logically speaking, should die, but...

"I finally know one thing."

"I know that my Eight Parts Vajra Kung Fu has a strong recovery ability, but I never thought that it is so strong. After I practiced the innate one qi and achieved the innate Taoist body, my body has already left the pure biological nature."

"So, even if the brain is penetrated, it won't die."

After Li He paused for a while, he opened his mouth to speak, but those water droplets burst out again, but they couldn't get close to Li He, and the terrifying true energy was released, directly distorting the space!

In this terrifying state of true energy release, he slowly raised the sword in his hand.

When he was speaking, his injuries had recovered. At this moment, he opened his eyes and said, "Chi You will lose because of civilization, and behind me is the empire."

"My duty is to use absolute force... to suppress everything."

"Sword come!"

If the number of lightsabers was hundreds of millions before, now it is hundreds of billions, spreading from the sky to space, full of dense lightsabers.

After being towed, it flew over with a bang.

With such an earth-shattering attack, the one hundred and eight water droplets stopped attacking Li He, but intercepted the lightsaber, and the majestic and vast torrent of lightsaber was abruptly stopped in space.

The strength of the water droplets is beyond everyone's imagination.

"is that a lie……"

Shang Yunni looked at the scene in the sky, swallowed her saliva, and said in shock, she has deeply felt at this moment that this is not a battlefield she can intervene in.

After all, what kind of monster battle is it?

Li He's attack was blocked, and the Giant God Soldiers showed signs of recovery. Xiang Yu started again, suppressing the Giant God Soldiers from getting up, and the situation seemed to have taken advantage.


The Yellow Emperor's expression didn't change at all, and he said softly: "Well, the empire is pretty good, but they are still a bit conservative. During the real war period, for the sake of strength, they have completely abandoned the old scientific concept."

"A fusion of psychic technology and science."

"It's not just as simple as some water droplets, intelligent, information, and has unimaginable power."

"Come and see."

With the smile of the Yellow Emperor, all the factories in Antarctica were fully unfolded, and what appeared in them were not machines, but... people!

Those are……

"Ah, after reading the historical records of the monument for a while, I made all the simulated heroic spirits from the end of the prehistoric period to the present. Although they are simulations, their combat power is not weak."

"Their core is mainly the spiritual core."

"It is manufactured based on the principles of artificial intelligence, supercomputers, and magic weapon refining."

"Come and try."

Huang Di's voice was not loud, but it struck everyone's hearts, and the dullness in their hearts jumped out. Some people even wanted to smash the table. If there is any mistake, you can just open it.

He kept cheating on it again and again, do you want anyone to play with it!
Countless heroic spirits, countless treasures, completely different from the previous feelings, everyone is already confused.

(End of this chapter)

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