I might be a little strong

Chapter 446 The final test

Chapter 446 The final test
Be careful what the hell.

It's fine to use Chi You as a test, and also summon Chi You's mount. This Emperor, His Majesty, values ​​the heroes of future generations very much.


Chi You didn't move, just stood there, looking at everyone present with icy four eyes, but the iron-eating beast roared angrily, and rushed towards them.

That speed, completely sorry for the fat body!
The strength of a bear, the flexibility of a cat?
It was really terrible. Under this terrifying impact, most of the heroic spirits could only choose to retreat, but there were two who did not. One supported the weight of heaven and earth, and the other went forward.

It is Xiang Yu.

The moment Xiang Yu went up to meet him, knowing that the strategic goal had changed, Gong Beihai released a command spell without hesitation, and received the blessing of majestic zhenqi.

Xiang Yu instantly untied his treasure [Strengthening Mountains and Unrivaled Qi (EX)].

Immediately, his strength reached the peak of human beings. Facing the terrifying charge of the iron-eating beast, the halberd in his hand rushed forward, and the huge burst of power directly cracked the ground between the two for hundreds of kilometers!
With one blow, the earth will be shattered!

However, this was not the end. Xiang Yu, who was finally able to open his fight, launched a reverse charge after finishing the blow, jumped up suddenly, and slammed his halberd at the iron-eating beast's head.

In this regard, the iron-eating beast did not dodge or dodge, and bit it head-on!

The huge impact of power made the iron-eater's movements slightly paused, but in the end it still didn't interrupt the attack. It persisted, and suddenly, it bit Xiang Yu instantly.

Xiang Yu, a ghost and god more than three meters tall, is like an ant at the end of the iron-eating beast.

In an instant, it was crushed!
The attack just now was too sudden, no matter in terms of speed or trajectory, it was able to achieve that miraculous attack. Only then did everyone realize that the strength of the iron-eating beast is not only in strength and defense, but also in the almost limitless battle. Skill!
do you died?
no, no! ! !

Xiang Yu's second treasure was launched instantly. Rather than saying that Xiang Yu couldn't dodge this blow at all, it's better to say that he didn't dodge it. He wanted to die, just to die once...

【Death is also a ghost hero (S)】.


The burly body, a [-]-meter-long body stood up from the mouth of the iron-eating beast, forcefully opened the mouth of this peerless beast, and stood up.

It stands to reason that this kind of time is usually the moment of lore.

However, Chi You still didn't move, he didn't even look at other humans, but looked at Huangdi coldly, and said, "Ji Xuanyuan, you are so bold, if you dare to project my concept, aren't you afraid of my resurrection?"

"It's as if you haven't been resurrected."

Huangdi replied with a smile, this answer made everyone dumbfounded instantly, Huangdi seemed to have noticed everyone's emotions, and explained with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is not a secret I want to give."

"Although he was resurrected, his body died."

"It's useless."

"It's just a wisp of remnant soul. At most, it will affect your enemies and increase the difficulty a little. You have Li He, so you can fight whatever you want."

When the Yellow Emperor said this, Li He couldn't help but twitched his lips. What are these words?

Noticing that Chi You was looking at him, Li He shrugged and said, "I don't know what your strength is. Do you want to fight a game and try it first?"


Chi You didn't respond to Li He, but punched the ground with a bang. In an instant, the sky veil collapsed, the ground sank to the southeast, and the whole world was broken like a purgatory...

With one blow, the earth was shattered!
Everyone fell in this violent change, and the battlefield became an environment full of magma...

During these changes, Xiang Yu and the iron-eating beast have been separated, raging and bursting magma soared into the sky, and the shattered earth is burning with flames, everything is like the end of the world.

Such a terrifying monster is actually just a projection of one percent of Chi You's power?
What did human beings face at the beginning?
"I can cast [Jedi Tiantong (EX)], which should not destroy this inherent enchantment, but it will completely change the environment of this world and make the origin of heaven and earth disappear."

In the midst of this terrifying environmental destruction, Zhong stood in the middle of the magma indifferently, saying so.

The lower the spiritual power, the more powerful the existence, the more uncomfortable it is. Therefore, everyone was a little happy to have this proposal, but Li He refused.

"Don't use it yet," he said.

Nezha agreed with this, saying: "Whether it is successful or not, let's fight first, it's not time for the world to be degraded!"

As he said that, he stepped on the Hot Wheels and took the lead to kill. Duo Sang also released a command spell, allowing Nezha to use it with all his strength, and his combat power jumped instantly.

Huntianling restrained the iron-eating beast, and then locked its feet with the Qiankun circle.

Galloping Hot Wheels, Nezha was about to launch the first attack, and stabbed Chi You with a spear. Then, Chi You didn't move at all, only heard a terrifying roar.

Then, there was a broken sound.

The circle of heaven and earth was broken directly, and all of the Huntian silk was also torn apart. The iron-eating beast broke free from the shackles of the two magic weapons only by sheer strength.

Nezha couldn't reach Chi You at all, and was stopped by the iron-eating beast's pounce.

After fighting for a shot, with the help of the inertia of flying backwards, he stepped on the hot wheel to pull away the distance. That terrifying iron-eating beast is simply unreasonable in terms of strength!
In such a situation, everyone can't even deal with a mount, let alone Chi You.

Lu Zu, who had been paddling all the time, had no choice but to continue paddling. He stood up holding the real martial sword, and said, "At least king vs. king, let Li He deal with Chi You, and let's stop the iron-eating beast."

After speaking, the sky changed.

As if the fairy world appeared, above the floating clouds in the sky, there was a famous sword fairy, countless sword immortals, looking at the world from the sky, watching their master return.

[There are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, you must lower your eyebrows when you see me (A)].

The level of the treasure is not high, but it depends on who is using it. When Lu Zu used this treasure, the sword light fell like a galaxy, and someone with a sword came from the sky.

It was Lu Zu who was carrying this sword light.

This is the only unparalleled immortal talent throughout the ages, the ancestor of the sword fairy, this sword, the world is eclipsed.

boom! ! !
In this sword, the iron-eating beast only did one thing, shrank its body, covered its eyes, and then let the majestic sword energy fall and be swallowed up.

Because, this sword energy can't break its defense at all...

However, at least Lu Zu held back the iron-eating beast and made it take a defensive action instead of rampaging without scruples. This was enough. They at least managed to open up space for Li He.

Let him be able to concentrate on dealing with Chi You...

(End of this chapter)

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