Chapter 449

The Nether Sea is the root of the Nether, so naturally it cannot be just pure sea water.

It couldn't be just a simple concept of death. No matter how detached Li He was, after the battle lasted for a few seconds, he also found out that something was wrong. His emotions began to become agitated.

The killing intent is getting stronger and stronger...

I don't know when the battle started, the attack was obviously ineffective, but there was no change in the method, but reckless recklessness, one sword is not enough, then thousands of swords, thousands of swords and countless swords will kill you, until you kill!
Inexplicably, I fell into this emotion.

After realizing this, Li He finally stopped, and the turbulent Nether Sea finally calmed down a little. In the gray sea, Li He and Chi You looked at each other from afar.

"I found it."

"This ocean is not only a concept of death, but also a place where all resentments gather. This water is not real water, but endless resentment and malice."

"You have survived the impact of death, but what about these resentments?"

"The strongest ability of human beings is empathy. Because of this ability, human beings have a brilliant civilization, have public and private good and evil, and have the fact of spiraling forward in destruction and creation."

"Success is the same, and failure is the same."

"This sea of ​​darkness is highly poisonous to human beings below the saint. It will pollute your spirit, affect your xinxing, and infiltrate your soul."

"Although you have become a fairy, you have not become a saint."

"Contaminated by the Nether Water, you will no longer have the possibility of becoming a saint in this life. What a pity, even if you beat me this time, after I am resurrected, your failure is already doomed."

"of course."

"You have no chance of defeating me at this moment. You will only become a ignorant beast that follows your nature, and then you will be killed by me."

According to Chi You's words, it stands to reason that Li He should have escaped from the Nether Sea immediately, but he did not move, nor was he shaken by Chi You's words that there was no hope of becoming a saint.

He just sensed the darkness.

Feel the negative emotions of human, inhuman, and all consciousness since ancient times, the violence, sorrow, pain, anger, hatred, bitterness, aggrieved, unwillingness...

Slowly closed his eyes.

It was clearly in the sea, but he took a deep breath. The darkness invaded his body even more, but he didn't waver at all. He threw the sword in his hand towards the endless seabed.

Then, he opened his eyes and looked at Chi You's eyes, extremely calm.


Looking at this scene, Chi You's pupils shrank suddenly, and shock that he had never seen before appeared in his eyes. Immediately, he said in disbelief: "No, it's impossible, no one can bear it!"

"This is the evil of all living beings!"

"It is definitely not something that an individual can bear. This is part of the Dao, and even a saint cannot bear it!"

"You are courting death!"

However, Li He didn't pay attention to his shocking reprimand, and just said calmly: "A mentor once told me with practical actions that if you accept the country's dirt, you are the ruler of the country, and if you receive the country's bad luck, you are the king of the world."

"He carried all the thieves and dirt on his back, in exchange for the rise and take-off of a great country."

"As a citizen of his kingdom, I have been chasing his footsteps all my life. I have wanted to be like him since I was a child, but in that ordinary world, the more I understand him, the more I understand His powerlessness, that deep powerlessness."

"No one can change the world."

"History is a spiral. No one can change, and no one can make civilization escape the law of historical cycles. Big cycles, small cycles, everything seems to be doomed, and it keeps repeating."

"I used to feel that powerlessness deeply, because I was just an ordinary person."

"However, in this era, I am not so ordinary. History also happened to choose me. Then, I will inherit the behest of all the ancestors and complete the only goal."

"Let civilization escape the law of historical cycles."

"Since I am the emperor, then I will bear the evil of all living beings!"

When Li He said these words, the Sea of ​​Nether erupted for a while, and then, the endless evil and madness surged, and Tai'a Jian also completely reached the end of the Sea of ​​Nether that did not exist, where he achieved death. The ultimate mystery!
The pure white of death and the pure black of evil began to separate. The white death flowed to Tai Ah, while the black evil flowed to Li He.

The golden and black brilliance began to entangle, bursting out with intense brilliance, and the beam of light full of miracles and shocks pierced the heavens and the earth, shining in all realms, and the heaven, earth and people can learn from each other.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!"

Chi You finally roared out amidst his murmurs, and at that moment, it seemed to come naturally.

In his eyes, there is no emotion anymore, the indifferent one seems not to be a living thing, but it is not absolutely dead, it is the nature of ruthless and desireless.

With Chi You like this, the whole world stopped.

It seems that everything is under his control...

Such an exaggerated battle made Huang Di, who was still watching the battle in the human world, couldn't help but sigh with emotion, saying: "With only one person's strength, Chi You's natural form can be forced out. This strength is indeed unparalleled in the world."

"However, what I admire more is your responsibility."

"Only by truly taking on this responsibility will you be the real emperor, the final choice of the 4-year history of mankind, and the only entrustment for the future of mankind."

"Do it, you will be... the Emperor of the End."

"It is the emperor who completely ended illusions and opened the door of human civilization to the universe."

"It is a more shining existence than me."

"It is the most brilliant stroke in human history!"

With that said, the Yellow Emperor opened his hands and allowed the world to undergo exaggerated changes. Over there, the masters and heroic spirits no longer fought with the iron-eating beasts.

The changes in the world make everyone overwhelmed.

This inherent enchantment is collapsing...

In the Nether Sea, Chi You in his natural form had reached the peak of his strength. He indifferently raised a hand, bent his fingers into claws, and held it towards Li He Weiwei.

The world has changed.

It's collapsing, everything is collapsing, that's absolute collapse...

The broken place directly revealed the endless sea, and in an instant, the existence in it would be swallowed by the endless sea and turned into that majestic endless messy data...

However, at that moment, everything stopped again, a majestic energy appeared, and an endless source appeared. The moment Li He opened his eyes, the way of heaven descended.

The way of heaven directly blocked the endless sea.

The source of the world was connected to Li He's body, the evil of all beings, and everything that the earth carried was also poured into Li He's body in an instant. Under Li He's feet, the brilliance of the human emperor's personality shone...

The light, the light that illuminates all, appeared.

Opening his eyes, Li He stretched out his hand to attract his Tai Ah, and he just looked at Chi You on the opposite side indifferently, and Chi You, the number one god of war in the prehistoric world, was the pinnacle of human fantasy.

In the eyes, shock appeared.

Because, at this moment, Li He is in the most powerful state, the state of heaven, earth and man.

(End of this chapter)

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